[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/a1SQwRW.png[/img][/center] [color=lightgray][color=lightgray][color=F4BC5E][b]Time:[/b][/color] 6pm [color=F4BC5E][b]Location[/b]:[/color] Guest Dining Room[/color] [color=F4BC5E][b]Attire:[/b][/color] [url=i.imgur.com/cfY0IxW.png]Her dress[/url] [color=F4BC5E][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] [@Rodiak] Nahir, [@13org] Mayet, [@Lava Alckon] Farim, [@Helo] Leo. [@princess] Charlotte, [@FunnyGuy] Lorenzo [@Inertia] Auguste, Ariella[@Tpartywithzombi][/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nAiwfAI.png[/img][/center] [color=silver]Layla turned to see Nahir join her and gave her a polite nod. Their conversation earlier remained in her thought process, but she chose not to dwell on it. Whatever happened would be revealed soon enough. The question from Nahir seemed innocuous, but the underlying tone of it was not. From Layla’s peripheral vision, she noticed Nahir’s lips slightly turn upward. Briefly, Layla’s eyes narrowed, but the expression was gone as quickly as it came. [color=F4BC5E][i]We are one in the same, are we not, sister?[/i][/color] She turned her attention away and smirked into her wine instead, choosing not to reply. [color=F4BC5E][i]Two can play this game, little sister.[/i][/color] Thankfully, Mayet intervened and her youngest sister’s words caused her to chuckle. However, the conversation veered towards her fight again and Layla had to take a moment to collect herself. She took a sip of her wine and rolled her eyes. [color=F4BC5E]”Please, she was nothing but a toy to play with.”[/color] Finally, the fools of Caseonia arrived and the conversation shifted away entirely. They hadn’t come empty-handed; two men were carrying a large pile of gifts. For a moment, Layla found herself possibly impressed; that is, until the duke began rambling. At this point, Zilal shifted around her neck to rise into the air and let out a menacing hiss. Layla rubbed her temples and took an extra long sip of wine and glanced towards the bottle in hopes it would refill itself. Fortunately, the Duke had a stroke of genius them all; and once he addressed her, she rolled her eyes. Him, the better dancer? The fool had stepped on her dress hem. Layla scoffed and said nothing. If she responded, the fool would continue talking. She scrutinized their attire and then made eye contact with Charlotte and a malicious grin spread over her face. It was one that promised vengeance and misery. Layla didn’t break the contact first and stared her down with the same grin on her face until the miserable and sickly pale doll turned away. The duke continued his ramble, now turning his attention to Mayet. Layla watched their interaction play out and chuckled into her wine glass. How did this fool live to be this old? Even Nala seemed disturbed by his presence. These dinners, though annoying, would prove entertaining, and she couldn’t wait for the meal to begin. Just when this bumbling idiot seemed to get it together, he lost it moments later. Layla nearly choked on her wine at Mayet’s comment regarding Charlotte. She quickly caught herself and laughed snidely towards the sickly, pale doll. However, Nahir didn’t seem to enjoy this comment, and Layla glanced at her with a bemused expression. The bumbling idiot continued his fifteen minutes of idiocy. He [i]sat in the Grand Vizier’s seat.[/i] Layla froze and stared incredulously at him. For a moment, she was speechless. Memories threatened to resurface which she quickly pushed back. Mayet spoke up first in a warning but it fell on deaf ears. Layla poured herself more wine and began sipping it as a smirk crossed her face. [color=F4BC5E][i]It’s been all of five minutes and you’re in waters hotter than the sands of Alidasht, Duke.[/i][/color] Nahir tried to play the peacemaker, but all of it fell on deaf ears. Unfortunately, there wasn’t time to recuperate from the error because now her uncle had arrived. Layla glanced away and instead began to examine the napkin in front of her. She felt her uncle’s gaze but didn’t meet it, and readied herself for the next moment of buffoonery. From the corner of her eye, she watched Hafiz approach Lorenzo. She shifted and bit her lip to restrain laughter. The duke, instead of apologizing and moving, decided to counter Hafiz’ words and Layla glanced at Mayet with amusement and pity in her eyes. Throughout this ramble session, Layla sighed and rubbed her temples. She drank more wine and wondered how someone could be so dumb and be allowed to become a man in power. Had it been a joke that got out of hand? Her gaze landed on Charlotte and she allowed the grin to return again before it disappeared. Layla avoided eye contact with the others while Hafiz prepared his next move. [color=904342]“There is no need to act in such a way to the [i]Sultan’s[/i] guests, especially in front of Prince Auguste and our other guests.”[/color] Nahir spoke up, then continued. [color=904342]“Why should he not sit there, uncle? Duke Vikena is the reason why we are gathered here, to enjoy each other’s company and learn from one another; Duke, please take a seat. I beseech you to forget his rude words. The Grand Vizier may have skipped breakfast after all.”[/color] The voice of reason, the peacemaker, the subtle one. Layla stared ahead of her over Prince Auguste’s head and awaited the next moment. She remained silent and rubbed her head once more, whether it was from the stress of the situation or something else, it was unknown. One thing was clear to the oldest Shehzadi: Hafiz’s reaction would not be a pretty sight. She glanced towards Lorenzo and shook her head. [color=F4BC5E]”Leaving so soon? Like a dog running with its tail tucked between its legs? What kind of example is that for Charlotte? You have shown us that not only are you a bumbling fool, but a coward at that. What a pity. Heed my Uncle’s words and give him his chair. He has well earned his spot; meanwhile, you should earn our respect after what you have done. You are also holding up our dinner and we could use a taste of Alidasht after the disaster you have bestowed.”[/color] She briefly met Hafiz’s gaze and let out the tiniest of smiles before letting her haughty smirk return. In agreement, Zilal uncoiled from her neck and hissed angrily at the chaos. She glanced at him and rubbed his head gently with a smirk. [/color]