[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5502357][img]https://i.imgur.com/ONT2N7D.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--Near Sapple Springs - Rest Stop--[/h3][/center] After the administration of the anti-mistburn drug, Valerie immediately felt better, at least on the mistburn aspect, alas, her physical exhaustion and mental fatigue still remained. Mistburn or no, she'd still needed rest after such an exertion. Her limbs felt like jelly and she swore she wouldn't be able to hold a small sidearm steady right now, let alone Haylel. If those hostiles decided to return - hopefully not - then it'd be in everyone's best interest for her to stay out of the fight, she'd be more of a liability than an asset. Justice had her theories about the assailant's nature, but regardless of which one was closest to the truth, one thing was crystal clear, whoever or whatever they were, they had no qualms in attacking both Rassvet *and* Vangar. She'd say foolish, but after seeing that titanic porcupine of a vessel... and assuming they had more of those, Valerie wasn't so sure anymore. In the face of such a threat, not to mention the princess being here, continuing their road trip was obviously out of the question. The enemy princess' side of the story seemed to support their squad leader's first hypothesis. Someone out there was hellbent on preventing any peace talks between the two nations, enough to veritably declare war against both. [color=b93bc2][i]Give us a break...[/i][/color] That pesky empire was one massive thorn on Rassvet’s side, they really couldn't afford to have another, especially if this third party seemed to operate on "the enemy of my enemy is my enemy" principle. In light of this, Collette's gratitude seemed to ring a bit hollow, like a celebration after a pyrrhic victory; they rescued a diplomat, but discovered a new threat in the process. While Garreth was doing his report with what she assumed to be a very punchable military officer, Valerie shuffled her way off the truck, shambling like an emaciated zombie toward the group before sitting down on a random object that could serve as a stool. [color=b93bc2][b]"Sounds good."[/b][/color] But really, right now, any place free of things trying to kill them would do just fine.