[b][color=00a651]The City of Phnom Penh Koichi Hirose[/color][/b] Koichi was a new recruit in Taskforce Obsidian so he didn't know much about how the others felt toward their supposed worst enemy but he knew that attacking here would ruin the Taskforce reputation. So he quickly put his hand on her arm "[color=00a651]What the hell are you doing.[/color]" He wasn't good at this talking people down stuff so he was just going to be blunt. "[color=00a651]We have a job.[/color]" Koichi told her "Don't let your emotions get in the way" Koichi paused before adding something else "[color=00a651]I don't know what that guy did to you but if you attack him[/color]" Koichi looked her straight in the eyes "[color=00a651]People are going to get hurt, here and in the war.[/color]" Koichi let go of her hand hopefully that would be enough to talk her down from whatever stupid decision she was planning. He hoped the rest of the taskforce wasn't like this and actually used their heads when making decisions.