[hider=Pit 2.0] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/7VzgY22/pit.png[/img][hr] [img]https://i.ibb.co/42JQwDN/latest-cb-20160122055256.png[/img] [b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Name[/color]:[/b] Pit [b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Game Origin[/color]:[/b] Kid Icarus[/center] [b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Appearance[/color]:[/b] [url=https://i.imgur.com/MGlmRvY.png]Original.[/url] No changes. [b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Personality[/color]:[/b] As a servant of the Goddess of Light, Lady Palutena, Pit is dedicated and righteous. He has unshakable faith in Palutena and in himself when he acts in her service. He may complain about the difficult assignments he's given, but he always gets the job done. He is confident and fearless most of the time, and takes his duties as Captain of the Royal Guard seriously. He has no tolerance for those doing evil, but to his friends and allies he is cheerful, talkative and playful - plus he's got a great sense of humor (or so he claims). He always stands up for what is right. ...that said, anyone who talks with Pit for an extended period of time will quickly learn that although he is a competent soldier and an experienced combatant, like his appearance suggests he has some childish qualities as well. He is stubborn, defensive, and more than a little naive. If one were to tell him the world gullible was written on the ceiling, he wouldn't hesitate to look. Plus, having relied on his Lady's guidance for so long, he can become nervous and self-conscious when he's on his own, though he's working to correct that. Sometimes he can get a little star-struck as well, but despite all these qualities he's still a model angel. [b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Background[/color]:[/b] [hider=Click!]The world that Pit hails from is called "Angel Land," a realm consisting of three major areas: Underworld, Overworld (also called Earth), and Skyworld. In Skyworld, the Goddess of Light Palutena reigns and looks over the humans living in Overworld with her angelic army. The most accomplished of these angels, and the captain of Palutena's bodyguards, is of course Pit himself. Pit is also the only angel that does not possess the ability to fly on his own, despite sporting a pair of wings. Because of this, when the Goddess of Darkness Medusa mustered her forces and razed Angel Land, turning Palutena and her army to stone, Pit alone was underestimated and spared. He was imprisoned in the Underworld while Medusa wrecked havoc, but with the last of her power Palutena granted Pit her bow and arrows to break free and save Angel Land. That is exactly what he did - fighting his way through the three world areas, defeating Medusa's Underworld commanders, collecting the Three Sacred Treasures along the way, before finally facing off against the Goddess of Darkness herself and winning. For a long time after that Angel Land was peaceful, excepting the regular human wars that went on of course. Suddenly and mysteriously Medusa was revived two decades later, and she was intent on getting revenge. Again she called up an army of Underworld monsters, her former commanders also rising from the dead, and set off to destroy Skyworld. After thoroughly defeating her a second time, Pit and Palutena discovered that the true master of the Underworld, Hades, was behind Medusa's revival... and that said revival was a ploy to distract them while Hades put his own plan into motion: mass killings in order to gain souls to convert into power. The battle with Hades exploded, dragging out over a period of years and involving several other gods, ancient destructive beings, and even alien forces. During the struggle Pit and Palutena made some unlikely allies in the form of rival gods and even mirror clones, and finally after a bitter battle Hades was defeated, and the [url=https://i.imgur.com/xZIDCdg.jpeg]good guys won.[/url] In between adventures to save Angel Land, Pit has had some invitations to Smash Brothers tournaments as well. The first being between one appearance of Medusa and the other, where he was sent to fight against the Subspace Army. The most recent invitation saw him greet the now familiar characters of the Smash participants and stand together with them in an attempt to overcome the twisted light of Galeem. Needless to say things didn't quite go as planned, and Pit was among those first to witness Galeem's mind shattering force on that lonely cliff.[/hider] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]In the Now:[/b][/color] [hider=Click!]After Galeem's light took him, Pit spent an indiscriminate amount of time in Smash City Alcamoth before being destoried where he helped out, acting as a sentry and guard, and partook in exhibition matches. Once the current Seekers of Light defeated the Guardian of the Land of Adventure and freed those in Alcamoth, Pit spent a little while as a 'Mercenary' for the group, his most notable job being reconnaissance after the voidout in the Deadzone. Following that, Pit was eager to help the campaign more directly. He joined up with the Seekers, accompanying them from Alcamoth to Twilight Town, and from there to the Dystopiascape in order to find and destroy the area's Guardian in Midgar. After a few days spent battling the various factions of the city's Evercrisis (and the city's own defense forces), Pit was part of the final battle versus the Guardian Tycoon - and battle which ultimately ended in victory for the Seekers.[/hider] [b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Job[/color]:[/b] Angelic Soldier [b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Specialty[/color]:[/b] Assaults, raids, and ranged weaponry; capable of both rapid attacks as well as quick and/or powerful burst damage. [b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Level[/color]:[/b] 5 [b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Experience[/color]:[/b] 226/50 [sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5519769][x][/url][/sup] [sup][h3][b]Abilities:[/b][/h3][/sup] [list] [*][color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]Sacred Bow & Arrow[/b][/color] - Sacred Training Chamber experience used in conjunction with the Palutena Bow. The ability to use the light arrows manifests as two golden halos of light that encircle the archer's firing arm, letting them shoot unlimited arrows of energy. Though its standing shots are on the weaker side they can be charged for more power, and its dash shots are mighty. The arrows' path can be directed somewhat after being fired and gain speed over a distance - or they can be fired straight with a wider spinning fireball around each arrow. [*][color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]Guardian Orbitars[/b][/color] - A pair of shield-shaped weapons that act as satellites, floating around Pit when active. They can block enemy attacks and can be deployed in two ways: Smash-style where they are appear as quick medium-sized shields that can stop an enemy's attack and reflect projectiles, or Uprising-style where they replace Pit's currently equipped weapon. When in Uprising-style, these Orbitars can fire weak shots or be used as weak melee weapons, but their real strength is in summoning a very large energy shield that can be projected out and damage opponents that touch it. The large shield only lasts for a couple of seconds, similar to the Smash-style shields. [*][color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]Uppderdash Arm[/b][/color] - An Arm-type weapon that fits over the entire limb, used mainly for melee damage that can be deployed in two ways: Smash-style where it can be briefly summoned for a fast forward dash and uppercut that plows through attacks and projectiles to deal significant damage and heavy knockback, or Uprising-style where it replaces Pit's currently equipped weapon. When in Uprising-style it keeps it's forward dash attack and gains the ability to fire short-range discs and a back-dash charge shot that sends foes flying into the air, leaving them vulnerable to follow-up attacks. Both dash attacks have a short recovery period, instead leaving Pit vulnerable if he whiffs. [*][color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]Violet Breaking Palm[/b][/color] - A divine weapon that initially appears as a whirling rainbow orb, the palm allows its user to harness their own life energy in the palm of their hand and conjuring projectiles with the best homing and rapid fire capabilities of any of Pit's arsenal. When summoned it replaces Pit's currently equipped weapon and the orb is absorbed into his skin, appearing as a colorful glowing tattoo on his right arm and hand. It has the ability to fire near constant barrages of homing shots like arcs of light, limited only by Pit's stamina as it draws on his vitality to do so. The shots don't do much damage individually, relying on quantity of hits, but they do more damage the closer they are to the target and the energy can be combined into one much larger, stronger shot by charging or dashing. It also boosts the power of Pit's melee attacks, particularly palm strikes. [/list] [sup][h3][b]Skills:[/b][/h3][/sup] [list] [*][b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Plucky[/color][/b] - Pit is brave and determined, whether in the face of danger or outside of it. Maybe it's because of the perils he regularly faces, but it's very hard to break his spirit. He usually bounces back quickly no matter the circumstance. [*][b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Winged[/color][/b] - Despite not being able to actually fly, having a pair of wings comes with advantages. He can flap them to 'jump' higher a couple times in a row, use them to slow his falls, and if the wind is good he can glide down from places. [*][b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Hardy[/color][/b] - Pit is tough even for an angel. He's spent many missions getting shot at, pummeled, and plummeting from incredible heights only to get up and walk it off after impact. Plus he can eat dubious foods from the ground with no ill effects, so maybe he has an iron stomach too? [*][b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Angel Sense[/color][/b] - An innate ability that lets Pit weakly sense irregularities. For example he can tell if someone or something is divine in nature (or the opposite), and if a person possesses abilities like PSI or magic. Unless the aura is particularly strong, Pit has to be close enough to sense it. The sense is not strong enough to tell the location of said someone or something if they are hidden, and doesn't help if someone is actively suppressing their nature. [/list] [sup][h3][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/h3][/sup] [list] [*][b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Lightweight[/color][/b] - In a trade off for being a bit quicker, being light means the Pit takes more damage when he is hit by particularly strong attacks and gets knocked back much farther as well. He's easy to send flying, and doesn't have much pushing power. [*][b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]The Wing Issue[/color][/b] - Pit cannot actually fly on his own. His wings are healthy, but his feathers lack the inherent magic that angels of his world have that allows them to fly. Even so, his wings are still vital to his health. If they are destroyed, he's likely to die. [*][b][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Illiterate[/color][/b] - He straight up can't read. Maybe he's been too busy with his angelic duties to learn. [/list] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]Spirits:[/b][/color] [list] [*][b]Spirit name[/b] - Type [/list] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]Rapport:[/b][/color] [hider=Click!][list] [*][b]Sandalphon[/b] - Rank D (3 REXP) [list] [sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5491387][x][/url][/sup][/list] [/list][/hider] [color=springgreen][b]Currency:[/b][/color] Zilch. [b][u][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Key Items[/color]:[/u][/b] [list][*][b]The [url=https://i.imgur.com/SiALtT3.png]Palutena Bow[/url][/b] [i]The bow the Goddess of Light granted to Pit, and his favored weapon. While it's primary form is a bow, it is capable of taking the shape of a single sword with reversed blades, or two short swords.