Instinctively, Noa reached to grab Clementine’s hand as soon as she was within reach but immediately withdrew it upon the realisation that she might accidentally harm Clem in doing so, aware that her own abilities were harder to control with heightened emotions. Though she tended to be level-headed, nothing could prepare her for an impromptu warzone in the middle of the street. Without hesitation, she swung the rifle around from her back and aimed it towards Clem’s attacker. Though she had little experience in the way of marksmanship, there was a certain advantage to be gained from heightened senses and reflexes. Unfortunately, none of that would matter now as the attacker had prepared for such an eventuality by using Clem to ensure her own safety. [color=7bcdc8]"Buzz off, Bitch."[/color] She said sharply. Noa’s focus turned from the scope of the weapon to the ebb of light emanating below it, shortly followed by a growing warmth which forced her to step back, lowering her weapon as she did, only to see the harrowing sight of Clem’s abilities in full force from the charred flesh to the gut-wrenching scream of pain. Nothing could have prepared her for what she had just witnessed. It was probably just as well that she hadn’t accidentally grabbed Clem earlier, for her own sake. Though still shocked by the situation she had just witnessed, she was not perturbed enough to forget their priorities, or at least not enough to show it. Noa had seen enough people act towards her with apprehension and she didn’t want to pass the same judgement she had experienced onto Clementine, even if she was feeling unsettled in the moment. Besides, she had no idea how Clem was feeling right now. It was just as likely that she was scared too. Calmly, but loud enough to try and breach the sound of crackling around them to reach Clem, she approached as close as was comfortable before the prickling heat became too much to bear. [color=7bcdc8]“Come on, Clem. This isn’t your fight.”[/color] She spoke gently, trying to offer some comfort in their unprecedented situation. Despite her calm demeanour, her expression when she locked eyes with Errol told another story, one of concern. There wasn’t time to discuss though as two of the brutes came barreling towards them. [color=7bcdc8]“Get in the truck.”[/color] She told the pair solemnly without taking her eyes off of the incoming adversaries before quickly snapping and running to the open door of the armoured vehicle that she had cleared out minutes before. Even if Duncan managed to intercept the mutants heading their way, it was no good for anyone to be standing out in the open. Turning the key that had been left in the ignition, the engine roared to life.