Elijah laughed a dramatic sort of laugh. The kind of laugh he put on for the camera to play into his super role. He hated to cut the poor man off, namely because it was nice to hear him talk. [color=#9d9751]”You best be running then. I’ll see about an interview when I’m done here.”[/color] It was a shame to tear himself away from the rambling fellow, but Elijah had work to do. He turned and started walking back towards the rubble. [color=#9d9751]”Be safe!”[/color] Elijah leapt into the air and headed back towards the melted area. Just as he suspected, there were no survivors. The ruins were almost painfully empty. Elijah caught sight of multiple corpses, both human and otherwise. It made him sick to his stomach. He was glad it wasn’t his job to clean up the site. Eventually, he found himself back in front of that blade. It was a pretty thing. Shame that such a villain dropped it. Elijah never really understood the Gray scale. When he picked up the blade and paused to take a look around, he found his nose wrinkling in disgust. How could a good person cause all of this?