[quote=@Izurich] Oh hey, this is pretty neat. I have a PC idea of a Japanese-American girl who wanted to get into the modelling industry, but unfortunately was too short, slender, and petite to pass the auditions, after numerous tries, she gave up and resigned herself to a mundane 9-5 job at a call center, it seemed her life would amount to nothing more than just being an Average Jane... ...until an obnoxious creature came to her and told her she's chosen to be a mahou shoujo. Powers would be something in the realm of flowing swordplay, illusion, etherealness, and lots and lots of butterfly imageries. Think Narmaya (Granblue Fantasy) combined with Madame Butterfly (Sekiro). [/quote] Having been through something similar (or exactly in the case of call center hell), I love it. [quote=@Silver Carrot] Would a broad powerset of 'electricity' allow a PC with both lightning-based magic AND technology at her disposal (a la Sailor Mercury or Maglumiere)? [/quote] At first, I was going to say no, but considering Mercury herself has some water powers, I'll allow it. Just know that you won't be as good with either one as a specialist would be.