[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDDdqGD3uJE][center][h3]Some time later...[/h3][/center][/url] [color=d3d3d3][b][i]"MEGA FLAAAAAAAAAAAARE!!!"[/i][/b][/color] The Dragon Queen's violent roar didn't lose much of its potency even when emulated through an audio output device, the sheer rage broadcasted clearly to every single personnel in the laboratory, their attention glued to the holoscreen currently playing the recording of Proudclad's last moments. The mighty warship of the Empire sundered in twain and reduced to smoldering cinders courtesy of what supposed to be their own weapon; just as a serpent isn't immune to its own venom, a Valheimr-made arsenal could very well destroy its own kind. A cautionary tale of unchecked power perhaps, what’s the point of potency if it couldn't be controlled to not turn against its own creator? However, all Director Hojo could see was the fruits of his labor laid bare before his very eyes. Words alone couldn't convey just how utterly [i]vindicated[/i] he's feeling at this very moment. Every single nonsense spouted by his detractors - ignorant and foolish as they were - dashed in an instant. The short-sighted masses might view Proudclad's demise as a warning, but to Hojo, she couldn't have served a nobler goal, she became a martyr of his cause, an inarguable proof of what his magnum opus could do. [b]"Heh..."[/b] A chuckle, barely audible, [b]"Haha..."[/b] then, a guffaw of amusement, [b]"Hahahahahahaha!"[/b] before a full blown cackle erupted from him, incessantly drumming against the ears of his staff as all eyes turned to the Director. [b]"Aaah, how magnificent, how sublime..."[/b] Sighed Hojo with awestruck glee, his right hand affectionately caressing the holoscreen as if it was his newborn child, [b]"Ultimate power, the very essence of destruction, therein lies true strength; force declared, a promise made."[/b] He closed his eyes solemnly while a pointer finger propped up his glasses. [b]"And to think Grayscale hasn't yet reached her full potential..."[/b] The researcher murmured, rubbing his chin. [b]"Hmm?"[/b] Then, Hojo could feel eyes boring into his back, prompting the middle-aged Sollan to look over his shoulder, a smirk on his visage, [b]"What seems to be the matter? Are you... envious, perchance?"[/b] With a chuckle, he fully turned, facing a tall masculine figure with toned athletic build, a prominent pair of demonic horns, a long ridged tail of the same texture, and fiery amber irises. [b]"Though Bahamut is the first of his kind, perhaps you can defy my expectations and surpass his scion, indeed, it'd be in your best interest to do so. After all, you two are cousins, Grayscale and..."[/b] He paused, smirk widening into a grin. [b]"...Hellfire."[/b]