[h3] [color=#e5e4e2] [b]The Gray Flame[/b][/color][/h3] [hr] True to his words, suddenly there were already several people made their way to their humble playground. And after warmly welcoming the elven lady into the fold (and getting a rather cold response in return), Veseimr had already in the middle of accepting another attaché. This time a strange-looking human male wearing a broken goblin mask. [color=1a7b30]"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I take it you would be Vesemir,"[/color] 'In the flesh! The one and only!" said the aged elf while the man greeted him and bowed. [color=1a7b30]"Name's Rezello. I'm here for the journey to Nuria."[/color] The archeologist opened his mouth in an unmistakable amazement. "Oh ho-ho. Now that's the spirit! I like a young man with a clear goal such as you. Let me introduce you to our Navigator, and fellow ruin enthusiast. This is Mr Gray Flame, and this one is Mr Engelbert" Beaming as he guided Rozello toward the masked duo, The Gray Flame already felt that this journey would be amusing. "Wassup!" he regarded the masked human and tapped his white mask, indicating their distinguishable characteristic. "Welcome to the club." Because of the sudden influx of people signing up for the journey, Vesimir had left the trio to do his welcoming meet and greet. Next was a seemingly worn-out foreigner, who immediately explained to Vesemir that he was on a personal quest and would like to tag along. Another one came, riding a horse. A young lady with a certain degree of aristocratic air about her. Unsurprisingly, both she and Vesemir acted like they had known each other for quite a while. Or maybe it was just the eccentric elf's usual antics? Who knows... There were already some trivial conversations started between the trio until The Gray Flame's watchful eyes caught a glimpse of another redhead, and Vesemir himself doing a bow too deep for an elven standard. Their conversation could be faintly heard [i]"It is a great honor to have with us. Young Lady Evelyn. I hope both of us can benefit greatly from this journey to enlightenment."[/i] Not sure how many moments passed after that. The petite young lady was already in front of him now after just a few blinks [color=d62524][b]"To think I almost missed you amongst this eccentric party we find ourselves in, Sir Gray Flame,"[/b][/color] [color=d62524][b]"It's an honor, and considering we'll be relying on each other for the journey ahead, pleasure both."[/b][/color] The masked elf was left agape. So dumbfounded he couldn't form any sentence to respond. [i]She? Here? And to [i]*there*[/i]? Of all places? [/i] "What the hell that fool Konstantin was thinking about? I thought he was sending one of his Aides! I swear those nobles, elves or humans are equally reckless! Stuck between trying to force out a few harsh words that thankfully didn't manage to sound past his throat, and a strong feeling to add Konstantin after Adnan to his personal curse-list. The white mask managed to regard the young lady appropriately by saying: "It is... err honor too. I will be in your care now." That was the best he could muster. Hell, he might add a smile if he could show it. A teenager like her didn't know any better, it was us, the adults who should have practiced a wiser way of thinking. [color=d62524][b]"And the same sentiment goes to all of you as well, fellow adventurers."[/b][/color] Said Evelyn, but the Gray Flame had moved toward his boss. Whispering what sounded like a suppressed admonishment. "Sir Barandir, are we really going to allow [i]her[/i] into the group? Obviously there is a mistake or trickery at play here." Glancing one second at the 12-year-old. The Gray Flame didn't rule out the possibility that this unfortunate and confusing situation was the result of 'her' own doing. Oh yes, he knows what she was capable of, and at some point was impressed by it. "I must admit I was surprised myself. But what's the problem? It was commendable that a lady of such a young age is interested in this dream project of mine. Such enthusiasm is rare, Mr Gray Flame! Who are we thinking we deserve to snuff out such a noble passion?" "But the journey is dangerous." Politely excusing himself from the person he was currently talking to, the aged elf squared his shoulders to face Gray Flame. There were angry glints in his eyes as he spoke. "I've been to many voyages I believe no less dangerous than this. Mr Gray, and this miscommunication will not be corrected. Because there is nothing to be corrected. She will go with us, and that's final." Biting his lips-under-the-mask, The Gray flame nodded and retreated, one rule in this line of business was to not debate your client. Besides, he had done his share to appear rather convincing. Returning to Evelyn, the masked elven man sighed before initiating a casual conversation. "How was your dad?"