It all began on a quiet day in Tokyo. Well, quiet until the monster showed up. The beast ravaged downtown, and nothing could seemingly even slow it down. And then a twelve-year-old-girl in a cute costume blasted it to bits. Soon, magical girls straight out of anime were popping up in major cities around the world. London, Paris, Rio, Sydney. They were superstars like none other. Fighting evil, finding true love and best friends, and looking good doing it all. Every young girl wanted to be one, and you were no exception. Fan magazines? You devoured them. Youtube videos? You had playlists on loop. Official costumes? You bought every single one, playing dressup in preparation for the day you transformed into an icon of justice for real. Alas, fate was not so kind, and as you grew up, you were resigned. Resigned to a ho-hum, average life. Now, twenty years since the first magical girl appearance, a group of unsuspecting New York City women are about to get a shot at the dream that seemed to pass them by. But adult life is rough, and optimism in short supply. Can they recover the idealism and wonder of youth, or are they doomed to failure? Hi there, and welcome to the RP! Inspired by classic magical girl anime like Sailor Moon, PreCure, and Cardcaptor Sakura, but with a twist: all the heroines this time around are middle-aged. What happens when childhood superpowers run into the hard brick wall called adulthood? Let's find out together, shall we? The Rules 1. I am GM. This ain't a democracy. I have only kicked one roleplayer in the 10 years I've been doing this, but if needs be, I will put my foot down. 2. No OOC racism, sexism, etc. Let's all keep it nice and friendly, shall we? 3. Have Fun! I also have some lore for you folks. Enjoy! [hider=A brief history of magical girls] The first magical girl sighting was twenty years ago in Tokyo, when the heroine Sugar Pink defeated an amphibious monster. The worldwide public was captivated by a real-life superhero, and Pink’s friendly, outgoing personality only furthered goodwill. Within a year, others had appeared in Sydney, Amsterdam, and Chicago. Connecting with each other via social media, the four formed an organization called the HeartShine Alliance, a group dedicated to training and supporting magical girls. HeartShine currently numbers about 50 members worldwide. The first magical girl killed in action was Emily Hutchinson of London, better known as Tsunami, gunned down during an attempted hostage rescue. She was given a hero’s funeral, with most members of HeartShine and several heads of state present. To date, six magical girls have been killed protecting innocent lives. It’s very rare, but not unheard of. As soon as Sugar Pink came on the scene, scientists began studying magical girl powers. So far, they’ve made headway at a pace roughly akin to a snail stuck in molasses. It doesn’t help that the strange beings that grant magical girls their powers, commonly called mascots, cannot seemingly predict what powers each individual girl will be granted. However, it has been noted that all the girls were between the ages of 9 and 16 when they were first granted their powers. As for magical boys, sightings are about as common as those of Bigfoot and Nessie, with a similar amount of supporting evidence- i.e. absolutely none. [/hider] [hider=The Bad Guys] Supernatural evildoers come in two flavors: Monsters and Villains. Monsters are creatures of abnormal strength and powers. Conventional weapons are of minimal use against them- the only way to permanently defeat a monster is for a magical girl to destroy the monster’s Void, the empty space where its heart should be. Villains are the flip side of magical girls. Not restricted in age or gender, villains are selected by entities known as fiends from the worst of humanity. Like magical girls, they have civilian and transformed states. Magical girls automatically sense transformed villains nearby, but beware- the reverse is also true. In addition, magical girls are often called in to deal with dangerous mundane criminals and disaster relief. [/hider] [hider=Notable Magical Girls] Sugar Pink Real Name: Sakura Kawamura Home Base: Tokyo Powers: Love/Energy Nightingale Real Name: Unknown Home Base: Chicago Powers: Shadow Manipulation Tempest: Real Name: Marie Desjardins Home Base: Paris Powers: Lightning Paragon Real Name: Unknown Home Base: Rio de Janeiro Powers: Super Strength [/hider] And last but not least, the CS! [hider=CS Skeleton] The Mundane Name: Age (Preferably in 30s) Appearance Personality Backstory Other Details The Magical Transformed Name Apppearance General Powers/Theme Minor Powers/Attacks (3. Small attacks and utility power, like D&D cantrips) Medium Powers/Attacks (2. Higher power moves) Major Power/Attack (1. Signature move/finisher) Transformation item (if applicable) Magical weapon (If applicable) Other details The Mascot Name Appearance Personality Other details [/hider]