[hider=Leo] [B]Name:[/B] Leonardo “Leo” Silverstone [img]https://i.imgur.com/spX2NJS.png[/img] [B]Appearance:[/B] Leo is a tall young man, standing at 6'3". He is physically fit and quite strong, with a toned athletic physique that he is quite proud of. Due to living in a tropical place most of his life, and because he often spends lots of time in the sun, his skin is lightly tanned. His face is round, free of blemishes, and rather boyish. Marked by large expressive blue eyes, a small nose, and a usually smiling mouth. These features give him a rather youthful appearance. He has short, black hair, with messy bangs that cover his forehead, and go to his eyebrows. A strand of hair on top of his head always stands up, no matter how much he tries to comb it down. He doesn't mind it though, thinking it makes his hair more distinctive. Except for the top of his head, and eyebrows, the rest of his upper body is void of any hair. For clothing, Leo generally wears what is comfortable. Usually whatever he pulls out of his closet that day. It usually includes a pair of jeans or cargo shorts, and sneakers or sandals on his feet. He can often be found without a shirt. This is because he was rather scrawny when he was younger, so now that he's put on a little muscle, he likes to show off the results. When he must wear a shirt, it will usually be a skintight tank top, or something low cut/not buttoned/zipped up all the way, and without a shirt underneath. He's not comfortable wearing cloaks or heavy clothing that covers him up too much. He will dress up for formal occasions and colder days when he needs to, but he usually takes it right off when he's able. He wears a pair of reddish pink aviator goggles on top of his head. He doesn't use them, he just thinks they look cool. His favorite outfit is a reddish pink tank top with a low neck line and low cut sides, and a pair of jeans held up by a belt on the bottom. His sneakers are red and white, wheels in the soles. The wheels can pop in and out when Leo puts weight on his heels, allowing them to function like roller skates. He carries his stuff in a pink backpack. [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Personality:[/B] Leo is a bright, cheerful person, with an optimistic view on life. He can often be found with a smile on his face, even when things look bleak. As such, he often makes jokes, and does silly things when the situation is tense to lift people's spirits, but his attempts to make people laugh sometimes gives others the impression that he doesn't take things seriously. Leo has no idea how to react if somebody accuses him of this, other than shrug his shoulders and move on. He believes there is some good in everyone, and for that, he is very trusting of others. A genuine nice guy, he is always willing to help someone in need. Often putting the needs of others ahead of his own. After his parents divorce, and dealing with bullying, Leo is able to empathize with others in a similar situation. He makes it his personal mission to befriend and help people like this. Leo is very outgoing and social. He likes meeting new people, and making new friends. He is not afraid to strike up a conversation with a random stranger. He openly expresses affection through touching in the form of hugs, holding hands, as well as stroking and grabbing shoulders. Being used to having to watch over his little sisters, he's become accustomed to taking care of people. He is loyal, empathetic, and very protective of those he cares about, making him a good friend to have. Leo is very energetic, some would say hyperactive even. So much so, that it is very difficult for him to sit still and concentrate on one thing for long periods of time. Because of this, he likes to actually do stuff, instead of sitting there reading about it. While he is able to think quick on his feet during intense situations. he often acts impulsively, and jumps to conclusions without thinking first. Leo can be absent-minded, easily distracted, and prone to making simple mistakes. He has a tendency to overlook details and misunderstand situations. He is also not vert book smart, gullible, and often lacks common sense. This makes him come off as a ditz, but he means well. Unlike a lot of guys he's known, Leo is the type of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. His feelings are there for everyone to see, and he's pretty easy to read. For example he cries openly during the endings of sad movies, and is affectionate towards close friends. Due to his cheerful nature, it is usually difficult to anger him. That said, Leo is not perfect, and is prone to having a bad day just like everyone else. When things becoming overwhelming, he has really bad angry outbursts where he just lashes out at the most appropriate target. Leo isn't one to hold grudges for very long, and is very quick to forgive people. Leo has an affinity for cute things, and is not ashamed about it at all. He has a collection of plush toys and merchandise with his favorite cartoon characters on them, and often watches cartoons with his youngest sister (and just as often watches them without her.) He also likes Video Games, especially Pokemon. He does get defensive if someone makes fun of him for it. He's had bad experiences with bullies as a kid, and he fears having to experience that again. He likes fantasy and fairy tales, and he developed most of his idealistic beliefs from them. He also likes other things some would consider childish as well. He can cook well, due to having to make dinner for the family when his mom was working. He particularly