First and foremost, welcome all to my interest check! Thank you for stopping by! Secondly, I would like to address the ‘more details within’ portion of the title. Whilst I am seeking male counterparts for a 1x1, I do not care what your IRL gender is. All I care about is that you write your character well and you have fun in this RP together with me! Thirdly, if you are interested in any of the plots I ask that along with your PM that you include a writing sample. Below I will be providing a writing sample of mine consisting of the prologue for my first book (if I ever finish the damn thing haha), I find this helps partners to see whether or not their writing is similar and will work well together. Fourthly, please do not ghost me. If you’re not feeling it, let me know. I will do the same for you, no hard feelings involved. Fifthly, please be over the age of 21, this is just a comfort thing as typically I enjoy RP’s with lots of swearing, violence, graphic depictions and things of a suggestive nature. I am 24 going on 25 (Leo baby whoop whoop!) so it’s also a bit awkward to RP with those younger than me if it is more than a few years. I am willing to do scenes that do not fade to black, but I prefer more story and the occasional rare scene if they are to occur. Without further adieu, [hider=Writing Sample][i]Under moonlight a shadow is born, whilst embers burn a kingdom torn. A throne of thorns, a crib of obsidian, swaddled up tight as the clock strikes midnight. Oh sweet child, bathed in blood, a path of madness awaits the chosen one. Hair of raven, abyss colored eyes flecked with gold, skin of ash with veins filled blue. Upon your birth a kingdom renewed, an era of peace hides the storms that brew. Beware loves inferno, your choice set in stone, your desires result in altar or bone. Oh child of darkness, your future unknown, may you be blessed by the night so you may not walk your chosen path alone.[/i] The blistering night wind swept the freshly fallen snow across the palace grounds, nearly drowning out the howling that came from within its walls. The twisting labyrinth of halls within were covered by shimmering shadows that rippled and swayed, the echo of drums deep within the heart of the maze guiding the palace’s inhabitants to the obsidian sanctum. Beyond the intricately carved shadow oak doors laid the queen upon her bed, her sisters in bond not blood chanted and banged on their ancestral drums. Queen Eclypsa moaned in pain, her hands gripped tight upon her blood sister's fingers. Princess Lune and Princess Stellaira sat upon their queen’s bedside and cooed in her ear words of encouragement and praise. It was all they could do as the night priestess Shadona kneeled upon the abyss colored marble and diligently tended to Eclypsa as she tried desperately not to push. “Eclypsa, my darling sister, you are doing splendidly! Surely Hecate is smiling down upon you!” Lune whispered into her sister’s ear as she grinned wildly, Stellaira merely smirking as she saw her sister's expression twist in pain. “A mighty fine job my queen! Though perhaps I shall abstain from children myself! After all, to bare a man's seed looks mighty awf- oww!” Lune had flicked Stellaira’s forehead with her free hand, the simple scolding between sisters elicited a pained chuckle from Eclypsa’s pale lips. “My dearest moon, do not heed her sly tongue. It is far too late to educate her so we may as well embrace her as she is. My dearest starling, I understand your disdain for men. All the same I hope you will treat my child as your own, even if she was born from an act you will never understand.” “Oh I understand perfectly well my queen! How could I not when you woke me from the dead with your screams of plea- Hey Luney, enough with the flicking! You’ll put a dent in my head with your brute strength!” Lune scolded her sister with her glare alone, Eclypsa laughing as she stared joyously at the two women who shared her face. The triplets had ruled the kingdom together for centuries, their subjects each a part of their coven. Witches and warlocks lived freely across their lands, their kingdom filled with magic and joy. Their kingdom had long isolated themselves away from human kind and only interacted with them as was necessary, but that had changed when one human had made his way not only into their kingdom but also into Eclypsa’s heart. But the wrenching pain of childbirth took all other thoughts from her mind, the labor process arduous and long. Hours passed with her sisters by her side, cooing her praises as she struggled with all her might. The moon was at its peak, the room bathed in its light as the drums stopped their beating and the cries of a newborn replaced them. Shadona cradled the newborn in her embrace, smiling as she handed the tiny infant over to her queen. Each princess received a pair of scissors, Lune received a silver pair whilst Stellaira received one made of gold. "She's perfect my queen… and it has been an honor to have served you. May Hecate bless this child, our future empress, and may the heavens above guide her path so that she may only receive eternal happiness." "Shadona what do you me-" Before Eclypsa could even comprehend what she meant Shadona pulled a dagger from within her robes and sliced her neck, her black shimmering blood spraying upon the triplets and their newborn princess. Horror replaced their joy as they watched each of their sisters follow Shadona's lead, crimson spilling upon the floor as it pooled and mixed as their bodies dropped to the door. That night the halls of the castle were filled with the cries of the sisters, the screams of their princess, and Shadona's whispers as her prophecy echoed throughout the night. Under moonlight a shadow is born, whilst embers burn a kingdom torn. A throne of thorns, a crib of obsidian, swaddled up tight as the clock strikes midnight. Oh sweet child, bathed in blood, a path of madness awaits the chosen one. Hair of raven, abyss colored eyes flecked with