[/i] [*]His [url=https://i.imgur.com/fNrN0sm.png]credit card[/url] [i]Yup, it's a credit card. Don't worry, it's not maxed out yet.[/i] [/list][b][u][color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Other Inventory[/color]:[/u][/b] [list][*][/list] [/hider] [hider=Primrose 2.0] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D1vWg3u.png[/img][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/NNXCl9l.png[/img] [b][color=D34C25]Name[/color]:[/b] Primrose Azelhart [b][color=D34C25]Game Origin[/color]:[/b] Octopath Traveler[/center] [b][color=D34C25]Appearance[/color]:[/b] [url=https://i.imgur.com/zyMb3FW.jpeg]Original.[/url] [hider=Current Appearance]Due to spirit fusion, Primrose has gotten taller and now stands at 5'10'' (177cm). Her physical strength (as well as the size of her hips and bust) have increased, leaving her with a pleasing hourglass shape with toned stomach and thighs. Her hair is voluminous and wavy, reaching down to the middle of her back. It is still her original brown for the most part, though her ponytail features a gradient that goes from reddish-orange to blonde. She wears an outfit specially tailored by Yuria in Gerudo Town, its main piece being a rich deep red dress. The dress sleeveless with a shallow v-neck, and a slit up either side that stops at Primrose's hips. It is mermaid cut in style (fitted at the top and looser past the hips). One side of the slit features a straight hem, while the other has a clamshell style hem. Small gold beads that catch the light are sewn scattered into the dress, the highest congregation at the bottom and growing much thinner as they go up. There is a cluster of crow feathers on each of her shoulders from which ribbons of sheer gray fabric drape down over her upper arms and past her elbows. She sports a pair of short formal gloves in the same sheer gray fabric. She also sports a pair of simple, sturdy, and stylish sandals of dark red leather, with a matching ribbon wound around one of her legs to tie it all together. In addition, Primrose wears accessories all in gold: two necklaces (one blocky and loose like her original, the other a smaller choker), a pair of bracelets on each wrist, hoop earrings, an arm band, a hairband with inlaid emerald and onyx, and talon-like rings on her index and middle fingers. [url=https://i.imgur.com/sW6L0d7.png]Approximate Look[/url][/hider] [b][color=D34C25]Personality[/color]:[/b] Primrose is a mature young woman, with a strong sense of justice and even stronger desire for vengeance. After enduring hardship after hardship during her teenage years while searching for her father's murderers, Primrose has gained an inner strength and powerful resolve to see things through to the end. However, theses trials have also given her a tough outer shell. Although her acting ability is top notch and she can easily play the part of a cheerful girl, most people that have met Primrose in passing know that she is mistrusting and distant. She is cunning and aloof; a woman of few words unless she needs something from someone - and even then, she lets her body do the talking. However, despite her impressions part of that happy girl growing up in Noblecourt still remains. At heart, Primrose is an extrovert, and when some lucky people worm their way into a friendship with her they'll be able to see through the walls she's put up around herself. If given the opportunity to relax, Primrose will open up and even get a little playful. Kind words from Primrose are reserved only for those closest to her. Even the most beautiful of roses has it's thorns though. Even the greatest of friends have a hard time prying any personal information out of Primrose, and none would be able to dissuade her from her quest for revenge. *Due to spirit fusion, the host is more intimidating, deadly, and vain; but she retains her sense of justice and is no less thoughtful and kind. [b][color=D34C25]Background[/color]:[/b] [hider=Click!]At the age of thirteen, Primrose's world crashed down around her. Under the cover of darkness, three men broke into her home and murdered her father in cold blood. Unbeknownst to any of the men in the room, the young Primrose saw the whole thing from underneath her father's desk. She watched on, silent, shaking and horrified as they killed her father and left as if it was just business. Primrose's life as a noble in the prestigious House Azelhart ended that night. The young girl seethed with a need to see her father's murderers brought to justice - even if she had to be judge, jury, and executioner. She set out away from home in search of the killers, with only one piece of information to go on: each man had the mark of a crow tattooed on their skin. One on the left arm, one on the right, and the final man had his on the neck. For two years she traveled, and eventually arrived in the desert town of Sunshade, where a man with a crow mark was known to frequent the dancing establishments. She was taken in by a wealthy man named Helgenish, whose business was in pleasure. He owned several taverns and the women that danced in them. In order to follow up the only lead she had, Primrose stayed in town and was transformed into a pleasure woman under the tutelage of Helgenish's top dancers and the man himself. It was demeaning work, but Primrose did not allow herself to feel shame in it. She did it for the sake of her revenge. Her pride drove a wedge between her and the other girls in Helgenish's employ. Only one other dancer, a young woman named Yusufa, attempted to befriend Primrose despite the once-noble woman's cold attitude. It was seven more years of enduring perverted hands of customers, rotten words from other girls, and abuse at the hands of her own employer before it all finally paid off. There, in the back of the tavern, was a man with a crow mark on his arm. Immediately Primrose attempted to confront him, but Helgenish stopped her. In a cunning ploy, Yusufa offered to distract Helgenish so that Primrose could pursue the man with the crow mark. She chases him down through a catacomb, and once emerging on the other side she finds not her target, but Helgenish and his goons holding Yusufa captive atop a cliff. Helgenish had been in cahoots with the crows the whole time, and he was unwilling to let Primrose, his must lucrative dancer, go. He threw Yusufa from the cliff in order to make an example out of her and scare Primrose into cooperating, but it only fueled the fire in Primrose's heart. She killed Helgenish and his henchman, lifting a map the crow marked man had given him off her employer's corpse. Her chase continued, sending her to the far Northern end of Orsterra. The next leg of her journey was long, but Primrose had waited ten long years to deliver justice to the men who killed her father. Along the way, fate decided to tie her and seven other people together. Adjacent to the Sunlands where she'd been living for the last half of a decade was the Riverlands, and in a sleepy little town called Clearbrook she met a young man named Alfyn. He was a budding apothecary, and he was on the hunt for a venomous snake, in order to make an anti-venom for a little girl. Although Primrose was distrustful of people in general, but especially men, she wasn't the type to ignore a child in danger. Once they'd obtained the venom and saved the girl, Alfyn asked if he could accompany Primrose on her journey as a way to repay her. Primrose, although a bit begrudgingly, accepted. Their two person traveling party snowballed from there. Therion, Olberic, H'aanit, Cyrus, Ophilia and Tressa joined them sooner or later. Together, the now eight person team could tackle anything. They moved through the country and helped each other achieve their goals, and Primrose's was no exception. By the time the group made it to Stillsnow and Primrose confronted and killed the left crow, she'd grown a serious soft spot for every single one of her seven companions... but no matter how soft parts of her heart grew, there was still a dark, cold stone nestled at the center of it. She was still hellbent on avenging her father. Her quest led her back to her hometown of Noblecourt. The city had deteriorated since her youth, but parts of it remained the same. Primrose was greeted by some familiar faces, although some reunions proved to be less heartwarming that others. Revello, a former city watchman and friend of her late father's, and Simeon, a charming man and aspiring who used to garden for her family, caught Primrose up on the what's happened in Noblecourt since her departure. The Obsidians - the true name of the crows - had taken over after killing her father and destroying her family. Together they tracked the right crow to the Obsidian's hideout, where another face from the past reared his head: the former captain of the guard, a man as close to her father as anyone, was the identity of the right crow. Seeing Albus, her father's friend, and knowing that he was complicit in his murder brought to life a whole new darkness in Primrose. The harsh bite of betrayal fed her rage, and soon afterward the second crow was dead by Primrose's hand. Then, Simeon slipped into the room. Primrose suspected nothing, because they'd been good friends before her father's murder. He would show Primrose his poems all those years ago and watch her swoon. He'd helped her after she arrived back in town. Simeon was there beside her now, but there was a pain. Hot and pure, and blood, and a knife - the knife was in Simeon's hands, stained red, but that wasn't possible, Simeon wouldn't do that. The head crow was here, and the dark mark of the bird was on Simeon's neck, he'd stabbed her, but he wouldn't... Primrose's consciousness slipped just as a brilliant light covered the whole of Orsterra and beyond. When she woke up again, Primrose was in city she'd never seen before and surrounded by all types of beings. She was trapped in the World of Light without her friends, nursing a fresh betrayal, and with her vengeance not yet sated.