[quote=@TemplarKnight07] Still got openings? I've got ideas for a Demon character, but I'm not exactly sure what the reasonable limits would be or how exactly Demons fit in. Any advice? [/quote] Still plenty of openings! Demons are some of the most batshit and inhuman characters in the Somabra-Verse, who're only interested in chaos and depravity. They can take many forms, and tend to flitter about using different identities, as blatantly revealing yourself to be a demon is a one way trip to the electric chair. If you want to play a demon that's absolutely fine, but please bare in mind I'll probably put your CS under a bit more scrutiny then I would a character of a different race, due to their tricky nature. Alternatively, you could always play a Fiendling, which are sort of half-demon mutants. If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask!