[quote=@KatherinWinter] I think I am out. There is little six random strangers are going to play the same game at the same time. No matter how busy the arcade is or how interesting the game. None of my characters would fit this. Well than it's old tech I have never seen. Not that I am the most experienced arcade player but I have never seen more than two people at a machine. [/quote] First of all, I'm glad you're out. You expect a large amount of realism with Anime being in the title. You are just sucking the fun out for other people by not throwing the GM a bone and instead giving them a hard time. I wouldn't imagine anyone would like to roleplay with you. Uncooperative play isn't appreciated outside of Free, where people don't seem to know any better. If you want something realistic, go find something realistic. There's nothing realistic about a RP that is basically Digimon if explained at the most poor standard. There's a large world of things you'll never see. That doesn't mean they don't exist. Perhaps research next time before slapping your keyboard, it'll benefit everyone. Besides, there's modern variants as well. Especially in the racing genre.