[u][b]Fibor Dynasty[/b][/u] [b]Feburary[/b] [b]Grand Palace of the King - Courtyard[/b] It was early morning on isle of Tiagrav which the capital city of Fibor Dynasty was located. The sun would rise up behind the Grand Palace causing the palace to cast a shadow over the city below. Long ago the largest hill in the area had top flattened to construct the Grand Palace atop it. The high vantage point allowed the Grand Palace to tower above even the tallest building in capital city. Normally just the guards would be standing attention outside the palace keeping the royal family safe but today was extra commotion. The process had begun for workers to clean soot and grim from marble of the Grand Palace. A peaceful busy morning except for sound of gunfire in the palace courtyard. King Inroc had gotten up early today to practice with his prototype rifle he had gotten a few years ago when crowned. It had only now started to be produced in any number with most going to royal guards and officers in the military. A servant was also in courtyard with the king as he was needed to operate a clay disc launching machine. The machine was a popular contraption among nobility. A lot had been on the mind of King Inroc lately. Time seemed to go so fast as it was only a short three years ago when he was crowned king. His father having passed from poor health and as is tradition the youngest adult male haeir is crowned king. Long ago the idea was founded to increase stability as a younger king would have time to father many heirs. Though Inroc was still young as far as new kings went being still in early prime of his life at age of thirty two. He had a younger brother who was meant to be groomed for the role as heir but was still a child. This life as king was never what Inroc had wanted. His ideal life would of been as a soldier but that possible life was just a memory to him. The day his father unexpectadely passed from illness was still vivid in his mind like day it happened. Was a rainy day at officer academy where noble sons and promising soldiers would be sent to become officers. The graduating class Inroc was part of were having a wrestling tournament in the mud of academy courtyard to decide who was really top of the class. A sigh would escape the king as he fired and hit a clay disk. Those days not having to think about politics were truly great. In the middle of his fight with his academy rival was when royal guard came to escort him by train back to capital city. He never got to finish that fight with his Hog family rival in academy. Another disk would shatter shot by his rifle. Inroc would sit on a bench to reload his rifle while servant reloaded clay disk launching machine. It was at this moment when military advisor Bar came up to him. The military adivsor was one of many but Bar was by far the oldest at one hundred and fifty eight years old. He had been a close friend of previous king and had been educator of Inroc when he was a child. Military Advisor Bar "King Inroc! You are needed urgently in the radio room. If you would please come to the radio room with me." King Inroc "It is good to see Bar. I hope that it is something urgent? I was enjoying my free time practicing with a rifle. Have to keep all my skills sharp as you would tell me when younger. You could join me and we could make a game of it to see who hits the most targets." Military Advisor Bar "I am sorry my King but this news is most urgent. Is important information I cannot disclose out in the open. Others are waiting for us inside. Perhaps after we could have a game." King Inroc "Very well, I will be expecting a game later. Our last match had you win but I've put in more practice lately. Servant! I need you to clean my rifle while I am gone. Keep the machine loaded for my game against Bar later." King Inroc would toss his gun to the servant who rushed over. Then with a sigh followed his military advisor inside. He had a feeling that they wouldn't get to play that game later. With the king gone now the servant would go to a table with small box on it. Opening the box would reveal that it contained a variety of tools for cleaning a gun. It was rare for king to let a servant do this task but the king was clearly in a hurry. The servant would work slowly unloading the rifle not wanting to even risk scratching a bullet. [b]Grand Palace of the King - Interior [/b] While the exterior of palace was marble the interior was walls covered in plaster. The plaster had intricate designs and patterns painted on it while floor of particularly hallway was tiled. Various works of art would decorate the halls along with the latest in lighting. The previous king had ensured updating of palace to have lighting in form of light bulbs. A servant was even in process of changing a light bulb in a wall light when the king would pass following advisor. King Inroc "I assume that the other advisors are all accounted for?" Military Advisor Bar "All except for the elf. He was I believe away visting his family. However one of your brothers arrived at the palace today." King Inroc "Did you send messengers to get the elf here? An I do hope it isn't Tiyel... he has always been a bit odd since his accident." Military Advisor Bar "Your fastest runner has been dispatched and I am afraid to say it is Tiyel. But do not worry. I am sure he will only be in capital for week. His annual check up for his health." King Inroc "Time sure flys by... I'll never understand why he stops here. Our mother lives in a estate outside city that isn't far away. Lead the way." Up the stairs of one of palace spires was the radio room. It was a rather important room in the palace. The inside normally wasn't too crowded with four workers at most inside however at current time it was packed. All the advisors except for one sent to retrieve the king and the elf advisor were packed into the room. Was one figure who wasn't a advisor or working the radio and that was the eldest brother of the king who was named Tiyel Fibor. He was a imposing man with a badly scarred face from a accident. In his youth he had been inspecting a newly constructed factory when one of the machines suffered a catastrophic failure maiming him. It had been lucky Tiyel survived. The damage was absolutely catastrophic losing his leg, arm, and eye on left side of his body. Never would Tiyel be fit for a martial education so had poured his life into scholarly work. It was a rare occasion to see the first son of previous king go to palace as he spent most of his days in his own private estate. The only thing to get him out of his estate was annual check with doctors in the capital. The door would swing open with Inroc walking in first. Tiyel "If it isn't my little Brother! You have to hear this, this news is spreading like wildfire over radios." King Inroc "Please don't call me little brother. Is this news actually worth my time or was my time wasted coming here. I had finally managed to get some time to practice with my rifle." Tiyel "Haha! You on the radio tell the king about whats been reported by our informants." Radio Worker "Y-Yes! Uh... my king I have to inform you that word of instability in Yllendyr has been reported. Our spies have been doing best to try and catch anything that might just be- Oh! I have something coming in. Let me reroute it into the main speaker." The room would grow quiet once the broadcast came in through the main speaker. Times were changing, after such a long status quo. It was no secret that the oldest officers in Fibor military were eager to rectify the embarrassing defeat of nation even if it was caused primarily by a hurricane that wiped out the navy all those years ago. The first one to break silence of Tiyel who burst out laughing so hard he dropped his cane. King Inroc "What are you laughing about? This is serious! We are a vassal state." Tiyel "That is what is funny! You see little brother... I mean king. You should see the bigger picture." King Inroc "...I will retire to my quarters for now. Advisors prepare the great hall for a gathering and make sure to get everyone of importance. Even those that are away spending time with family. These discussions will require all of the various greater noble family heads. Tiyel you can return to your estate." Tiyel "Oh no, I can't miss this, to see you use that education of yours. I can also offer my assistance." King Inroc "...very ...well. I will be going now." [b]Red Castle Temple on Ember island[/b] A gathering of the most powerful flame tenders had been issued. The castles red clerics who worked as servants were busy preparing things while those that acted as guards were on high alert. It had become clear in recent days that Grand Brazier Heroldess the Old was not long for this world. The body of Heroldess was so old that he had only been kept alive last few days by around the clock care from red cleric doctors. It was job of the flame tenders to choose a new grand brazier so the council had been gathered. Once the council had voted they would then have to wait for votes from flame tenders not in attendance. However were strange reports coming in of trouble on the southern continent. Those reports would need to be addressed by those gathered.