[/hider] [b][color=D34C25]In the Now[/color]:[/b] [hider=Click!]Prior to be freed from Galeem's influence, Primrose was one of many people living at Smash City Alcamoth. Once the Seekers of Light defeated the Enderdragon at The End, her newfound clarity saw her join with their cause. She set out with part of the group (dubbed the 'yellow' team) headed for the Sandswept Sky, crossing the desert with the intent to destroy another of Galeem's Guardians. There Primrose helped the Phantom Thieves reunite with some of their lost friends, contended with a conspiracy in the city of Al Mamoon, and eventually ended up at the base of Split Mountain where she found one of her own lost friends. Together they and the Seekers ascended the mountain, discovered the area's Guardian Red Eye, and slayed it with the help of a massive gun train and a man named Robin's sacrifice. After that, she accompanied Midna and a few others to a monastery in the mountains where they battled to free some familiar faces. When they were finished, she along with the rest of the yellow team went to Twilight Town in the Land of Adventure in order to meet up with the other half of the Seekers. From there, she was part of the 'purple' team that headed for The Under and fought through caverns, disease, and monstrous insects in order to take down another Guardian, The Radiance. During her stay in The Under, she learned some unsettling things about the world, but aimed to put it all behind her with the help of some relaxation in the form of another trip to the Sandswept Sky. [/hider] [b][color=D34C25]Job[/color]:[/b] Dark Dancer [b][color=D34C25]Specialty[/color]:[/b] Uses magic both offensively and to raise the stats of her allies, and her allure to charm people into doing what she wants. [b][color=D34C25]Level[/color]:[/b] 10 [b][color=D34C25]Experience[/color]:[/b] 209/100 [sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5519625][x][/url][/sup] [sup][h3][b]Abilities:[/b][/h3][/sup] [list] [*][color=D34C25][b]Art of Dance[/b][/color] - Primrose's main ability as a Dancer. The rhythmic swaying of her body can grant buffs to the states of allies or herself, such as their attack, magic power, speed, and defense. [*][color=D34C25][b]Dark Magic[/b][/color] - Her innate magical talent. Primrose can cast wide range waves of dark-element magic to damage multiple enemies at once with her Night Ode spell, or concentrate her magic into the more powerful single target spell Moonlight Waltz. [*][color=D34C25][b]Battle Point Boost[/b][/color] - During battle, Primrose accumulates Battle Points (BP) up to a maximum of 5. BP can be expended to strengthen or "boost" her abilities: either to deal more damage, attack more times in a row, or use more powerful versions of her skills depending on the amount of BP expended (up to a max of 3 in one "boost"). [*][color=D34C25][b]Sealticge's Seduction[/b][/color] - A particularly enticing display. When used on herself or a single ally, active skills used by them that usually target one foe or ally will affect all foes or allies instead. This can apply to damage spells, debuffs, buffs, or healing. It does not apply to talents, passive skills or items. [*][color=D34C25][b]The Show Must Go On[/b][/color] - Dancer support skills in the form of [i]Second Wind[/i], giving her passive mana/SP regeneration over time, and [i]Encore[/i], once per battle, upon being incapacitated, recover with 25% of maximum HP. [*][color=D34C25][b][url=https://i.ibb.co/SBqXykp/Icon-HK-Vengeful-Spirit.png]Vengeful Spirit[/url][/b][/color] - A gift from the Snail Shaman, a spell that conjures a spirit that will fly forward and burn foes in its path. It passes through invulnerable parts of an enemy, such as a shield or shell, but will not damage a fully protected enemy. [*][color=D34C25][b]Zoey's Pyromancy Flame[/b][/color] - A Faith based magic that allows the host to bring forth a portion of primordial flame in the palm of her hand that can be used as a casting catalysts for pyromancies, although the flame by itself is too weak to do anything but provide a little heat and cannot spread. [*][color=D34C25][b]Rosaria's Ravaging Confession[/b][/color] - An attack that allows the user to teleport behind a nearby opponent in order to deliver an energy-generating double slash in her element. [*][color=D34C25][b]Rosaria's Rites of Termination[/b][/color] - First Primrose swings her weapon to slash surrounding opponents; then she summons a large elemental construct in the shape of a lance that strikes toward the ground. Both actions deal elemental damage in an area. While active, the lance is embedded at it's impact point and releases waves of energy that deal elemental damage to surrounding opponents. [*][color=D34C25][b]Cleobulus' Luna Λ[/b][/color] - Grants her access to potent Dark Magic. The moonlight that she can cast in outward blasts or explosive, tracking moons is not that strong, but it completely ignores magic defense / resistance. [/list] [sup][h3][b]Skills:[/b][/h3][/sup] [list] [*][b][color=D34C25]Bewitching Beauty[/color][/b] - Primrose can usually get what she wants out of people by utilizing her charm, grace, and stunning good looks. This is commonly called "using your feminine wiles." With her "Allure" she can even get people to follow her and help in battle, though her beauty is less effective on the strong willed. [*][b][color=D34C25]Enduring Tenacity[/color][/b] - She will stop at nothing to find the men who killed her father and avenge him. In order to reach that goal, Primrose has become an amazing actor, able to put on a front and endure any hardship until her revenge is complete. [*][b][color=D34C25]Strength in Numbers[/color][/b] - Although she may not always show it, traveling in a group and making bonds gives Primrose more strength and confidence than she ever had while she was fighting her battles alone. She'll go the extra mile while in a group, and she more easily picks up the strength of others. [*][b][color=D34C25]Dark Magic Mastery[/color][/b] - The power and potency of Primrose's innate dark elemental spells has increased. She also has gained access to the spells [b]Dirge of Dusk[/b] (deals dark element damage to a foe up to 3 times and lowers their resistance to dark element) and [b]Spell Song[/b] (deals dark element damage to all foes in a wide area and lowers their physical and magical defenses). [*][b][color=D34C25]Primrose's Rondo of Dawn[/color][/b] - The dancer's battle sense has been honed. Once per battle, Primrose will gain one extra Battle Point (BP) when she hits an enemy with a dark element spell. [*][b][color=D34C25]Rosaria's Shadow Samaritan[/color][/b] - Primrose has gained the knowledge of how to properly master a spear. She is now an adept wielder of polearm type weaponry. When using a polearm her critical hit rate is increased after using [i]Ravaging Confession[/i], and nearby party members' critical hit rate is increased after using [i]Rites of Termination[/i]. [*][b][color=D34C25]Amazon's Berserker[/color][/b] - When attacking with a physical weapon, there is a change for Primrose's strength and speed to temporarily increase with every hit landed. These increases are stackable so long as she keeps landing hits. [*][b][color=D34C25]Cleobulus' Unsealable Magic[/color][/b] - Primrose's magic power has grown to further heights. She is protected from being magically silenced or having her magic otherwise sealed, allowing her to cast magic at any time so long as she has the mana/SP to do so. [/list] [sup][h3][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/h3][/sup] [list] [*][b][color=D34C25]Single-Minded[/color][/b] - Primrose is so focused on her vengeance that it can sometimes blind her. She is prone to falling for traps or missing critical information when she's chasing down the object of her loathing. The sight of a crow tattoo will make her drop everything else in pursuit. [*][s][b][color=D34C25]Suited for Support[/color][/b] - Although she is more than capable of wielding a dagger with deadly skill, Primrose is ill-suited to fighting on the front line. Her frame is thin but curvy for the most alluring dances, and her physical strength is lacking.[/s] (Nullified due to Spirit Fusion) [*][b][color=D34C25]Zoey's Bane[/color][/b] - Primrose takes more damage from fire and physical thrusting/piercing attacks. [*][b][color=D34C25]Rosaria's Without Devotion[/color][/b] - A non-believer. Primrose's effective Faith had decreased, weakening her Faith-based abilities. [*][b][color=D34C25]Amazon's All-Out Offense[/color][/b] - Primrose has gained an aversion to 'passive' and 'cowardly' gear and tactics, like shields, armor, poisons, consumables, and keep-away. [*][b][color=D34C25]Cleobulus' Tomebreaker[/color][/b] - When doing battle against fist fighters or similar, Primrose's evasion is weakened, effectively raising the accuracy and evasion of those foes against her dramatically. [/list] [color=D34C25][b]Spirits:[/b][/color] [list] [*][b][url=https://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/large/hippowdon.jpg]Hippowdon[/url][/b] - Striker [hider=]The Heavyweight Pokemon, ground-type. Its ability, Sand Stream, spins up a sandstorm whenever it's summoned that lasts a while. The sand buffets anyone without an earth or earth-adjacent affinity, dealing slight but continuous damage. Its slow but has high defense for a Striker, making it difficult to interrupt. Its moves are Yawn, Dig, Crunch, and Earthquake.[/hider] [*][b][url=https://i.ibb.co/jJnQSdj/Makami-Nocturne.jpg]Makami[/url][/b] - Striker [hider=]A divine wolf god in Japanese folklore, also written as "Oguchi-no-Magami." It is often drawn on prayer boards to prevent fires and thefts, but it is also feared as a human-eater. Has a particular set of [url=https://i.imgur.com/HgCXp58.png]skills[/url].[/hider] [*][b][url=https://i.imgur.com/Mnx5DkU.png]Animus of Will[/url][/b] - Striker [hider=]A thorned plant monster with a shape that roughly mimicks a human's and a short cooldown. When summoned, she will always attack three times, either with advancing stabs, sweeping slashes, or root lashes. This quirk allows her to lock individual opponents down either in hitstun or blockstun, allowing the summoner to apply pressure or continue a combo, but it also means she's open to counterattack for longer, especially if she misses.[/hider] [*][b][url=https://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Dark-Souls-3/Desert%20Pyromancer%20Zoey.jpg]Desert Pyromancer Zoey[/url][/b] - Notable Spirit (Absorbed) [hider=]This spirit confers the ability "Pyromancy Flame," as well as the weakness "Zoey's Bane." Pyromancies Learned:[list][*][url=https://i.ibb.co/nQW5bTM/Fire-Orb-DSIII.png]Fire Orb[/url]: The signature flame-manipulating spell common to pyromancers. Hurls a giant fire orb. The blazing fire orb explodes on impact, dealing fire damage to the surrounding area.