[hider=Tybren][center][h1][color=488493]Tybren Kelborn[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/OuN6WG8.png[/img][/center] [color=488493][b]|[u] {Full Name} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Tybren Kelborn (born Tybren Girzaros)[/indent] [color=488493][b]|[u] {Age} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]51[/indent] [color=488493][b]|[u] {Species} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Mirialan[/indent] [color=488493][b]|[u] {Gender} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=488493][b]|[u] {Force Sensitive/Alignment} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Not a chance, Jedi.[/indent] [color=488493][b]|[u] {Appearance} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Tybren measures up to a slightly underwhelming 5'7", or around 170cm. This shorter stature is balanced in turn by the older warrior's broad wrestler's build and the relaxed confidence with which he carries himself in most situations. His Mirialan features lack much of the grace and intricacy that is typical of his species - long years of battle have bestowed upon him a good collection of scars, including a fairly prominent burn scar across the right edge of his jaw and a nose which crooks slightly to the left. His face is rugged and square, with a wide, prominent jaw and a heavy brow. His black hair is generally shaved close to the scalp, and his comparatively minimalist Mirialian tattoos extend across his cheeks and back around the sides of his head. He typically wears a band of braided rawl leather around his forehead. Tybren is frequently found in his armor, a very traditional set of Mandalorian armor that is nearly uniformly pearl-white, with accents on the helmet, pauldrons, gauntlets and greaves of both deep emerald and a lighter turquoise. On the crest of the helmet are designs in these colors resembling Tybren's own geometric Mirialan tattoos. He wears a black electromesh fabric scarf wound around his neck and shoulders to provide a small amount of additional protection to the vulnerable gaps in his armor. When he is out of his armor, he typically dons a borrowed brown Jedi tunic over his armor's body stocking, as befitting his role as a Mandalorian liaison to the Jedi Enclaves.[/indent] [color=488493][b]|[u] {Equipment and Personal Belongings} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent] [hider=Weapons] [list] [*] Beskad: Tybren's weapon of choice is a unique Beskad saber passed down to him from his mentor in Clan Kelborn. The spine of the blade has been ground down to make a lighter, faster cutting weapon as opposed to the heavier splitting blade of the traditional saber. As a result, the blade shape more closely resembles a falchion than a machete or messer. After stepping away from active mercenary work to return to Mandalore, Tybren had his Beskad further customized by adding a new electrum alloy crossguard and blue leather grip to the previously featureless gray Beskar of the hilt. [*] Convertible Blaster: As a sidearm, Tybren carries a modified BlasTech A-180 blaster pistol, capable of slightly higher firepower than the stock version and featuring a grapple-and-rope attachment mounted to the side. Tybren also possesses a longer barrel attachment to convert the weapon to a fully-fledged blaster rifle, which he typically keeps in a spring-loaded sheath affixed to the side of his jetpack. [*] Wrist Armaments: On the right wrist, a twin missile launcher that fires two concussive mini missiles at a time. Non-explosive, these guided projectiles are designed to deliver potentially lethal amounts of force to one or two armored targets. For a more impressive result, the stock ammunition can be swapped for incendiary rockets, which have a less precise homing capability but a much bigger area of effect. On the left wrist, a retractable vibroknife that extends almost a foot from the back of the hand. Useful for wielding in the offhand during melee combat in place of the traditional Kal dagger. In dire circumstances, can be fired from the gauntlet much like a ballistic knife, then retrieved and used like a regular vibroknife. [*] Z-6 Jetpack: Practically standard-issue for most Mandalorian warriors, with Tybren being no exception. Includes the typical top-mounted anti vehicle missile. [/list] [/hider] After protecting several cargo shipments from pirate raids, Tybren managed to convince his employers to sell him one of the captured pirate fighters at a discounted rate. After spending another considerable sum of credits and time restoring the battered Rihkxyrk Heavy Assault Fighter, he continued to use and upgrade it throughout the Galaxy, preferring it for its bulk and power over the newer and faster Mandalorian fighters developed after the Clone Wars. It is currently in storage somewhere in the Enclaves. In terms of personal belongings, the old warrior has little. Sentimentality was impractical when he lived as a mercenary, moving frequently and oftentimes bringing nothing with him but what he could carry on his armor. A set of paints and brushes (remnants of a half-abandoned attempt at a hobby), some loaned Jedi texts, and half of the faceplate from an ancient Mandalorian Neo-Crusader's helmet (a personal good luck charm) are all that decorate Tybren's small quarters. [/indent] [color=488493][b]|[u] {Physical Abilities} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][list] [*] Expert close-quarters fighter: Tybren specializes in both sword fighting and hand-to-hand grappling. Despite his numerous methods of vaporizing something from a distance, he's most dangerous up close. [*] Veteran scout: Tybren made most of his money in the post-war period as a fringe system scout during various small-scale independent conflicts and border wars. He is excellent at moving quickly, staying out of sight, and gathering information on garrisons, positions, and weaponry. [*] Trainer: As much as he sometimes regrets it, Tybren has experience shaping new recruits into warriors as a result of being hired on to train shinies on Kamino during the latter half of the war. Part of his duties as Liaison include, to his chagrin, teaching classes of younglings the basics of combat - lightsaber and otherwise. [/list][/indent] [color=488493][b]|[u] {Limitations} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][list] [*] Not Force sensitive: Tybren has spent years sparring against Jedi and can match them well, blade for blade. However, getting picked up and hurled across the room is somewhat harder to defend against. [*] Past his prime: Ow, my back. [*] Stubborn: In his mind, Tybren still exists in a time where Mandalorian warriors relied on no one but themselves, their clan, and the person paying their wage. He chafes at the bindings of his place in the new Galaxy, even as he does his best to do what is required of him. [*] Guilt and doubts: It's never easy to see your pupils off to war. It's all that much harder when the only confirmation you get that they won't be coming home is a quickly scrolling list of names forwarded to your holoterminal, and then they might as well have not existed at all. Though he never shows it, the events of the Clone Wars left their mark on the veteran Mando and onetime clone drill instructor. He is wracked with constant doubt over his ability to train and to keep his young Jedi charges alive, should conflict arise anew in the Galaxy. [*] Don't touch my jetpack: Kriff, I hope there isn't a Sarlacc around these parts...[/list][/indent] [hr] [color=488493][b]|[u] {Personality} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]On the outside, Tybren is strict, stern and no-nonsense, confident and implacable in his words and actions. He has lived nearly his entire life as a warrior and does what he needs without regret or delay. Students under his instruction are like to listen carefully to his words and associates are inclined to value his word. Casual friends and acquaintances may note that for the old warrior, his word is his bond, and he will do whatever is required to do his duty, no matter the cost to his personal mental or physical well-being. They might also find that, underneath the sternness, there lurks a hint of dry wit, even mischief in the rarest of circumstances. That is about as far as most will go, however, as Tybren's career of choice and life experiences have rendered him something of a loner. Outside of the obligations presented by life, kin and station, he rarely finds himself called to seek the companionship of others. Underneath it all, Tybren is plagued by doubt and insecurity, and has a fairly serious case of imposter syndrome. He questions the decision of his superiors to assign him as a liaison to the Jedi - he, a warrior with no diplomatic experience. He, who has spent comparatively little time around Jedi and distrusts them to boot. Though he has experience training and leading men, he believes himself unworthy to do so again. Despite these challenges, he grits his teeth and forces himself to do what he needs to. What he [i]has[/i] to.