Name: Mizu Nickname: none yet Age: 16 Gender: Female Species: Rabbit furre Powers: Speed, Shapeshift (she thinks she's got the Power of Hiding, but it's not actually a power.) Appearance(s): [img][/img] human and bunny form. She also has a habbit of shifting somewhere between the two. Crush: - Relationship: - Personality: A little slow and naive sometimes, but curious and good hearted. She's got a pretty upbeat personality and loves to play around. Occasionally, though, she will get spooked by things for no reason. She must of led a sheltered life as it seems she doesn't know what many things are. History(optional): - Likes/Dislikes: + Food + Nice not scary people + re-decorating (she's no good at this) + trying new things + water + pretty things + playing - loud noises - big fires - foxes - things hiding in the dark - screaming - people being mean to other people Other: