[img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/81/ed/b8/81edb8910a525d44c8c247b058cf6723.jpg[/img] [b][color=fff200][u]General[/u][/color][/b] [b]Full Name:[/b] Errol Travis Acosta [b]Alias:[/b] Killerwatt [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]POB:[/b] Brookyln, New York, United States of America [b]Mutant:[/b] Yes [b]Nationality:[/b] American [b]Height:[/b] 5’10” [b]Weight:[/b] 163lbs [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Afro-Latino/Italian-American [b]Affiliations:[/b] Corleone Family (formerly), The Strays [b]Relatives:[/b] Corleone (father), Sinead Acosta (mother), Duncan Fraser (half-brother), Clementine Fraser (half-sister) [b]Voice Claim:[/b] [url]https://youtu.be/J5w3XAl57Pg?si=UsPhk3NEKMNNDQfT [/url] [color=fff200][b][u]Biography:[/u][/b][/color] The illegitimate son of mutant crime lord, Corleone, and a woman by the name of Sinead Acosta. Born with glowing electric yellow eyes, it was quickly determined that Errol was a mutant, taking after his father. Coming from a mutantphobic family, Sinead hid Errol’s obvious mutation from the rest of their family. However, at the age of 13 Errol’s mutant abilities manifested when he caused a neighbourhood wide blackout with his newly discovered electrical abilities. Ashamed and disgusted at having a mutant in the family, Errol’s family disowned both him and his mother. Fearing for her son’s safety now that his status as a mutant had been discovered. Sinead contacted Corleone in order for him to take Errol into his care. Pleased to hear of his son’s existence, and now a male “heir” to his criminal empire, Corleone happily took Errol in. Living with his father, Errol would learn he had an older half-brother and younger half-sister also being raised by their father, Duncan and Clementine Fraser. For the next 5 years, Errol was taught how to control his powers as well as groomed into taking over his father’s criminal empire. Corleone’s attention on Errol, as well as Errol’s status as an illegitimate child caused a strain between him and his eldest brother, Duncan. However, while distant, he formed a somewhat close relationship with his youngest sister and despite his distance, he cared for her and looked out for her. At 18, Errol would disrupt the entire dynamic of the family when he abruptly left home and joined a mutant gang that rivalled Corleone, the Strays. Errol was tired of the pressure on his shoulders as well as desired to be his own man and free of his father’s influence. Over the next 6 years, Errol, now going by the name Killerwatt, actively contended with his father as he rose through the ranks of the Strays. [color=fff200][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] Born into a working-class family in the harsh streets of Brooklyn, Errol spent the early years of his life learning to become self-reliant, self-assured and tough. To others, Errol comes off as reclusive, overconfident and unserious. As well as this, Errol is an ambitious and determined young man focused on becoming successful and “self-made”. A caring and protective individual, Errol “takes care of his own” with ferocity. Unopposed to go above what is seen as “moral” in order to protect and serve those closest to him. This has earned him a positive reputation amongst circles he runs with, and he is viewed as a loyal and trusted member of his gang due to the lengths he has and will go through for his people. The mutant abilities Errol has have somewhat inflated his ego, making him somewhat arrogant. While not the strongest of the Corleone children, Errol is a powerhouse in his own right and his capabilities are near limitless. His powers have also helped him create a name for himself and he is feared and respected by many in the criminal underworld. Because of this, Errol believes himself to be near unbeatable and he operates with reckless abandon, challenging anyone that crosses him without fear or knowledge of their abilities. Errol carries a chip on his shoulder being the son of Corleone and a blood-born member of his family. The pressure placed on him while living with his father and being displaced from the family he grew up with made Errol bear a deep resentment for the man. This led to Errol developing a rebellious spirit and a desire to be his own man. These feelings would ultimately lead him to abandoning the family and siding with a rival gang to actively spite his father. His relationship with his eldest half-sibling is also strained due to the nature of his birth, however he secretly wishes to be closer to him but believes it is a lost cause. Errol is somewhat close with his half-sister, Clementine, and is protective and caring of her but was unfortunately limited interacting with her due to the nature of Clementine’s relationship with their father and Corleone’s near obsession with Errol. Not wanting her involved in his lifestyle or caught between the feud involving himself and their father, Errol keeps Clementine at arm’s length. Errol’s resentment also extends toward his maternal family for their mutantphobic beliefs and forcing him to be uplifted from the only life he had known, as well as his mother. Experiencing mutantphobia firsthand from his own family would cause Errol to develop an instinctive mistrust of homo sapiens. As a self-assured individual, Errol lacks many insecurities and is prideful about a multitude of aspects of himself. These include being a mutant, the son of Corleone, belonging to a gang and even his Italian, African-American and Dominican heritage. Errol occasionally also speaks with Spanish phrases here and there because of this. [color=fff200][b][u]Physical Description:[/u][/b][/color] Killerwatt’s appearance takes mostly after that of his father, Corleone. His striking resemblance to his father is highlighted by most that know Corleone, much to the dismay of Killerwatt. Despite this though, he has inherited some features from his mother, a woman of African-American and Domican descent. He has a light brown skin texture with black dreadlocked hair, faded at the sides. Standing at average height, Killerwatt engages in regular physical activity in order to stay fit as a result of the lifestyle he lives. Killerwatt has a lean fighter’s build. A result of his mutation, Killerwatt was born with glowing eyes that are permanently yellow, changing to either blue or purple, depending on how supercharged he is. Because of this, Killerwatt’s mutant status can be easily discovered and he is forced to wear black sunglasses to hide his electrically charged irises. Some theorise that his glowing eyes serve as a “window” into the dimension his power hails from. [color=fff200][b][u]Mutation:[/u][/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]Mutant Power Level:[/b][/color] Omega [color=fff200][b]Electrostatic Energy Generation:[/b][/color] Killerwatt is an Omega-Mutant who possesses the ability to absorb, generate and redirect all forms of electricity. His body serves as a living capacitor, harnessing energy from a dimension of pure ambient electromagnetic energy. This energy stores into his cells which then metabolises into electricity. In his base state, Killerwatt’s body can generate 15,000 volts per minute, up to his natural storage capacity of 30,000,000 volts before it would stop producing electricity. Killerwatt is able to control the amount of electricity he discharges, whether that be a single volt or his entire supply of electricity. However, both the amount of voltage he can generate and store is susceptible to increase depending on if Killerwatt has absorbed electrical energy from an external source. Killerwatt is able to expel electric bolts from any part of his body, but usually he shoots bolts from his hands. The speed at which these electric bolts travel is light speed, making it nigh impossible to evade. Killerwatt is able to manipulate the course of his electrostatic bolts, unlike traditional lightning, which does not always follow a straight line as it could be influenced by conducting substances like metal. Being a living capacitor, Killerwatt is able to circulate the electricity within his body and focus it on certain areas of his body. In example, Killerwatt is able to supercharge his hands and give himself an edge whenever in close quarters combat. [color=fff200][b]Electrical Absorption:[/b][/color] Killerwatt is capable of recharging his body’s energy reserves as well as increasing his power through external electrical power sources. Depending on how much energy he has absorbed, the color of electricity he generates changes. In his base state it is yellow, when powered beyond his natural reserves his electricity turns blue, and finally when he is “fully charged”, Killerwatt’s electricity turns purple. [color=fff200][b]Electrical Transportation:[/b][/color] Killerwatt is able to transport himself via electricity, lightning or electronics. This is achieved where Killerwatt temporarily becomes electricity itself and rides the electromagnetic currents between sources. For example, Killerwatt can transport from point A to point B through power lines or multiple headlights. [color=fff200][b]Electricity Detection:[/b][/color] Killerwatt can sense the presence of electricity and gain detailed understanding about the electricity he senses, including the amount/size of electricity and whether it is hidden. [color=fff200][b]Supercharged Form:[/b][/color] Once exceeding a certain amount of voltage, Killerwatt is capable of transforming his whole body into pure electricity. Augmenting his physical capabilities as well as his mutant abilities. [color=fff200][b][u]Weaknesses & Limitations:[/u][/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]Overcharging:[/b][/color]Despite being able to increase his own energy reserves via electrical absorption, Killerwatt is capable of overcharging and leaving himself in a weakened and dazed state. Following this, he is incapable of using his powers for a certain amount of time [color=fff200][b]Short-circuiting:[/b][/color] While in the middle of using his powers or in his supercharged state, Killerwatt is vulnerable to things that may short-circuit him such as water. [color=fff200][b]Limited energy reserves:[/b][/color] If unable to recharge or increase his natural voltage reserves through an external source, Killerwatt is susceptible to exhausting his own natural energy supply. Once this happens, Killerwatt is unable to generate electricity and must wait for his natural reserves to recharge. [color=fff200]Insulators:[/color] Killerwatt's base abilities are useless against insulators such as rubber. However, if Killerwatt is charged with enough electricity, he may be able overload certain insulators.