[/indent] [color=488493][b]|[u] {Place of Origin} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Originally a rancher's son from a tiny community on the plains of Ansion, Tybren was orphaned when raiders descended on the grasslands, driving away the citizens and turning the once-peaceful hamlet into a fortified pirate compound. Because of the remoteness of the settlement, the attack went utterly unnoticed by the Senate, their Judicials and the galactic community at large. Ansion's government, in desperation, turned to mercenaries for assistance. As Mandalorians of Clan Kelborn arrived to neutralize the pirates, it was a mud-streaked, half-starved Tybren that showed them the fastest routes into the village and past the watch of the pirate sentries. After the shooting was done, the Mandalorians took him in as a foundling, forever altering the trajectory of his life. Nowadays, he has mixed feelings about his homeworld being so deeply entrenched in Empire territory. On the one hand, it is no longer truly his home, but on the other, something about it makes him vaguely wistful.[/indent] [color=488493][b]|[u] {Background} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]After leaving Ansion at a young age, the orphaned boy was thrown immediately into combat training. As part of Clan Kelborn, he learned to fight with long blades, to hunt dangerous prey, and to conduct himself with honor both on and off the battlefield. When he was only sixteen, Tybren began doing his first mercenary work, at first with his clan members and later on his own. When the Clone Wars began, Tybren did not take a side, as with most of his kin. However, after retrieving some lost equipment for a small starship manufacturing firm, he was reached out to through their mutual associates - the Kaminoans. Attracted by the lucrative contract, the young mercenary took his first job in training other soldiers, joining as one of the many Mandalorians of different clans and backgrounds tasked with preparing the nascent Grand Army of the Republic for the horrors of open war. Being one of the younger Mandalorian combat instructors, Tybren took fewer steps to emotionally distance himself from the clones under his tutelage, and grew earnestly attached to each batch he trained, even as he delivered shouts, sparring bruises, and stun bolts unto them. As the war continued to wax in its devastation, Tybren could not help but search for information on the platoons of soldiers he had trained. After coming up with scores of casualty reports, he was left embittered at the tactics of the GAR Command, as well as the Jedi Generals in particular. After all, if they were so benevolent and powerful, why allow your troops to become mired in such a wasteful, devastating series of campaigns? After Knightfall, Tybren was caught with many other instructors in the siege of Kamino. He personally led several squadrons of his own troopers against the seemingly endless legions of battle droids, unwittingly taking part in the war he eschewed battle in from the start. Stormcaller saw him, like many others, making the agonizing choice to leave behind thousands of clones in a desperate last stand amidst the smoldering spires of Tipoca City. After this incident, with no one to blame but himself, the droids and the ghosts of the once-proud Jedi Order, Tybren again departed Mandalore to seek solo mercenary work, hiring himself out in numerous small skirmishes as the Republic died around him, growing close to no one and sharing camaraderie with few. Two years later, Tybren, like all the scattered Mandalorians around the Galaxy, received the call to Return. As Clan Kelborn planned to end their long wandering exile from the homeworld, Tybren joined them. As the many scattered clans made their triumphant return, Tybren personally appeared before Mandalore the Paladin and vowed to reclaim his honor for abandoning his comrades in arms on Kamino, and from then on worked as a soldier under his Mand'alor's direction, doing whatever was asked of him - first among fellow Mandalorians and then gradually among the Jedi. Having been far removed from the presence of the Jedi as a member of the wandering clans and coming into contact with very few during his stint as an instructor on Kamino, the wayward soldier still distrusted them and their blathering sermons about harmony, and non-violence, and other vaguely nauseating things. Their words rung hollow, particularly after the events of the Clone Wars, and their actions did little to impress him despite their staggering physical prowess with the Force. However, after the old Liaison to the Council of Swords had to step down due to age, Tybren found himself being ordered to assume the position. Internally reeling from the thought of having to work so closely with a group he mistrusted so much, accompanied by anxiety over the training they wanted him to give to new Jedi as an additional duty, he nevertheless threw himself into the work with diligence, swearing to himself that he would do his part to forge a Beskar-clad link between these Jedi and his people. Over time, though it hasn't gotten any easier on his conscience, he has begun to see the fruits of his and his comrades' labor as the once irreconcilable peoples draw ever closer together. [/indent][/hider]