gold, skin of ash with veins filled blue. Upon your birth a kingdom renewed, an era of peace hides the storms that brew. Beware loves inferno, your choice set in stone, your desires result in altar or bone. Oh child of darkness, your future unknown, may you be blessed by the night so you may not walk your chosen path alone. [/hider] [hider=Plots & Ideas][hider=Dead or Alive]Our protagonist may or may not have been reading a book called “Crash into my heart” The plot would revolve around one of our characters being the sole survivor of a plane crash whilst the other would be someone who lives on the not so deserted island. Whether he or she previously crashed there or they are part of the native people, either way the two find each other and do their best to survive together. The plot could divulge into the two crash survivors bonding and helping each other, subsequently falling for each other and deciding to start their lives again on the island or it could divulge into a more fantasy genre style RP with the various tribes on the island fighting over her as they believe she’s a god from the skies above. Perhaps she is or perhaps she’s a fraud… which path interests you most?[/hider] [hider=Remember]Is it truly possible to forget the first person to capture your heart? This plot would revolve around one of our characters being a rockstar (or former rockstar) and a high school sweetheart/former best friend. A rather abrupt falling out left so much between the two unsaid, this sudden reunion opening up old wounds but also bringing with it the bittersweet memories of happiness. The rockstar ends up going back to their hometown to try to clear their writer's block, those feelings of the past sweeping them up and bringing them right back to the past. What awaits these two is a mystery only us writers can unravel.[/hider] [hider=Chaos of the Heart]Breakups; they fucking suck! This plot revolves around two heartbroken individuals going to a valentine's speed dating event at a bar and winding up spending the night together. But one of them snuck out the next morning, no contact information or anything. Both had a great time but the one who snuck out is worried perhaps it was just a simple fling and nothing more despite what their heart is telling them. The one who wakes up in the bed alone decides to go on the hunt for them, eventually finding them and confessing they had a great time and want to get to know each other. The two come from completely different walks of life, one coming from more humble means whilst the other is the future CEO of a giant construction company. Can these two heart broken individuals heal each other or will they turn their hearts to dust?[/hider][/hider] [hider=Dark Disney Ideas][hider=Snow White and The Evil King]Unlike the story that’s been told for centuries, Snow and her step-father didn’t always have a bad relationship with one another. With her mother constantly off leading the kingdom's warriors in battle, Snow and her step-father were all each other had. Sure, things were a bit hard to accept at first but eventually the two were thicker than thieves! Especially when the Queen passed away, the comfort they found in each other was the only thing that helped keep them going. But this happiness was trampled upon when the young princess was kidnapped by seven wanted thieves, promising to return the princess if they received pardons from the king for their crimes. They were pardoned, but they did not return the princess. Years and years passed with the royal guard searching far and wide, nearly a decade passing with no clues or the princess returned. Eventually though the princess is found, our role play picking up at this pivotal moment. It’s been so long since the two have been reunited that the two practically feel like strangers, yet the memories of that powerful bond remain. This leads the two to form a very… very different dynamic with one another. With the princess back now though there is a push from the court to have an advantageous political marriage to a neighboring Prince. It’s not what Snow wants until she meets the Prince, finding the young man utterly charming. This is when the King decides to sign a deal with the devil to gain mystical powers, doing his best to kill the prince so his snow is not taken away. So that she’s never away from him ever again. This is a more taboo romance plot since it has themes of step relationships, age gap (Snow would be in her 20’s with the king being in his 40’s) and obviously there would be a love triangle at play.[/hider] [hider=Cinderella’s Dead]A dream come true, that’s what life was supposed to be like with the prince. But the prince quickly loses interest in his wife, assigning a guard to escort her wherever she needs to go and goes back to his womanizing ways. Cinderella is devastated but still goes on with her life, trying to win her husband back with little gestures and utterly failing each time. She still tries to stay happy, despite the constant rejections and destruction of her gifts that represent her heart. Eventually though her heart can’t take anymore, and she decides to take her own life as she knows the prince will never let her go despite the fact he never visits, never shows her affection, never considers her feelings or remembers she’s even there in the east palace. Her guard stops her and holds her that night, embracing her so that her heart no longer breaks from her loneliness. The two fall deep into love and eventually Cinderella falls pregnant with the guards child, the two knowing if the prince finds out they’re dead. So they find a way to fake her death, running away together and living a normal life together. Eventually when we get bored we could have their child found out or something by the king, or a myriad of different ideas.[/hider][/hider] [hider=Pairings (no concrete plots or need more input/collaboration)]Butler/Maid X Employer Witch/Warlock X Princess/Prince (Dark Disney) Murder X Victim Robot X Creator[/hider]