[color=00a651][center][h3]Agar[/h3][/center] [center][h3]//heading home >> Racing the setting sun //[/h3][/center][/color] The run in with the wolf made him think a bit more of the similarities between this world and his past one. All the while traversing through the forest and into another clearing, he didn’t like being exposed like this, but he did have a clear view of things around him. He was sure he could find his way back from this view, but the worrying part was how close the sun was coming to setting. Agar took a moment to go over what he had seen and done so far, from dispatching those creatures to his last run in. This world so far has several similarities to his old one. Being different or special wasn’t something he wanted to reveal until he knew he could protect himself. Being different here and back home meant being treated differently or outright attacked. Survival of the fittest. Still, maybe he wasn’t alone with just that other runt he ran off with earlier in the day. He wasn’t sure where that one was but maybe there were more like them here, more reincarnated. Agar only let the thoughts linger for a few more moments before really taking in what was immediately around him and found several mushrooms and some bones that looked like they belonged to the harpy. Knowing there wasn’t much time left Agar quickly moved to pluck the mushrooms then over to the skeleton, he was looking for any talons or intact bones he might be able to use later. Unfortunately, it looked like either way he would be cutting it close to getting back to camp before dark. He might not make it at all if he used [b][u]muffle I[/u][/b] the entire way but just like home the most dangerous predators came alive during the night. Agar made his decision, quickly applying another coating of mud. He would have to continue to use muffle till he was out of the thick forest, carefully make his way at a better pace from there back to camp, drop off the turtle shell mushrooms, then find a spot by a fire somewhere and eat the rest of the harpy meat before sleeping under the stars by the fire. It wasn’t much but at least it was a plan, he thought to himself as he began his trek back to camp. [hr] [@Zeroth] [hider=Stats and Things] << [u]Current Quest:[/u] Fulfill Duties within the Tribe (0/2 Minimum) [u]Tribe Tasks:[/u] find turtle shell mushroom x5 [u]Inventory:[/u] loincloth, sharp rock, Wooden Spear (poisoned), Hide pouch, sharp Tatzelwurm claw, Tatzel Venom Gland x1, Harpy Screech Valve x1, Harpy Talon x1, cooked/partially cooked Harpy Meat, 5 lbs, turtle shell mushrooms 3 out of 5, petrified fragment x6, Cream mushrooms x3, Liver Stalk Mushrooms x3 [u]Level:[/u] 3 [u]Skills:[/u] Ingestion, Field Scan II, (chose [u]increased stamina[/u] for Lvl 2), Blunt Resistance I, (Chose [u]additional empty skill slot[/u] for lvl 3), Muffle I, [u]Location:[/u] strange creatures and dark forests > heading back to camp from elevated position [u]Inventory used (for current post):[/u] [/hider]