Miri lets out a rather unladylike sputter and held up her hands again. [color=aabbdd]"Oh, no no no no, I didn't mean it like that! Mercenary work doesn't have to be all banditry and highway robbery, of course! I was more thinking, you know...ah, guarding travelling merchants, or clearing out a kobold camp. The way I see it, the word 'mercenary' is...inherently neutral. It's the contracts you take that detemine whether or not you' an assassin or a knight-errant, hm?"[/color] The draenei looked over to the bartender as he approached. [color=aabbdd]"Red wine, please. Whatever's cheapest. I'd rather not take advantage of a new friends' generosity, after all..."[/color] She shifts back to face Jason, arms folded on the table. [color=aabbdd]"And, ah...what do you mean by...'virutal'? Some magical construct, or...?"[/color] She cants her head curiously.