[*][url=https://i.ibb.co/cJzDrbs/Flame-Fan.png]Flame Fan[/url]: Pyromancy of Zoey, descendant of the desert pyromancers. Upon cast, the player manifests a fiery fan and swipes it at enemies at melee range. Use repeatedly to brush the fan left and right.[*][url=https://i.ibb.co/wQMbTpX/Black-Serpent.png]Black Serpent[/url]: Pyromancy discovered from the Abyss by High Lord Wolnir that inspired the black arts of the grave wardens. Releases undulating black flames that trace the ground.[*][url=https://i.ibb.co/GvnJkNW/Black-Flame-DSIII.png]Black Flame[/url]: Pyromancy discovered by grave wardens after High Lord Wolnir fell to the Abyss. Creates a black flame explosion from the palm of the caster's hand. Leaves lingering flames after the initial combustion.[*][url=https://i.ibb.co/Fhn0SW4/Black-Fire-Orb.png]Black Fire Orb[/url]: Pyromancy discovered by grave wardens after High Lord Wolnir fell to the Abyss. Hurls a black fireball. Inflicts dark damage, striking targets with weighty force. Explodes on impact, dealing damage to the surrounding area.[*][url=https://i.ibb.co/pf4G6hG/Warmth-DSIII.png]Warmth[/url]: Peculiar pyromancy of the Mound-makers. Creates a gentle flame that restores HP on touch.[*][url=https://i.ibb.co/JdcP3Kn/Profuse-Sweat.png]Profuse Sweat[/url]: Advanced pyromancy that internalizes flame, associated with Carmina. Profuse sweating temporarily boosts resistance to bleeding, poison, frost and curses.[/list] [/hider] [*][b][url=https://i.imgur.com/ew69DTB.jpg]Rosaria[/url][/b] - Notable Spirit (Absorbed) [hider=]This spirit confers the abilities "Ravaging Confession" and "Rites of Termination," the skill "Shadow Samaritan," as well as the weakness "Without Devotion."[/hider] [*][b][url=https://i.imgur.com/uHc8kWx.png]Amazon[/url][/b] - Notable Spirit (Absorbed) [hider=]This spirit confers the skill "Berserker," as well as the weakness "All-Out Offense."[/hider] [*][b][url=https://i.imgur.com/cVgakGe.png]Cornelia Arnim (Cleobulus)[/url][/b] - Notable Spirit (Absorbed) [hider=]This spirit confers the ability "Luna Λ," the skill "Unsealable Magic," as well as the weakness "Tomebreaker."[/hider] [*][b][url=https://i.imgur.com/Q11yTBO.png]Primrose Azelhart[/url][/b] - Recursive Spirit (Absorbed) [hider=]This spirit confers the skill "Rondo of Dawn." As a Recursive Fusion, this spirit confers no weakness.[/hider] [/list] [color=D34C25][b]Rapport:[/b][/color] [hider=Click!][list] [*][b]Therion[/b] - Rank B (16 REXP) Tag Team: Skill Share: [color=BC8DBF]Fleetfoot[/color] - Increased speed to let her take the initiative in battle and more easily evade attacks. [list][*]Text go here [sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5312924][x][/url][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5400252][x][/url][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5452289][x][/url][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5429117][x][/url][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5498480][x][/url][/sup][/list] [*][b]Nadia Fortune[/b] - Rank B (11 REXP) Tag Team: Skill Share: TBD [list][*]Text go here [sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5478191][x][/url][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5514627][x][/url][/sup][/list] [*][b]Midna[/b] - Rank C (7 REXP) Tag Team: [list][*]Text go here [sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5307231][x][/url][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5523367][x][/url][/sup][/list] [*][b]Sectonia[/b] - Rank B (13 REXP) Tag Team: Skill Share: TBD [list][*]Text go here [sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5307231][x][/url][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5256280][x][/url][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5523367][x][/url][/sup][/list] [/list][/hider] [color=springgreen][b]Currency:[/b][/color] 1700 geo, 25 gold, 600 leaves (currency of Orsterra) [b][u][color=D34C25]Inventory[/color]:[/u][/b] [hider=Click!] [b][u][color=D34C25]Key Items[/color]:[/u][/b][list][*]The dagger of House Azelhart [*]Yusufa's handkerchief [*]An ornate hand fan [*]Nyakuza Metro Pass: Yellow Line [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/1FJue5r.png]Linkshell[/url] A magic shell that enables communication over long distances. Creates [url=https://i.imgur.com/Nw1QvOp.png]Linkpearls[/url] of a [url=https://i.imgur.com/irTTAc5.png]rosy color[/url]. [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/LhTXZrD/tumblr-ode4k8gson1qcy62fo3-250.gif]White Robe Scarf[/url] It allows the wearer to glide through the air. The symbols woven into it disappear while the "fly power" is in use, and gradually reappear once on the ground. [*][url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/993576374809935943/1010647071390437396/unknown.png]Devout Beads[/url] Holy rosary, can be used as a whip but capable of rapid attacks when equipped as a sub-weapon. [*][url=https://imgur.com/0I58agB]Baldur Shell[/url] A badge that bestows the ironclad fortitude of the Elder Baldur. When in the process of casting or charging a spell, the wearer is protected by a ghostly carapace that prevents damage and knockback from most attacks, although strong enough ones can overpower it. This protection can only happen four times before the badge breaks, although it will repair itself if the wearer takes a rest. [*][url=https://imgur.com/zk02sSb]Uncommon Stone Gauntlet[/url] An item equippable by mages. Causes an eruption of fast-moving earth along the ground, damaging all opponents it passes through. Dmg falls off between 25m-40m. Travels down slopes easier. Must be grounded to cast. Can also be used to magic into existence and throw a boulder, once every 13 seconds. [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/d2JH2E3.png]Thorns of Agony[/url] It senses the pain of its bearer and lashes out at the world around them. When taking damage, sprout thorny vines that damage nearby foes. [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/dlAmyia.png]Ice Lance[/url] Made from never melting ice. On hit it will ignite the struck foe with freezing flames that block passive HP regen (but not active regen like potions/spells) and deal another spear hit worth of damage over 0.5 seconds. [/list][b][u][color=D34C25]Other Inventory[/color]:[/u][/b] [list][*][url=https://i.imgur.com/0jcGMLx.png]Royal Masque[/url] and [url=https://i.imgur.com/oyR0mrK.png]Royal Pocketwatch[/url] Increases energy recharge and critical rate plus damage separately but increases the power of super attacks if together. [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/lWQIB0F.png]Night Maiden Twin Crown[/url] A fanciful piece of protective head wear that incorporates elements of both nobility and asceticism into an understated whole. Much better than nothing or purely decorative head wear for physical defense, but stronger against magic, particularly sorcery and incantation. Boosts resistance to poison as well. [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/CsFMoTj.png]Elven Bandana[/url], slightly increases defense. [*][url=https://imgur.com/73ZsCzP]Sleepy Sheep[/url], a single use item. [/list] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Therion 2.0] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/af5E4Ko.png[/img][hr] [img]https://i.ibb.co/HDcrVc7/Therion-thumb.png[/img] [b][color=BC8DBF]Name[/color]:[/b] Therion [b][color=BC8DBF]Game Origin[/color]:[/b] Octopath Traveler[/center] [b][color=BC8DBF]Appearance[/color]:[/b] [url=https://i.imgur.com/3qZY3bQ.png]Original.[/url] [hider=Current Appearance]Due to spirit fusion, Therion's skin has a pale blue tinge over light tan. His hair has gotten noticeably shorter with two longer bangs on either side of his forehead, and it no longer obscures his face. His hair color is a murky mix of white, black, and pale blue which extends to his feline ears and tail. His scarred left eye is his natural green while his right eye is orange, and though both have black slit pupils they also both appear to be glassed over. He retains his natural height of 5'6" and appears to be more gaunt, with bones visible beneath the skin across much of his body, particularly the torso. His poncho has gotten short enough to expose his waist, and its color (like most of his outfit) is now more of a muted brown with an purple lining above the fringe. The collar rises up around his face to work as a half-mask. He has gained a pair of finger-less gloves and the bandages around his wrists now cover all of his forearms. [/hider] [b][color=BC8DBF]Personality[/color]:[/b] Therion is cynical. During the time spent with his seven fellow travelers (who he has to remind himself have long since become friends) he has worked through most of his deeper trust issues, but the fact remains that for most of his life he's seen humanity's underbelly, so it stood to reason that you can't take someone at face value, especially someone you've just met. It's one of the reasons he prefers working on his own. Or... was one of them anyway. He still says he works better solo when actually on a heist. He is a thief, one of the best, and his confidence is due to his sheer skill at his occupation. Sure, the few times he's gotten caught were pretty devastating, but he was still a pro among pros. He exercises his skill liberally, and has certain rituals he follows to ensure success rather than actually plan things out in advance. His personality can be abrasive, his confidence coming off as arrogance especially when mixed with his dry sense of humor. He is sarcastic and rough around the edges, with a sharp eye and sharper tongue. He isn't friendly in the slightest, though despite his harsh past he still holds a sense of camaraderie with those he travels with. He shows he cares in his own way, not directly but with subtle gestures or weak jokes. He holds a sense of pride that prevents him from admitting things easily, and he tends to deflect rather than let his true feelings be known. Unless those feelings are negative, in which case he won't have a problem saying it aloud. That said, being a thief and not a warrior, Therion would much rather avoid trouble than make a fuss. *Due to spirit fusion, in terms of personality, he's gotten friendlier and cheekier as well as more noble and moral. [b][color=BC8DBF]Background[/color]:[/b] [hider=Click!]Orphaned at a young age, Therion grew up on city streets and alley ways. He was a street urchin, with a talent for pick-pocketing that got him into trouble one too many times. Sitting in a prison at age twelve, Therion met an older boy named Darius who convinced him to team up and break out. They were successful, and the two of them formed a dynamic criminal duo once they'd escaped. For four years Darius and Therion made a reputation for themselves as master thieves, performing all kinds of elaborate heists. At some point Darius was approached by a gang called Cianno, with a proposition. Get rid of Therion, and you can join our group. Darius called his partner out to meet in the heights of the Clifflands, the most recent stop on their cross-country thieving journey. He told Therion about the offer he'd been given, and like a fool Therion thought there was no way Darius would go through with it. They'd known each other for years, and why would be come clean about it if he was planning on disposing of him? However, Darius lashed out with his blade, catching Therion off guard. He'd slashed at Therion's face, cutting him but missing a fatal blow. Off balance but already drawing a weapon to retaliate, Therion moved to defend himself when Darius moved in, shoving him hard from the cliff. It was a long, long fall. But he'd survived. It was a miracle, though many times while enduring the pain Therion kind of wished he hadn't. He'd been found by some good samaritans who dragged him back into town. That was six years ago. Ever since Therion had kept a low profile. Well... sort of low. He had become something of a 'phantom thief,' because while no one knew his name or face, tales of his escapades still swirled around rumor mills. He had to keep himself fed after all. He had mostly stuck to the Clifflands, venturing out only when tales of a mark were particularly interesting to him. And there was one such tale that tickled his fancy, right in Bolderfall. A manor with a huge treasure inside, in the upper part of town. Therion made quick work of getting passed guards, dogs, and locks. Inside the manor he found an exquisite gemstone, but before he could snatch it he was discovered by the manor's butler Heathcote. They dueled, and though Therion emerged victorious Heathcote had managed to shackle Therion with an iron cuff around the wrist. It was a Fool's Bangle, the mark of captured thief. They weren't designed to be removed. This one, however, apparently had a special key to take it off. Heathcote revealed that the rumors were planted, the whole thing a set up designed to attract a thief that the lady of the house could use for a mission. Cordelia Ravus, whose family's prized Dragonstones had been stolen away, was looking for someone good enough to steal them back. The reward was the removal of the Fool's Bangle. Upset and shamed, Therion reluctantly agreed. It was on the road out of town that Therion met a strange duo around his age. One was a tall, scruffy young man with a lazy smile on his face, who radiated a friendliness and warmth that was almost nauseating. In contrast the beautiful woman with him was stand-offish, and the smile she wore was obviously fake. It was the kind of awkward meeting of a group of strangers who just happened to be heading in the same direction at the same time, and the cliffs were not at all wide enough to keep away from each other. The young man introduced himself as Alfyn, not hesitating to strike up a one-sided conversation with Therion. Despite the slightly uncomfortable journey filled with small talk, shifty glances, and fending off Birdians, after they'd all exited the Clifflands Therion was shocked to hear Alfyn invite him to journey with the duo. At the time, Therion recalled rejecting his offer. But then the three of them just kept traveling in the same direction. He knew they had seen the bangle on his wrist at some point, and yet they said nothing. Even the woman, who Therion had come to learn was named Primrose, began warming up to him after a week or two. If asked Therion would say No, I'm not with them, but despite himself he began warming up to them, too. The rest was history as they say. The now trio met Olberic, H'aanit, Cyrus, Ophilia and Tressa after that, and explored the continent together. It would have been a lie to say that after a few months Therion didn't enjoy their company. Even Tressa whom he regularly quarreled with had a special little place in his heart with the others, as much as he was loathe to admit. The group even proved useful while hunting for the Dragonstones. It turned out having a support network made life easier, who knew? After obtaining one Dragonstone and failing to secure the others, Therion's return to the Ravus Manor was bitter and frustrating. They had tracked the stones down to a black market, but a run in with his old partner left old wounds aching. Darius, the man who had betrayed and left Therion to die all those years ago, was in possession of the remaining Dragonstones. He would have to face Darius, but he needed time to recover and track him down again. In the mean time the group of eight travelers pursued another target: the Obsidians. Arriving in Noblecourt, their dancer stated that she would face the crows alone. She always said that, the hypocrite. Of course they didn't let her. The eight split into two groups of four, one to accompany Primrose and the other to secure supplies for their journey further North. There was no dramatic scene accompanying Therion's passage in the World of Light. He was leaning against the outside of a shop while his fellows bartered inside. Tressa had forbidden him from "making trouble" while Primrose was dealing with her past here, and begrudgingly he obliged. Idly he rolled a coin between his fingers - and then noted a blinding white sweeping towards him. There was no time to even draw a dagger before he was engulfed.[/hider] [b][color=BC8DBF]In the Now[/color]:[/b] [hider=Click!]Before being freed from Galeem, Therion wandered around the Sandswept Sky's northern mountainous regions. He lived simply and made liberal use of his skills as a thief, eventually finding his way to Al Mamoon and then back up north to Tostarena Town. He was laying low there for a week or so when the Seekers of Light rolled into town, a friend from his own world among them. After she asked him to come along, Therion begrudgingly joined the team of heroes and ascended Split Mountain, where he was destoried by Big Band just before the confrontation with the Sandswept Sky's Guardian, Red Eye. Then with the aid of the railway gun, he participated in destroying the massive monster. Following that he continued adventuring with the Seekers, his path taking him to the Nyakuza Metro in order to find a suitable meeting point to regroup with the other Seekers spread out over the world. They met in Twilight Town and then Therion went into the Under as part of the 'purple' team. Though he faced all kinds of horrors in the form of monsters, gore, and many near death experiences, he ultimately steeled himself to continue as part of the Seeker's campaign to free the world. After he assisted in destroying the Under Guardian, The Radiance, he was eager to leave the region behind and accompanied the group back to the Sandswept Sky where they ultimately met the Seekers' other away team once again. [/hider] [b][color=BC8DBF]Job[/color]:[/b] Liberated Thief [b][color=BC8DBF]Specialty[/color]:[/b] He excels at speed, stealth, and sleight of hand. In combat, his specialty is evasion and debuffing. [b][color=BC8DBF]Level[/color]:[/b] 7 [b][color=BC8DBF]Experience[/color]:[/b] 251/70 [sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5519625][x][/url][/sup] [sup][h3][b]Abilities:[/b][/h3][/sup] [list] [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Thieves' Specialty[/b][/color] - The ability to debuff opponents. In this case, the skills Shackle Foe to lower an enemy's physical attack strength, and Armor Corrosive to lower physical defense. Perhaps most importantly, Therion can steal from enemies mid-battle. [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Battle Point Boost[/b][/color] - During battle, Therion accumulates Battle Points (BP) up to a maximum of 5. BP can be expended to strengthen or "boost" his abilities: either to deal more damage, attack more times in a row, or use more powerful versions of his skills depending on the amount of BP expended (up to a max of 3 in one "boost"). [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Energy Thief[/b][/color] - A vampiric-like melee attack that enables Therion to steal HP or SP/mana from his target and transfer it to himself. Can steal up to 50% of damage dealt in HP, or up to 5% of damage dealt in SP/mana. [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Share Energy[/b][/color] - A power that enables Therion to bestow up to 50% of his own SP/mana to an ally by touch. [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Wildfire[/b][/color] - Therion's only natural magic. A flame spell that deals heavy fire damage to a single for when used as an attack. [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Aeber's Reckoning[/b][/color] - A divine skill of the Thief class that conjures an [url=https://imgur.com/wBULG52]assault of daggers[/url]. A very quick, very powerful attack that hits all foes in a large area, dealing bonus damage based on the user's speed. Costs three BP to use. [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Ranulf's Laguz Shapeshift[/b][/color] - With conscious thought, Therion is able to temporarily assume a strong, agile [url=https://i.ibb.co/WckGGPm/Ranulf-cat.png]beast form[/url]. [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Ranulf's Roar[/b][/color] - The class skill of Beast Laguz. Usable only in beast form and once per battle, when Roar is used the enemy will be inflicted with paralysis for 6-10 seconds. [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Raziel's Wraith Blade[/b][/color] - Allows the summoning of a spectral sword. It can be used to fire bolts of spectral energy, and if it's used to destroy a spirit the wielder will be healed and empowered. If exposed to pure sources of elemental energy, the Wraith Blade can be empowered with them. [/list] [sup][h3][b]Skills:[/b][/h3][/sup] [list] [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Master Thief[/b][/color] - He can slip in and out of a place without being noticed, pick all but the most complex of locks, lift items directly from people who remain unaware until hours later, and has enough of a discerning eye to tell when something is valuable. [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Fleetfoot[/b][/color] - Therion is very speedy, letting him take the initiative in battle and more easily evade attacks. Of course it also helps him outrun trouble in the first place. [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Precision[/b][/color] - Or in plainer terms, Therion has high accuracy and is able to land critical hits more easily. It also help when throwing, catching, or really doing any kind of intricate, dexterous work. [*][color=BC8DBF][b][url=https://i.imgur.com/pt3OdS8.png]Stem Cells[/url][/b][/color] - Upon contact they provided a big chunk of increased max health, as well as a small increase to the speed of all Therion's projectiles. The benefit remains even after the growth was excised. [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Metro Cat Senses[/b][/color] - Therion now has feline senses, including heightened senses of hearing and smell. [/list] [sup][h3][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/h3][/sup] [list] [*][b][color=BC8DBF]Short-Sighted[/color][/b] - He doesn't think that far into the future. He has a tendency to go in to situations with no back up plan, with only the devil's luck to carry him through. If things don't work out he shifts into winging it. Naturally this can lead to some sticky situations. [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Prideful[/b][/color] - The ego that kept