[img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/bf/1d/de/bf1dde633fb5a5c95e48c2b22a01fae4.jpg[/img] [color=6ecff6]General[/color] Full Name: Elaina Montoya Aluclair Alias: Prism [Weapon: Starburst] Age: 24 POB: Quebec, Canada Mutant: Yes Nationality: French Canadian Height: 5’4” Weight: 115lbs Ethnicity: French Canadian/American Affiliations: U.S Government (Formerly), None Relatives: Unknown. Voice Claim: Madame Rogue (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYbIL4NrQZE) [color=6ecff6]Biography:[/color] Elaina always had a fascination with light and how it interacted with the world. For that reason she took to studying physics, unaware of her dormant abilities for much of her life. After studying physics and earning her degree at the age of twenty four, she began research on the possibility of hard light projection technology for the French Military. Though problems began to emerge. Her father worked in defense contracts for Lockheed Martin, her mother a secretary for the Canadian embassy in France. She had been born in Canada, but moved to France as a young woman. None of her fellow researchers could get their projections to remain solid, without Elaina being present. After further investigation, and finally a proven case, her life took a drastic turn. Asked by her government to accept a transfer to the United States, she reluctantly agreed, before being informed of her contributions being breakthrough in her field. When she arrived in America, she found her supposed office to be little more than a cell. She was ambushed, drugged, and held in isolation, with various tests being performed on her. After an unknown mineral known simply as Specimen-4231x was used to reflect Gamma Rays into her being, her body underwent a transformation. All light in the facility went out, and Elaina disappeared along with it. [color=6ecff6]Personality:[/color] Elaina used to be a ray of sunshine in the room, always wanting to know and inquire about the world around her. Both parents encouraged her to study and take interest in the world around her. After her treatment, she's more reclusive and standoffish. Her appearance has been warped beyond measure, and she no longer recognizes herself. Her powers allow her to create an illusion of sorts for her appearance, though reflections allow others to see through it. As such, she avoids reflective surfaces. [color=6ecff6]Physical Description:[/color] Prism is a black void of an entity. Bits of blue light break out across her skin and ripple in accordance to her mood, and amount of energy stored. Her eyes glow like LED's and there is a distortion to her voice when she speaks. Her illusion is that of herself before the accident, a tan skinned woman, with long black hair, often wearing bright colors. She avoids mirrors for sake of her sanity, and in her natural state her hair flows in a way that seem like a mirage. [color=6ecff6]Mutation:[/color] [color=fff79a]Mutant Power Level:[/color] [color=92278f]Omega[/color] Light Manipulation: Prism is able to warp and contain Light. To some, this might seem like much, but this allows Prism to mold and create light not unlike the comic hero Green Lantern. Beams, constructs, and even light illumination she can manipulate and augment. This gives her access to a dangerous amount of power, as she learns to better harness and utilize it. In theory, Prism can move at the speed of Light, create illusions of herself, Hard Light constructs, and even blind people to her very presence by molding and distorting light around her body. Light Illusions: Prism can create illusions around herself or others using Light, this also allows her to high in plain sight. Flight: By warping photons around her, Prism can fly by expelling them from her body at high intensity, allowing her to convert part of her body into Light, and allowing her to move. The speed of this is hard for her to control, so she using it sparingly. Light Constructs: Prism can craft constructs out of her collected light photons, and make solid objects or entities. This allows her to make walls, fists, or even armor if need be for combat or utility. Light/ Radiation Detection: Prism is able to tap into the electromagnetic spectrum, giving her the ability to detect, manipulate, and distort anything that pings on this spectrum. Though she must be in close proximity to alter and bend it to her will. Supercharged Form: If too much energy is absorbed, Prism will erupt into a bust of gamma energy, turning an almost dark green color, and begin to spread lethal amounts of Gamma Radiation. She has avoided this by erupting in isolated areas or in high orbit. [color=6ecff6]Weaknesses & Limitations: [/color] Mirrors: Prism is unable to accept her new being, and will lose her composure if faced with her appearance. She avoids mirrored surfaces like the plague. Limited energy reserves: Prism can store up energy within her, but there is a limit. The more light she uses, the more her body begins to grow weaker. Light Leech: If exposed to an environment without light, Prism's body will begin to break down if she expends too much energy. This kills her.