[Hider=King, The Rogue smith] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c3/13/76/c31376ed63f2d92b8bfc5e3fb4db4920.jpg[/img] King stands at 6'2 ft that weight in at 140 lbs. He has white hair and sharp brows that cross each other making him look like he's angry all the time.[/center] [b]Name:[/b] King Petrov [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Nationality:[/b] Russian [b]Noble Arm Name & Appearance:[/b] Forger's cube [b]Noble Arm Rank:[/b] C+ [b]Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range:[/b] Self Cast, Melee, Range, Support. [hider= Appearance:][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/48/bb/54/48bb54e0a9ba335b7c46544721ec2022.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Element : Fire/Steel [b]Noble Arm Abilities:[/b] Fabricating steel - from the medieval to the present time, this puzzle box can mold itself into any weapon known to man (to an extent of course). Shrapnel Blast - When triggered or set on a timer, this cube can detonate up to 20ft radius and shoots out devasting metallic fragments from all sides. It can self-reassemble after being scattered. 1 to 5 mins reassembling time. Shaper of War - King's Noble arm can transmute and produce mundane weapons based on the natural resources he can find. (water, metal, earth etc.) These weapons range from primitive tools such as swords, staves, and other outdated weapons to modern firearms and automated military-grade rifles. [b]Misc Abilities:[/b] Blacksmith's insight- A good blacksmith can deconstruct the anatomy of any weapon. King can decipher the info of one's Noble arms based on its aesthetics alone. Metallurgy - Aside from his noble arm's ability. King is skilled with the gift of blacksmithing and can create actual weapons. He can craft pure metals from scrap and unrefined iron. Bartering and Smuggling - A silver tongue merchant can sell anything and make profits even in times of war. [b]Personality:[/b] King is a hustler in every sense of the word. He talks fast and shills faster. His morality is somewhat tethering between "I'm gonna sell weapons to the bad guys for profit" and/or "I'm gonna help the innocent by arming them for free". Either way, King lives by the merchant code of creating, trading, and selling for a living. [b]*Likes:[/b] Profits, Smithing, Spending, and Gambling. [b]*Dislikes:[/b] Being broke, Losing a bet and profits, discarded weapons. [b]Fears:[/b] Being caught of course. [b]Bio:[/b] In the cold harsh environment of Russia, it's either you adapt or perish. King learned this the hard way when his deceased father (an ex-communicado member of the Paragon of Science) experimented on him when he was just an infant; Forcing his Noble arm to emerge out of necessity. The result was below average and the Paragon didn't take it lightly. Discarded like a defective product. King is stripped away of his identity and grew up in the streets parentless. He was adopted by the Russian resistance who own a club called "The crownless Tsar" in Moscow. Their base of operations is the nesting ground for syndicates all around Russia. Literally raised by wolves, This hard-knock kid grew up in the streets as a scavenger and soon his dormant Noble arm's ability to create weapons emerges at the age of 13 which would be beneficial to the guild. As time passed, King makes a name for himself in the underground world as a lowkey arms dealer, balancing the order between non-noble arms users and noble arm masters. King is a fugitive on the run from the FSB and the Chinese government, living his life on the edge as a hustler and an illegal weapon distributor or as he calls himself "an independent contractor". He has many connections and has been hiding in the islands of Vietnam arming weapons to the militia and to those who aren't fortunate enough to arm themselves in these tough times. [b]*Current Goal:[/b] To sell and forge weapons. "As long as they keep paying I ain't stopping.." [b]Military or Civilian Rank:[/b] Civilian, Fugitive. [/hider]