Therion literally shackled with the message "caught red-handed." Therion's stubbornness means he relies on no one but himself, and he'll carry on with disadvantages just to prove a point. [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Poor Magic Control[/b][/color] - Therion's low mana/SP pool coupled with his lack of proper training means that his control over magic is sorely lacking. That's not to say he has no talent as a caster, but the only spell he really knows is called [i]Wildfire[/i] for a reason. His spells have a tendency to spread wider or flare up stronger than intended. [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Ranulf's Beast Bane[/b][/color] - He takes double damage from all weapons and abilities that are effective against "beasts." [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Metro Cat's Water Aversion[/b][/color] - He simply dislikes getting wet. [*][color=BC8DBF][b]Raziel's Hydrothemia[/b][/color] - Therion is hurt by sufficient quantities of water. Water-based attacks will do extra damage, and immersion in water will burn him like an acid. [/list] [color=BC8DBF][b]Spirits:[/b][/color] [list] [*][b][url=https://www.bogleech.com/volfoss/volfoss-unicorn.png]Junicorn[/url][/b] - Striker [hider=]An enigmatic monstrosity housed within armor. Though its arms and legs seem like a man's, slick with blood, one must doubt if the creature inside was ever human to begin with. It's highly durable and can tank a good impact, as well as just throw (or pull its limbs in and roll) itself to deliver blunt force, but its trump card is the lance on its head. It can be fired like a bolt from a ballista, only to be swiftly regrown. Its short-to-medium cooldown means that its simple strengths can be leveraged with convenient frequency.[/hider] [*][b][url=https://i.ibb.co/Y3cXS1q/e54eebbde9a551c3365df1fa7b8c6d370efa2911v2-hq.jpg]Ranulf[/url][/b] - Notable Spirit (Absorbed) [hider=]This spirit confers the abilities "Laguz Shapeshift" and "Roar," as well as the weakness "Beast Bane."[/hider] [*][b][url=https://i.imgur.com/RyZvgus.png]Metro Cat[/url][/b] - Fading Spirit (Absorbed) [hider=]This spirit confers the skill "Cat Sense," as well as the weakness "Water Aversion."[/hider] [*][b][url=https://i.imgur.com/qg680Ho.png]Raziel[/url][/b] - Notable Spirit (Absorbed) [hider=]This spirit confers the ability "Wraith Blade," as well as the weakness "Hydrothemia."[/hider] [/list] [color=BC8DBF][b]Rapport:[/b][/color] [list] [*][b]Primrose Azelhart[/b] - Rank B (16 REXP) Tag Team: Skill Share: [color=D34C25]Enduring Tenacity[/color] - he is better able to fool people by acting or putting on a front, and better endures hardships. [list][*]Text goes here [sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5312924][x][/url][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5400252][x][/url][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5452289][x][/url][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5429117][x][/url][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5498480][x][/url][/sup][/list] [*][b]Osvald V. Vanstein[/b] - Rank C (6 REXP) Tag Team: [list][*]Text goes here [sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5509223][x][/url][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5514667][x][/url][/sup][/list] [/list] [color=springgreen][b]Currency:[/b][/color] 4705 zenny, 6 pons, a handful of pennies, nickels, and gacha currencies (primogems, skystones, orbs) [b][u][color=BC8DBF]Inventory[/color]:[/u][/b] [hider=Click!] [b][u][color=BC8DBF]Key Items[/color]:[/u][/b][list][*]Thieves' Tools: lockpicks, rope and grappling hooks, small pry bar, etc. [*]Compass and Spyglass [*]Linkpearl [*]Nyakuza Metro Passes: Purple, Mint, Yellow [*]A simple short sword [*]Stinging Dagger, a blade laced with poison [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/nPwJ211/Equipment-Bronllavyn.png]Bronllavyn[/url], deadly high-quality dagger [*]A couple of throwing knives [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/PYwB2JX/FEWA-Yato.png]Yato[/url] [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/wrNmczy/Chill-Out-TTYD.png]Chill Out Badge[/url] It keeps the wearer from being hit by an enemy's first strike. [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/NLLBWv2/ER-Icon-Tool-crystal-dart.png]Crystal Darts[/url], deal magic damage when thrown. [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/GTaF90b.png]Greed Shield[/url] A successful parry with this shield on a melee attack will knock out an enemy’s tooth, turning it to gold. This can only happen once every ten seconds. A successful parry on a small ranged projectile like an arrow will also turn it to gold. [*][url=https://imgur.com/I7WmvrC]The Last Laugh[/url] Silver like moonlight. Gold like greed. Strange, distorted laughter seems to whisper from these menacing looking sickles. Their light weight and sharp edges suit fast, short-ranged attacks. Mobs killed by them may drop emeralds as a bonus. [*][url=https://remnant2.wiki.fextralife.com/Constrained+Heart]Constrained Heart[/url] On use regenerates health per second for 5s and grants 2 Stacks of defense-boosting Bulwark while heal is active. 3 uses, resets on rest. [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/pPthTFF.png]Double Knife Glyph[/url] Applied to the arm or hand as easily as a temporary tattoo, though is by no means as easy to remove. Allows the user to spend a small amount of mana to summon and toss [url=https://i.imgur.com/8paYCjn.gif]two gravity defying knives[/url]. The knives do relatively low damage, but are very accurate and inexpensive to cast, making them good for striking nimble foes, or for those with low mana pools. [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/pjrJyF3/show.png]Canyne Kamura Blade[/url] A weapon for Therion's beast form. Sharpened to easily cleave hard bone and shells. [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/tQvns79/Untitled.png]Canyne Nargacuga Set[/url] Armor for Therion's beast form. Better resists ice and dragon elements. [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/2SqKyW1/Hiveblood.png]Hiveblood[/url] Heals the bearer's wounds over time, allowing them to regain health. [*][url=https://imgur.com/oU4lfV5]Zombie Bullet Artifact[/url] 25% chance to refund the ammo used to launch a projectile if the projectile misses. The projectile "misses" if it doesn’t hit an enemy, even if the target was not an enemy. Only works for finite ammo. [/list][b][u][color=BC8DBF]Other Inventory[/color]:[/u][/b] [list][*]Draught of Strength [*]Potion of Healing [*]Potion of Regeneration [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/6XJcQW6/Mythril-Shard-webp.png]Mythril shard[/url] [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/bNke9hl.gif]Star piece[/url] [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/BrQ2axW.png]Ceremonial Robes[/url] Increases the wearer's attack power (retaliatory damage used up). [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/vNi2bBH.png]Loki's Horns[/url] A removable horned headband. When the wearer shoots/throws/otherwise uses a projectile, there is a 25% base chance that three copies of that projectile fly out in different directions: 90% to the left and right of the original direction, and the opposite of the original direction. [*][url=https://imgur.com/htHntJz]Basilisk Boots[/url] Provides a damage boost to physical ranged attacks (darts, arrows, bolts, javelins, spears, throwing knives, etc) but doesn't offer great protection. [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/jJpJh5t/1toy.png]Cat toy[/url] [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/r4x2b6m/yoyo.png]Friend's Yo-Yo[/url] [*]Amber x4 [*]Opal x2 [*]Sapphire x2 [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/svZgsLC.png]Eridium[/url] x4 [*]A large umbrella [/list] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Ace Cadet 2.0] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img][hr] [img]https://i.ibb.co/fYtZsRy/tumblr-838cff68b0b8f91c14c748bbb353c54f-fa5dec5d-500.webp[/img] [b][color=salmon]Name[/color]:[/b] Ace Cadet (Aiden) [b][color=salmon]Game Origin[/color]:[/b] Monster Hunter 4 / World[/center] [b][color=salmon]Appearance[/color]:[/b] [url=https://i.imgur.com/5jihJJ4.png]Concept Art[/url] / [url=https://i.imgur.com/tBTer9b.png]Original[/url]. [hider=Current Appearance]Due to spirit fusion, the Ace Cadet has gotten somewhat shorter and lighter (now standing around 5'10''), and his skin tone has gotten a little darker. His hair is longer - just about shoulder length, fluffy, and more scarlet than orange with a few golden strands in the clump at the front. The irises of his eyes are a gradient from bright yellow to dark brown. His original Rathian armor is also altered by fusion. It has gotten sleeker and less bulky overall. From the neck of his breastplate protrudes a white full collar, high enough to cover his mouth, and with a belt tie. His gauntlets and boots are now more like plates held by belts on top of white cloth gloves and boots. His metal fauld is now lined by skirt-like red cloth. Currently he is donning a large, fluffy winter coat and colorful woven belt, gloves, and boots, with a silly holiday sweater as the underlayer.[/hider] [b][color=salmon]Personality[/color]:[/b] Known to have a lively, easily excitable personality, the Ace Cadet is an enthusiastic man that seems to have a penchant for finding danger (or danger finding him). His lucks seems to swing wildly, but somehow he always makes it out in the end. Although he may look young, he has a great deal of experience over the average hunter - making him quite good at his job! In the field he displays keen insight and quick-witted practicality, in contrast to the more thrill seeking and goofball sides of him. He enjoys going out of his way for a rare material or impressing others with feats of hunting. In addition he enjoys reading and has a large appetite for learning (and in general), making him surprisingly knowledgeable at times. Of course the Cadet wasn't always an ace hunter. He was and still is prone to getting carried away easily. As a novice, he'd made mistakes that put himself and others in grave danger, making him more conscientious. He hides past and present mistakes in his heart, using humor to cope and bitter experiences to motivate himself to continue to grow. Speaking of humor, his is one that expresses itself through puns. Many, many monster puns! As he's grown he's tried toning down the wordplay, but once encouraged it's hard to get him to stop. More generally, the Cadet is a friendly personality, and he isn't afraid to try something new. *Due to spirit fusion, the host is more likely to call people in authority ‘boss’, is more outspoken about ‘justice’, and is more theatrical in a chuuni sort of way. [b][color=salmon]Background[/color]:[/b] [hider=Click!]This young man was one of the youngest known Guild Knights when he was recruited into the Ace Hunters and given the title of Ace Cadet. The "Guild" being the Hunter's Guild - the largest central organization in his universe. Their goal is not to exterminate all