enjoys making (and eating) desserts. This is because he's found that sharing sweets with others is a great way to bond with people. Although he tries to keep it in moderation. Despite his optimism, Leo still has some insecurities from his childhood. He masks it with a smile and laughter most of the time. but it still lingers in the back of his mind. These feelings are what drive him to get stronger, and to make more friends. Those same reasons are why he dresses the way he does. and takes opportunities to show off his strength without actually bragging. He doesn't want to have to deal with bullies ever again, and he feels like getting people to like him means they can't be bullies. [b]Hometown:[/b] Wailport, then moved to Byjerlfal City [B]History:[/B] Leo was born in Wailport. He was the oldest of three siblings in his house and the only male among the three. His parents' relationship became strained after his father, Leroy, lost his job shortly after the youngest daughter was born, and the family started experiencing financial troubles. It was not helped by Leroy turning to Wine to drown his sorrows, which worried the rest of the family. Leroy and his wife, Luisa, often argued loudly during the night. While things never escalated to physical violence, but the yelling still made the three kids uncomfortable. Despite the drama, Leo tried to put on a brave face, and hoped things would work out in the end. Eventually Luisa got a promotion at her job that made up for the loss of income, but by then the damage was done, and Leroy filed for divorce. Leo currently lives with his mom, and his younger sisters Lilly and Lucy. He is much closer to his mother than with his father. They were not wealthy, but they weren't poor either. Being a single parent, Luisa often had to work long hours, leaving Leo responsible for looking after his sisters, and taking care of household things while she worked. Unlike a lot of other boys though, Leo didn't really mind this, and actually enjoyed it. As a result of this, he became accustomed to taking care of people. He also learned a lot of domestic skills, and became very good at cooking. He was a rather scrawny child, and he was often picked on by bullies who thought he was weaker than them. It did not help that he was a sensitive kid, and he had a taste for things that are usually considered girly by others. He would come home with bruises on a regular basis. His father did not help matters by suggesting that living in a house full of girls was turning him into one. While all the bullying upset him, he kept up a cherful demeanor in front of others, not wanting to burden them with his problems. He believed that if he thinks positively, things would get better. Even though Leo admits to himself that he doesn't get along with his dad, and he will avoid talking about him to others, he still doesn't hate him. He clings to the hope that they will be able to reconcile. Despite all the things going on around him, the one thing that gave him comfort was Pokémon’. He never had time to get a Pokémon of his own because he had to help to take care of his family, he learned what he could about them. He really wanted to be a Pokémon Ranger one day. They were cool! Like superheroes of Pokémon he thought based on what he saw of them on TV. Around the time Leo entered puberty, things started to change. His mother announced that her office was transferring her Byjerlfal City, and that the family would be moving there. While he was nervous about moving to a new state, Leo remained positive. Moving to a new place gave him the opportunity to change his situation. Deciding that he no longer wanted to be a wimp, and a constant bullying victim. He started working out and getting into sports, which resulted in him putting on a little muscle, and making new friends. Due to his social personality, he quickly became quite popular on campus. School was hard though. Life was actually starting to look up. Despite how well things were going, he didn't let it get to his head. He still remained the same sensitive kid he always was. He soon finished school, and wasn’t sure what to do with his life. His sisters were older, and they didn’t really need him to be around as much as before. His mother helped. She convinced the Professor to bring Leo aboard with her mission to catalogue the Pokémon in the region, and get his first Pokémon since he never had a chance to do it when he was younger. [b]Kind of Pokémon you like:[/b] Leo has eclectic taste in Pokémon. He tends to like cute Pokémon the most, but he appreciates cool Pokémon too [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other:[/b] His goal is to become a Pokémon Ranger one day. He has a talent for cooking, and knows random Pokémon facts. His favorite color is red, all shades of red, which includes pink. [b]Items:[/b] 1x Potion. [b]Pokédollars:[/b] 1000p. [/hider] —- [hider=Pokemon] [b]Species:[/b] Ralts [img]https://serebii.net/swordshield/pokemon/280.png[/img] [b]Nickname:[/b] Arthur [b]Appearance:[/b] N/A [b]Level:[/b] 5 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Type:[/b] Psychic/Fairy [b]Ability:[/b] Trace [b]Moves:[/b] Growl Disarming Voice Double Team Shadow Sneak [b]Personality and Nature:[/b] Jolly Nature. He is as cheerful and happy-go-lucky as his trainer. He has a hero complex. No matter what, he wants to be the one to save the day. [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other:[/b] Wants to become a Gallade in order to be seen as the brave chivalrous knight Gallades are known for. [b]Held Item:[/b] Leftovers [/hider]