[@Pumpkinbot] He reached out to stop the bartender. "Ah no worries, bring out a bottle of the good stuff, I feel like we can be here for a while. Please and thank you." The bartender then went on his way. "Oh no. I wasn't in the [i]guarding business[/i]... I was more in the --uh-- [i]eliminating[/i] business... long story short, got mixed up with the wrong people, got into a lot of debt and subsequently found a calling that paid well...." He shifted his posture somewhat nervously. Why did he just basically tell her he was a killer for hire... what was he thinking... "Ah yes. Wait, you're not familiar with virtual reality? Interesting. Ok. So, basically it's like this. We're all currently hooked up to a machine, directly into our central nervous system. That puts us here. And go ahead, punch me. I want to show you something. I'll show you how the virtual works..."