monsters, but to enable people to live alongside them without being destroyed themselves. Not everyone in this world is cut out for hunting of course, but those that are do it very well. Originally named Aiden, he was taken under the wing of the Ace Commander after a chance run in with the man in his youth. At the time, Aiden had been orphaned after a monster destroyed his village. An Elder Dragon's migration path threatened his new found home, which was the news the Commander had come to deliver to the village's elder. Aiden stubbornly stuck by the pro hunter's side and managed to convince him to repel the Elder Dragon. Their plan was hastily thrown together and though they did manage to repel the monster, the village wasn't entirely spared as they'd hoped. It was following this incident that Aiden was brought to the nation's capitol of Dundorma, learning how to master multiple different weapons, hunting styles, and contraptions. Apparently, he had a great knack for it. He served as a member of the Ace Hunters with the Commander and two others: the Ace Lancer and Ace Gunner, both veterans compared to the Cadet. This team of four was a specialist group deployed for various missions on behalf of the guild, traveling to many different regions and cities in the world and gaining experience, always looking forward to the next discovery. The work of a Guild Knight was similar to that of common hunters in that they partook in large monster hunts, but they also handled a number of different responsibilities. Protecting settlements, hunting down poachers and criminals, and dedicated research into unknown phenomena were some of the tasks the Knights - and as such, the Ace Hunters - were expected to carry out. Eventually the team meet with a caravan that had run into an unknown monster able to spread an also unknown virus. A lot of things happened! Working together with the caravan's hunter, the Ace Hunters tracked down the monster, Gore Magala, learned disturbing truths about it, protected the city of Dundorma from Elder Dragon attacks, and escorted the caravan hunter to her final conflict with the now adult Magala. After these events, some time passed where the Ace Cadet seemed to grow out of his master's shadow just a little bit. He had matured, made more of a name for himself, and when the Guild asked for volunteers to travel to "The New World" on an exploration mission as a member of the Fifth Fleet, he was quick to jump at the chance. He spent another exciting time with the members of the fleet, studying many new monsters and preventing the disastrous consequences of the dragon Zorah Magdaros reaching the inside of a location known as the Everstream. Though the hero of this journey was ultimate the Firth Fleet's Sapphire Star, the Cadet is no less optimistic about the future of his adventures. Shortly after peace in Astera, another series of strange occurrences led to the discovery of an icy island... On the morning of the Fleet's proposed trek to this island, the Ace Cadet instead awoke under Galeem's influence, in yet another "new world."[/hider] [color=salmon][b]In the Now[/b][/color]: [hider=Click!]The furthest back the Ace Cadet can remember is a couple weeks, having spent that time living and working in Lumbridge in the Land of Adventure. He handled all kinds of odd jobs, from procuring items to felling beasts, and was in the middle of a quest when one of the Seekers ran into him in the field. Once the mission was finished he accompanied the man back to Lumbridge and was introduced to the rest of the Seekers of Light. He decided to join them on their crusade against Galeem and was quickly destoried along the way. Together the group fought across the Land of Adventure to reach The End, where the area's Guardian, The Enderdragon, awaited them. After defeating it, The Ace Cadet and the Seekers discovered the city of Alcamoth, which would become their headquarters of sorts (until it was tragically destroyed by the Consuls, but that's another story). He set out from there as part of the 'blue' team, headed to the Deep Blue Seaside from a portal they'd discovered in the guild hall in Lumbridge. After catching a ride to Limsa Lominscuttle Town, the 'blue' team eventually reconvened with the 'red' team, and together they all headed out into the ocean to face the Abyssal threat and find the area's Guardian. Their only option was the harrowing 'Maw' it seemed, and within a witch turned the Cadet and most of the others into children. After the horrifying experience, the group woke up ship wrecked not far from where the Guardian, The Orphan of Kos, would be 'born.' After defeating it, and after some well deserved rest and Karin Kazuki's beach estate, the Cadet reconnected with the other group of Seekers in Twilight Town. His intent was to join the 'purple' team and head into The Under, but the Rush Hour attack in the Nyakuza Metro forced him to escape outside of the building and into Edinburgh Magickapolis with a few others, where he investigated the Consuls and learned that the Skullgirl, the lost friend and fellow Seeker Linkle, was in the area. He remains there now.[/hider] [b][color=salmon]Job[/color]:[/b] Monster Hunter [b][color=salmon]Specialty[/color]:[/b] An all-rounder that is adept at playing whatever role is needed in a team, whether in melee or ranged combat, "tanking," or running support with various items. Naturally an asset against monstrous foes. [b][color=salmon]Level[/color]:[/b] 9 [b][color=salmon]Experience[/color]:[/b] 234/90 [sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5505826][x][/url][/sup] [b][color=salmon]Current Armor Set & Skills[/color]:[/b] [img]https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Monster-Hunter-World/mhw-helm-headgear-wiki.png[/img] Hermitaur Helm [img]https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Monster-Hunter-World/mhw-torso-chest-plate-wiki.png[/img] New Londoner Coat [img]https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Monster-Hunter-World/mhw-arm-gauntlets-wiki.png[/img] Banuk Werak Gloves [img]https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Monster-Hunter-World/mhw-waist-belt-wiki.png[/img] Banuk Werak Belt [img]https://i.imgur.com/7j0ZkOk.png[/img] Banuk Werak Greaves [list][*]Defense Boost ●○○○○ [*]Guard ●○○○○ [*]Ice Res ●●● [*]Cold Res ● [*]Negate Mud/Snow ● [*]Windproof ●○○○○ [*]Resentment ●○○○○ [/list] [sup][h3][b]Abilities:[/b][/h3][/sup] [list] [*][color=salmon][b]Palico Rescue[/b][/color] - When the Ace Cadet or a teammate nearby would faint (or otherwise be knocked out of the fight) the Palico Cart arrives to whisk them to safety! These felynes will bring their charge to the last known "checkpoint," usually a base camp, but are intelligent and can be instructed - though they won't do anything but ferry the injured. Has a hard limit of three rescues before the cats need to "rest," so to speak. [*][color=salmon][b]Self-Replenishing Scoutflies[/b][/color] - These insects are hung from a cage hung on the Cadet's person. There is no need to worry about keeping them stocked, a bunch of them are mysteriously always there. They can be used to locate or track people, monsters, items, etc. They normally glow green, but turn red when danger is near and in certain cases can also glow blue. [*][color=salmon][b]Armor Skill Unlock[/b][/color] - The latent power of the Ace Cadet's armor set has activated, opening new skills up to him whenever he wears it. Not only his own armor, but other pieces of armor he obtains gain appropriate "armor skills" when he dons them. The same skill can be stacked for increased effect. [*][color=salmon][b][url=https://i.ibb.co/brvJTDZ/Crush-Shot.png]Crush Shot[/url][/b][/color] - Obtained as a boon from the goddess Aphrodite. Grants a "Cast" that lets loose a wide, short-range blast that inflicts that status Weak on enemies it hits (decreases damage they deal for a short time). [*][color=salmon][b]Hunter Arts: Sword & Shield[/b][/color] - Advanced techniques utilizing a sword and shield. These arts include: Sword Dance, slashing many times in a graceful, dance useful for dealing damage to hard body parts, as you may continue attacking even if a hit is repelled; Round Force, a wide spin attack that slashes in a circle all around, the strong core needed to perform it makes one invulnerable during execution, and the force itself can lift allies into the air; Shoryugeki, thrusting the shield into the air in an uppercut motion after landing a slice attack, the follow-up attack with the shield is strong enough to even stun monsters. [*][color=salmon][b]Hunter Arts: Longsword[/b][/color] - Advanced techniques utilizing a long sword. These arts include: Sakura Slash, an evasive slashing technique excellent at drawing blood; Critical Juncture, a parry developed in Yukumo that involves clearing the mind and unleashing a counter attack; and Devouring Demon, a temporary state of mind in which a hunter's attack power increases while their health drains - though health can be restored by successfully landing hits. [*][color=salmon][b]Hunter Arts: Bow[/b][/color] - Advanced techniques utilizing a bow. These arts include: Triple Volley, a powerful burst of three arrows fired at once; Haste Rain, a supporting technique that fires an arrow carrying a stimulant overhead, showering the area below with spores that temporarily raise allies' movement and charging speed; and Blade Wire, two arrows tied with razor wire that effectively create a flying blade when fired - it deals cutting damage and can entangle enemies. [*][color=salmon][b]Hunting Style: Alchemy[/b][/color] - A type of hunting that specializes in using "alchemy" to make new items that can be used to help them during a hunt - specifically through the use of an Alchemy Barrel. The barrel is a miraculous device that can not only grow and shrink, but combine different kinds of items to produce a separate desired item or effect by putting them in the barrel, activating and shaking it. The longer the activation time, the more options for creation, with the most complex creations taking the longest. In order of complexity the basic things that can be made with the Alchemy Barrel are: food, ammo, arrow coatings, earplugs, a sonic-bomb effect, an [url=https://imgur.com/wlXCIrA]explosive fireball[/url] effect, and a healing effect that also cleanses status conditions. [*][color=salmon][b]Jamaica's Ship-Shaped[/b][/color] - Gives the host a set of rigging that extends from his fauld. This rigging has two arms, each with a pair of tiny cannon batteries and a curved red blade. As long as the rigging is equipped, the host can skate over the surface of water. [/list] [sup][h3][b]Skills:[/b][/h3][/sup] [list] [*][color=salmon][b]Strong Physique[/b][/color] - The people that choose a life of hunting monsters are stronger than your average person, able to lift more weight and take more punishment than one might think possible. The Ace Cadet can easily heft great iron weapons larger than he is, is more resistant to mortal wounds, can fall from great heights with minimal damage, and has a speedier recovery rate than your typical human. [*][color=salmon][b]Team