Elijah was too stunned to speak or move for a second. His manager really called him out like that, huh? Not that he was complaining. Granted, he had been the one to call for Lilian. So it was mostly on him. That did not make his face flush any less. The interview was nerve wracking too. So much could go wrong in that environment. The press were voracious. Lilian bounced off of Elijah, who had not moved a muscle. Given his size and bulk, it was akin to a small dog running into him. He blinked and shook his head. Well. Shit. This was as good a reason to start a conversation as any. [color=#9d9751]”Ah, sorry. I was uh. Zoning out.”[/color] Elijah leaned down and offered a hand to help Lilian up. He tried to smile, but he struggled with smiles. Davey at the station told him regularly that he always looked angry when he smiled. Elijah hoped that was not the case. [color=#9d9751]”Are you okay?”[/color]