a little idea (abit cliche) i thought of that needs lots of expanding, but likeee yk? does it sound interesting? [hider= The Seven] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c6/51/e3/c651e37da0e9f4d3d18031f734731741.jpg[/img] Seven virtues, guardians of the divine, Once radiant beacons, now frozen in time. In caskets of gold, encased in gem's gleam, Their perfect souls locked in an eternal dream. Order's virtues, how far have they strayed, In slumber they rest, in shadows they've laid. For years upon years, their essence preserved, Awaiting the call, to rise and serve. Patience, once steadfast, now waits in repose, Temperance subdued, its flame barely glows. Justice, obscured, behind veils of the night, While Prudence lies dormant, shrouded from sight. Fortitude weakened, its resolve worn thin, Faith dimmed by doubt, where shadows begin. Hope, a whisper lost in the void's vast expanse, As the virtues of Order, in silence, advance. Yet in the stillness, a flicker ignites, A glimmer of light in the endless nights. For even in slumber, their power endures, The seven virtues of Order, forever pure. Seven Knights, each assigned to one of the holy virtues, but they were put into magical sleep or sum shit like that by the royal council or smth in fear they'd grow too powerful. After that, everything was somewhat peaceful, years passed before a "mysterious figure " awakens them, but after the long years of slumber, the knights are corrupted in a sort of way. Each of their good traits gone bad. For example, I want either A) Chasity is now slutty and kinda a whore yk B) Chasity has a repressive attitude towards sexuality, and looks down on those, who don't have a strict moral code when it comes to sex. That's the basic idea, but it needs lots of expanding, so just seeing if people are down. [/hider]