[hr][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/script-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171212/ce61b6b4abf7df4bdaea756b0f5a8635.png[/img][/url][/center][hr] In her forgotten library / museum Trinity enjoys an opera sung by a singer now long dead as if she sat on the stage with her those long years ago. Around them the company lends their voices in chorus to hers as in the instrument pit a legendary conductor leads his orchestra in matched harmony. Her brother found her this treasured keepsake carried by the diva and lost in a hidden treasure chest only recently recovered by his group and opened by her when she watched as Zife Na’Calm the diva enter the multi staged lock code. Sure the chest could have been forced open but it too was a thing of value and required the delicate touch of Trinity that assured its survival. Inside were diary written in her hand and contained the truth of several scandals and explanations and they were Trinity’s to experience, to Witness in a way that no other could. In a week she will have seen the life span of many of the contained treasures and dictated them to the air where her words would be captured and transmitted to people who didn’t wish too close a contact with the unchallenged mistress of history. Trinity was pitied by family who believed her alone in the world because so many feared exposure to her and they were so wrong. She was never alone as long as she walked where others had before her, she had intimate friends in every room of her home seeing them at their best and worst, their happiest and most tragic moments. She knew that the former duke who had been the one who bequeathed the land and buildings to the university once kept a commoner lover here as these apartments maid and that it was to her he composed the letters attributed to his wife. How filled with passion he used to be when he read the beautiful sonnets to Miranda, she had watched as they made love many times here around her on furnishing still existing and some now long gone; how was she ever alone? Then as the company rose to crescendo and Trinity could hear the crowd’s delighted response exploding her attendant dejour stepped in leading an officer of the court who fidgeted and acted nervous to move any closer to her than he must as he repeated in a timorous voice what he’d been sent to say so much he’d told her as he entered the room [b]”I have a Summons Miss Smithe, you are to accompany myself to a site in need of your talents. Trinity smiled at the man knowing he like the others knew exposure to her meant exposure of himself eventually and he was growing long in the tooth for the job which meant he was being tormented or punished by his commander her guess was for the latter. They walked to the transport waiting for them and inside was a new made leather case that held a simple stone washed round in some stream that served as the letter of appointment making this a hidden read and therefore connected to someone of power.