[hider=Spirit of Conflict] [hr][center][h3][sup][color=c66f44]D I S[/color][/sup][/h3][img]https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/05/30/53/81/360_F_530538197_fgZ56K28DrpDWwHUUIjeCxkOSmnY5jFW.jpg[/img][/center][center]"[i][color=c66f44]I am that which causes man to fight, to kill, to conquer...I am a playwright and the battlefield is my stage.[/color][/i]"[/center][hr] [h3][sup][i][u][color=c66f44]D O M A I N[/color][/u][/i] :[i]C O N F L I C T[/i][/sup][/h3][i][hider=D E S C R I P T I O N][i]With ephemeral hands Dis wrought violence like an artist paints or as a conductor whom leads his orchestra, his muse is the sound of bloody conflict and the blade his instrument. While others may represent the stratagem or mere barbarism of violence, and war Dis is that which causes and creates these grand and bloody acts of violence. No mere instigator but the mastermind of all which makes those draw arms upon others. Conflict utilizes the innermost demons of all and amplifies that which guides the hand to kill, it whispers sweet nothing in the ears of those whom listen be it the foolish or gullible.[/i][/hider][/i] [h3][sup][u][color=c66f44]A P P E A R A N C E[/color][/u][/sup][/h3][i]Dis appears as nothing more than a shade, or a shadow man as those would believe in such specters would call him. Wearing a ragged cloak underneath which hides naught but an infinite void without expression. His hands are blackened like that of a charred corpse, one hand wielding a spiked dark blade rusted with age and tinged red with crimson.[/i] [center][img][/img][/center][center][hider=T H E M E] [youtube]https://youtu.be/GXFSK0ogeg4?si=IvqW7TFZrUSWIG2y[/youtube] [/hider][/center] [/hider]