[center][h1][color=fff200][b]Barüvalen Shücktah[/b][/color][/h1] [color=fff79a][i]Barüvalen Shücktah aka. Ben[/i][/color] [color=fff200][b]Age[/b][/color] 40 [b][color=fff200]Gender[/color][/b] Male or Fidget Spinner [b][color=fff200]Race[/color][/b] Buvolan [b][color=fff200]Former Allegiance[/color][/b] The Iron Jackals [b][color=fff200]Role[/color][/b] EXO Soldier [b][color=fff200]Personality[/color][/b] Ben has a rather deep voice, and keeps to himself, not choosing a social interaction unless necessary. If Ben has never met you before, then he will act slightly hostile and passive aggressive. Because of this, many friends are repelled at first, but if you continue, and as he starts to warm up to you, then he becomes nicer and nicer of a person. Once a bond has been made, he is extremely trusting, and will do anything to protect a friend in need. Insults rarely get to Ben and usually jokes about them in a self demeaning way. He doesn't strive to prevent failure, but instead, embraces failure, and tries to fix himself from them. Ben views the life around him as a set of barriers that one must pass, and doesn't think much of the events themselves, and just tries to go with them accordingly. [b][color=fff200]Physical Description[/color][/b] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/38/cd/a2/38cda2200d17144abff7445a42cf0f9c--post-apocalypse-sci-fi-characters.jpg[/img] Ben rarely takes his apparel off, and the apparel in the picture is the usual attire. Ben is tall at 7'1" yet quite skinny for how beefy he is at 140 lbs. On the rare occasions anyone sees under the clothing, IE. in his own home, then you'd be able to see that Ben's skin isn't very rough at all, and is quite smooth. His body is well kept in the conditions he lives in. He has a rather normal jaw, ears, yet large, piercing green eyes. He also has quite high cheekbones, and a thin face. [b][color=fff200]History[/color][/b] At a young age, he became quite obsessed with the God Children, and, being born in the Iron Jackal territory, became quite obsessed with Sansavi especially. As he grew up, he learned more and more about them and their positions of the people they control. He loved how radical Sansavi was and how she stood up when her brothers and sisters didn't. As he grew, he tried joining The Grand Army of the Jackals, but never could for classified reasons. As he grew, he always loved the stories of EXO suit pilots and MEO suits, especially EXO. One day, she decided to make one. It was ramshackle, but it worked. This taped together mass was named Raza, meaning hope. Raza and Ben wandered through Iron Jackal territory, until he was called to go to The Lotus Mirage, a legendary floating city. He was trained to become a Herald, and Ben passed with flying colors, as he had aged and trained from trying to join the Iron Jackal's Army. Now extremely intrigued with the new God Child's views and beliefs, he waits, and anticipates. [b][color=fff200]Skills[/color][/b] [color=fff79a][i]Living in the Enviornment:[/i][/color]Increased resistance to the heat and lack of water/food of the planet. Can survive alone for a longer period using superior scavenging and knowledge of plants and animals. [color=fff79a][i]Experienced EXO Pilot:[/i][/color]Because Ben uses an EXO suit so often, he can use it with an increased proficiency. Can also perform repairs on the EXO faster and better than most normal EXO pilots. There is also an increased effectivity of modifications on an EXO. [color=fff79a][i]EXO Mods:[/i][/color]Can overdrive an EXO to double all abilities, but uses power extremely fast and can make or break a battle. Kind of a last stand sort of ability. [b][color=fff200]Absolver Tech[/color][/b] [color=fff79a][i]S-MRCB:[/i][/color] The first weapon that the EXO uses is a Short-Mid Range Chemical Burner. This beast has a storage tank of two different chemical compounds on the back. When the trigger is pulled, they are mixed in a chamber, where they heat up to tempuratures about 1/4 the tempurature of the surface of the sun (approxamately 2,500F) They are then shot out depending on a filter the user can put on the front that varies the spray pattern from a long, precise stream to a hose that can cover large areas of land, of course using more chemicals in the process, as more liquid is being launched. This can be used in a 1v1 scenario with a small stream, to the large hose aspect for large creatures, or large amounts of creatures [hider=Firing Piece, Tanks Seen in Raza Pic][img]https://www.gamasutra.com/db_area/images/blog/247826/d0.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=fff79a][i]RPIED's:[/i][/color] A support weapon to the first, but still powerful on its own. The EXO is stocked with 10 of these. A design made by Ben himself. The Rocket Propelled Ion Explosive Device is a rocket that is held in 2 batteries on the side of the EXO with 5 in each. They are propelled upwards and turn to the aimed target. On detonation, these will send bits and pieces of super heated ion fragments into the surrounding area with an EMP explosion, not enough to kill, but can cause enough chaos to send them into range of the S-MRCB. They have a impacting radius of 30m, but by then, only one shard might hit you, enough to cause mild pain, but probably wont go through the armor, if it does, you can still go on, but it would be painful. [b][color=fff200]Equipment & Accessories[/color][/b] [i][color=fff79a]EXO Survivalist Materials:[/color][/i] This specific EXO has a small water pouch on it's backpack, as well as a thermal insulator for keeping some foods cold. Raza has 2 intakes so that the user can breath in most locations because of the advanced air filters. [color=fff79a][i]EXO Suit Raza:[/i][/color] The EXO of choice for Ben, it has been with him all his life, as he had made it himself, as well as most of the items on board. [hider=Raza minus the gun][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ca/8d/c1/ca8dc15077813f3ce0d93a708d9d307e--art-google-google-search.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=fff79a][i]Grasscutter:[/i][/color] A small blade that Ben uses in the rare cases he has a conflict outside of his EXO. It also serves as an heirloom to him, and keeps it on him at all times. [hider=Grasscutter][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/19/f3/0e/19f30ede7c8580e066f78f482293fb51.png[/img][/hider] [b][color=fff200]Miscellaneous[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=fff200]The Sixth Child's Gift[/color][/b] Ben will give the sixth God Child a talisman that his mother gave him at the age of 5, and has kept ever since as a lucky charm. It's going to be hard to part with as it means a great deal to him. [/center]