I've had an idea that I wanted to try for awhile. It's inspired by an anime trope I've noticed; that being of characters fighting vicariously through something else. The best examples of what I mean are Pokemon or Digimon, where the main characters have creatures fighting for them. Other examples include Yu-Gi-Oh, Shaman King, or Custom Robo. This is meant to be the same kind of situation. However, it also barrows heavily from the movie Tron, as the story takes place in a digital setting. There are a total of six creatures, each corresponding to six main characters. I have characters written already, or I could let people use their own character. If I did that, though, they'd have to be normal humans. Also, they'd have to fit with one of the six creature's themes. Said themes would be Strength, Intelligence, Agility, Defense, Charisma, and Bravery. As far as plot goes, you'd start by going to an arcade for whatever reason makes sense for your character. All of the machines are full, save for one in the back. The six main characters would end up sitting down at the machine and putting on the helmet. Each character would then wake up in a tron looking world, where they'd meet up with their Monster Fighter. They'd make their way to a small "town" where they'd find out that the digital world (referred to as "The Board") is being corrupted by six powerful viruses, each one worse than the last. The party would then set out to vanquish the viruses, finish the game, and return to their bodies and the real world. I do have other things in mind for this, but I want to stick with this until I know people are interested. So, any thoughts? Questions? Concerns?