Player[/b][/color] - Ace Cadet is more than used to working in a team, and he won't argue when given directions by anyone, even someone lower ranking than himself. He uses his abilities to support, heal, and empower those fighting with him. Always willing to be part of combos with another person. [*][color=salmon][b]Crafty[/b][/color] - He is good with his hands, and can create or combine items quickly and easily, including those not of his world if he's been shown how to do it or it's intuitive enough. This includes being able to make things while in the field, provided he has the items to do so. Sometimes they may be made of strange ingredients, but they get the job done. Fish + berry = bullet, right? [*][color=salmon][b]Adaptable[/b][/color] - The Cadet is able to seamlessly switch weapons or fighting style depending on what the situation calls for. He is skillful at learning how to use any weapon or item in a short time and quick to adapt to changes or unexpected situations during battle which keeps him from panicking. Even weapons from other worlds are within his means to master. [*][color=salmon][b]Feast[/b][/color] - Gained after his experience on the Maw. Eating anything will restore health in addition to the food's actual effects. He also receives a fast-diminishing attack boost after eating. [*][color=salmon][b]Taunt & Evade[/b][/color] - Gained after his experience on the Maw. The Ace Cadet has gotten much better at drawing the attention of enemies, but also at avoiding their gaze as well. Put another way he is better at "managing aggro," able to prompt enemies to target him or shirk their attention temporarily depending on the situation. [/list] [sup][h3][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/h3][/sup] [list] [*][color=salmon][b]Collector[/b][/color] - Back home gathering materials is the Ace Cadet's specialty, so he is wont to stop and pick up anything that seems even mildly useful. He also seems to keep a lot of equipment and items in general, whether it's gadgets, weaponry, or anything else. This can lead to over-encumbrance and slowing himself or the group down if not properly dealt with. [*][color=salmon][b]Big Game Hunter[/b][/color] - Because most of his technique and strategy revolve around fighting what he was trained for, i.e. large monsters, he is not as effective in battle against humans or humanoids. He can be overwhelmed by great numbers, a coordinated group of smaller enemies, or seasoned warriors. [*][color=salmon][b]Overeager[/b][/color] - Though he's tried to curb this habit, the Cadet will jump at the chance for adventure even before any strategy is set in stone, sometimes getting ahead of his allies or enacting a plan without any testing first. He likes to go after the biggest and most dangerous looking enemy in an encounter. He especially likes to show off if he thinks it can impress people he likes. [*][color=salmon][b]Magic Aversion[/b][/color] - Developed after his experience on the Maw. The Cadet has grown mistrustful of all magic. This includes beneficial spells from allies. When given the choice he will avoid helpful magic as well as magical enemies, and his performance against such opponents is diminished due to caution and suspicion. [*][color=salmon][b]Jamaica's Burgeoning Justice[/b][/color] - He is more likely to do silly, inopportune things like pose or rant about Justice or Evil as he gets more excited. [/list] [color=salmon][b]Spirits:[/b][/color] [list] [*][b][url=https://i.ibb.co/cN2PDQn/800px-Jamaica.png]Jamaica[/url][/b] - Notable Spirit (Absorbed) [hider=]This spirit confers the ability "Ship-Shaped," as well as the weakness "Burgeoning Justice."[/hider] [/list] [color=salmon][b]Rapport:[/b][/color] [hider=Click!][list] [*]Nadia Fortune - Rank C (9 REXP) Tag Team: [list][*]Text goes here [sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5346228][X][/url][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5395032][X][/url][/sup][/list] [*]Kamek - Rank D (2 REXP) [list] [sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5184914][X][/url][/sup][/list] [*]Bowser Jr. - Rank D (2 REXP) [list] [sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5184914][X][/url][/sup][/list] [/list][/hider] [color=springgreen][b]Currency:[/b][/color] 1000 zenny. [b][u][color=salmon]Inventory[/color]:[/u][/b][hider=Click!] [b][u][color=salmon]Key Items[/color]:[/u][/b] [list][*][b]Hunting Tools[/b]: spacious gathering pouch, catalysts for making items and traps, and an incredibly sharp carving knife. [*][b]Slinger & Clutch Claw[/b] The slinger acts as a grappling hook and sling shot all in one. It can be loaded with rocks, ammo, small explosives, etc. and fling them a short distance. It is installed with a small net for capturing creatures. The clutch claw is a larger attachment for the grappling hook aspect, making it possible to attach to moving objects and monsters. Due to spirit fusion with Jamaica, the cord of the Clutch Claw is now a chain, and the claws can lock together to form a rough anchor shape capable of decent hits. [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/0fJjn62/Untitled.png]Traveler's Backpack[/url] Increases inventory space and can be worn with armor. Features a fluid tank on either side for storing liquids. [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/Hjao10U.png]Alchemy Barrel[/url] [*][url=https://wow.zamimg.com/di/ui/gui/img/legendarygem/gui_img_legendarygem_24.webp]Fervent Fang[/url] A "2 star" legendary gem that can be fitted into equipment. Each time the user damages an enemy, that enemy takes 2.4% more damage from the same user's attacks, up to a max of 10 stacks. Also increases damage the user deals to "elite" monsters by 6%. [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/VNvYBpB/Hooktail-Sticker.webp]Hooktail Sticker[/url], increases resistance to fire and fire-based attacks.[/list][b][u][color=salmon]Weapons[/color]:[/u][/b] [list][*][url=https://i.ibb.co/0QvSjGV/MHW-Sword-and-Shield-Render-006.webp]Master Bang[/url], Slotted with [i]Fervent Fang[/i] and [i]Hooktail Sticker[/i]. [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/gFD9tJ4/302097-01-50501.webp]Nightsky Ripper[/url], if user attuned to Shadow: increase DEF when HP is 50% or above. [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/9N6wXJg/Breechshot-render.jpg]Breechshot[/url], a straight-pull bolt-action sniper rifle curiously without a scope. Long range and high damage. [*][url=https://i.pinimg.com/474x/42/a7/be/42a7be90a4e01d57b33b77c3d1d37b99--weapons-arrow.jpg]Gough's Greatbow[/url][/list][b][u][color=salmon]Armor[/color]:[/u][/b] [list][*][url=https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Rathian+Alpha+Armor+Set]Rathian Armor Set[/url] [*][url=https://nioh.wiki.fextralife.com/file/nioh/vassals_armor_m_kote_nioh.jpg]Vassal's Kote[/url], grants 'Punishing Draw' armor skill. [*]Hermitaur Helm, grants 'Defense Boost' and 'Guard' armor skills. [*][url=https://www.vhv.rs/dpng/d/451-4512899_subnautica-mask-png-download-subnautica-mask-transparent-png.png]Rebreather[/url], grants 'Oxygen Up' armor skill. [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/2gRQ341/fp.png]New Londoner Coat[/url], grants 'Cold Res' and 'Resentment' armor skills. [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/rxyxt6j/bwe.png]Banuk Werak pieces[/url], arms grant 'Ice Res,' 'Windproof'; legs grant 'Ice Res,' 'Negate Mud/Snow'; waist grants 'Ice Res' armor skills. [/list][b][u][color=salmon]Other Inventory[/color]:[/u][/b] [list][*][url=https://dungeonsofdredmor.fandom.com/wiki/Little_Red_Cookbook]Little Red Cookbook[/url] Each page is packed with meaty recipes, and it's... oozing. When carried in off hand, slightly increases cutting damage and defense against being cut. If held while striking a foe, it has a 10% chance of causing Butchery. Enemies with special body parts may also drop those as well. [*][url=https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/King_(Book)]King[/url], fantasy novel that increases skill with two-handed weapons once read. [*][url=https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Language:_Myth_no_More]Dragon Language: Myth No More[/url], a book that details the discovery and translation of the Dragon Language. [*][i]Hunting Life Magazine[/i], latest edition of a monthly magazine from Cadet's own world. [*]Arrow Coatings: paralysis, poison, sleep, blast [*]Mega Potions [*]Lifepowders [*]Blinding Potions [*]Antidotes [*]Elixir x1 [*]Sonic Bombs [*]Flash Bombs [*]Deku Nuts [*]Paintballs [*]Homeward Bone [*]Ruby Gem - health boost [*]Aquamarine Gem - defense boost [*]Citrine Gem - potency boost [*]Dark steel ingot x2 [*]Scylla's scales, skin, etc. [*]Pieces of [i]Sharq Attaq[/i] [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/FKrfY4p/MHP3-Equipment-Render-001.png]Casual outfit[/url] [*]Other clothes: boots, khaki colored shorts, a pair of red sweats, a light pink colored button down [*][url=https://i.ibb.co/dQp0wVx/AV-Torso006.png]Funny sweater[/url] [/list] [/hider][/hider] [hr] [hider][color=8dc73f]Concept[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/M1PhDwA.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Collei [b]Game Origin:[/b] Genshin Impact [b]Original Appearance:[/b] [url=https://i.imgur.com/0B5HtA2.png]In-Game Model[/url][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/w5Vv6c3.png[/img][/center] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=gray]A trainee ranger active in Avidya Forest. Behind her enthusiastic words and actions hides a slightly introverted personality.[/color] [b]Background:[/b] [color=gray]Originally an Eleazar-afflicted victim of Fatui human experimentation, Collei wandered the world as a vagrant until she met Amber in Mondstadt. Since then, Collei has turned her life around, and currently serves as a trainee Forest Ranger in the Avidya Forest. [/color] [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Experience:[/b] 0/10 [b]Specialty:[/b] Ranged Applicator [b]Strengths:[/b] (Things your character's always good at, or always can do; essentially, passive stats, bonuses, and talents. These should not be 'actives' or support systems that confer their own slews of benefits, and they should not be part and parcel of a Power; everything relevant to that Power should be included in its own description. You start with three, but you can add more in place of powers when you level up) [list] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] (Faults, flaws, inabilities, and so forth. Nobody's perfect) [list] [*] [/list] [b]Powers:[/b] (You start with one, no matter how many your character had before, and will earn one with each level. They should make sense for your character) [list] [*] [/list] [b]Spirits:[/b] [list] [*] [/list] [b]Guest List:[/b] (Put up to three characters you like or want to see, and you'll run into them sooner or later in the RP. There's no restriction on what characters you put in, other than the same ones that apply to PCs) [b]Inventory:[/b] [url=https://i.imgur.com/0B91XMg.png]Cuilein-Anbar[/url] [url=https://i.imgur.com/6MHUizG.png]Sharpshooter's Oath[/url] [/hider]