[quote=@Zeroth] Potentially interested! I have a few questions, though: Since you mentioned Jojo, is the implication meant to be that our Summoned Demon is sort of "one of a kind" like a Stand or a Persona? Or will we negotiate with other Demons to build a multi-person party, and if so does the Player control their subordinates as well as their own character? Does anything keep the players from leaving the city, like a barrier of some kind? Is this sudden invasion of Demons something that only happens in the given location, or is the whole world suddenly plunged into an apocalyptic scenario of some kind? If it's the former, will this play out similarly to the Devil Survivor games? [/quote] So my jojo inspired i was thinking of the characters just being super weird. We would start out with one demon and as the story progress our character will be able to get more. And being able to switch them out. The supernatural events would start small and lead into a coming apocalypse. And as things get more chaotic their will be a "barrier" of sorts placed around the city. I have not planned out all of the details yet, but i'm on a plot outline.