[quote=@Rune_Alchemist] [@Thayr] So, I didn't put this here original as I was hoping people would be more central and native to the region, and I wasn't planning on making a huge reference to the events listed below. This RP is [i]technically[/i] a sequel to the very first RP I ran on the guild ages ago. It didn't last very long but I liked the setting a number of the characters I came up with and expanded on it from there. [hider=Johto/Kanto stuff] About a decade ago, an unknown phenomena was making pokemon more aggressive/more violent in the region of Johto and Kanto as a whole. During this time the number of trainers would steadily dwindle due to incidents where even trainers pokemon would become extremely volatile and aggressive, even those that had no such behavior before. About three years ago it would come to light that this was the result of an organization referred to and that called themselves simply as Nemesis whose sole mission was to drive a wedge between humans and pokemon, using them as little more than beasts of burden and creatures that were far to violent for most of humanity to interact with - aside from them of course. They achieved this by repurposing, expanding, and modifying old tech that team rocket used in Johto in the past. Eventually their plans would fall to pieces thanks to the concerted effort of a small group of trainers, the International Police, and the Elite four and the regional Champion. Two of the trainers that aided in stopping this plot would eventually go on to challenge the league, one, a young trainer by the name of Ashton managed to win. The other one a runner up would find themselves becoming a rookie agent within the International Police and quickly rising through their ranks before vanishing about a year ago. [/hider] Hopefully, this helps and this lore dump doesn't affect people too terribly much. I'll be posting it to the OOC above along with some other perhaps relevant regional information once I get more free time. [@Theyra] Tohjo city. Hopefully this is enough. I gave a more general overview but if you have any more specific questions let me know. [hider=Tohjo City] Tohjo City. A city located on a small island off the western coast of the Eidda Peninsula. Much of the city is constructed in traditional Johto architecture, and most people dress similarly - almost as though it was a slice of history kept frozen in time, untouched by the greater world. The city itself, while not particularly large, is lively and constantly alive with the bustle of people here despite its isolated nature - only accessible through the Seawalk caverns or via a flying taxi of some sort. Many fire, flying, and earth type pokemon from the Seawalk caverns can be found living among the city and residents as well. The people here are just as traditional as the architecture. The most notable feature of the city is the massive tower which stands above all. A place of cultural significance and heritage, its the sight of most festivals and happenings in the city. The largest, is a dance where Kimono clad women dance in a reenactment of a great battle that happened ages ago between a guardian deity and the sea. Supposedly this deity can be summoned atop the tower, yet no one is allowed up there and the guards will throw anyone out without the Elders Permission. They have something of a rivalry with Kantona city. Rumors abound of a secret war between the two cities, but its probably just all nonsense. [/hider] [/quote] That works for me and one last thing, fossil pokemon are okay right?