[center][hider=Flynn Astaros] [hr][hr] [CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240501/f05a736427987502b04e7512136c14ae.png[/img][/CENTER] [hr][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xYcvcXU.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/FBFo97c.png[/img] [color=#807B84][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color] [sub][COLOR=28645A]26 [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Human [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Prince of Aurelia [color=#807B84][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color] Magic Specialty: Light & Earth [color=#807B84][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color][/COLOR][/sub][/center] [hider=▼] [sup][indent][/indent] [COLOR=SILVER]✧ [B]Height –[/B][COLOR=28645A] 6'3"[/COLOR] ✧ [b]Build –[/b][COLOR=28645A] Athletic/muscular[/COLOR] ✧ [b]Eye Color –[/b][COLOR=28645A] Sea-Green[/COLOR] ✧ [b]Hair Color –[/b][COLOR=28645A] Blonde[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SUP][/hider] [/cell][cell][color=#28645A][b][sub]B I O G R A P H Y[/sub][/b][/COLOR] [sub]As the first born and eldest son of Aurelia, Flynn has always carried the immense weight of responsibility on his shoulders. Under his father's vigilant guidance, the king aimed to shape Flynn into a worthy successor destined to rule Aurelia. Since he was a child, Flynn understood the importance of the responsibility that had been bestowed upon him, and so he dutifully followed his father's example, striving to excel in every aspect of his training. Whether in physical combat, mastery of magic, military strategy, historical knowledge, governance, or royal etiquette, he approached each rigorous lesson with determination and skill. Throughout his childhood and adolescence, Flynn was cherished as the pride and joy of his parents, earning him the nickname "The Golden Child," a title that resonated even beyond the castle walls. Despite having seven younger siblings, Flynn remained the undeniable "favorite", consistently meeting and surpassing his parents' expectations time and time again. He set a shining example for his younger brothers and sisters, actively participating in their upbringing and later providing his own mentorship and encouragement. Flynn became the picture-perfect son and Prince, just as people expected him to be. While proud of his achievements, Flynn sometimes felt that no one truly knew who he was, yet he had come to peace with this realization. No one needed to know a King; a King needed to be the best leader possible. With countless lives at stake, selflessness superseded personal desires. At least, that what he had been told all his life. Eight years ago, when news of the blight first emerged, Flynn observed his father's response firsthand. Previous situations had been mere simulations, but this was reality, and Flynn was excited to see his father in action. With keen interest, Flynn studied his father and the royal war council. Gradually, his idealized image of his father began to unravel. Prideful, stubborn, and prone to selfish judgments, his father dismissed the plight of the kingdom's civilians as madness, attributing it to other causes. He instructed the Royal Guard to disregard the blight at first, but the reports persisted: villages destroyed, lives lost, and whispers of a new humanoid threat. Only when the blight encroached upon the capital did his father show concern, displaying little regard for those on the outskirts who had been enduring this poison for five years at that time. Consumed by resentment towards his father's true character, Flynn began to rebel against his royal obligations. He refused to attend his lessons and rejected the notion of marriage, a prospect his mother incessantly pushed upon him. Though seemingly minor acts of defiance, these rebellions offered Flynn a sense of liberation. Now 23, fueled by newfound freedom, Flynn delved into the kingdom's nightlife with increasing frequency. For years, he had been barred from direct interaction with his subjects, but if his father could indulge in selfishness, then so could he. In time, Flynn crossed paths with a woman at a local tavern. She was low-born, a nomad who travelled wherever the wind took her, selling odds and ends she found in her travels. She captured his heart, particularly given the potential for her presence to anger his parents. They saw each other in secret, concealed from the scrutiny of courtly eyes, for nearly two years. Flynn had felt that she was the only person to truly know him and see beyond his princely façade. Eventually, Flynn contemplated revealing his intentions to marry her to his father, but fate had other ideas. When the King announced Flynn's betrothal to the Princess of Lunaris, he was devastated. All the plans he had imagined up with his paramour were shattered in an instant. Flynn had never even laid eyes on the Princess, let alone considered her as a potential spouse. Their kingdoms had been bitter enemies for generations, and yet his father had agreed to the union without consulting Flynn. Shock quickly grew into to anger when his father disclosed the next step: to conceive a prophesied "savior child" with the Princess and then to be sacrificed upon its birth as an offering to the gods. Flynn's fury simmered beneath a façade of composure as he grappled with this unthinkable decree. How could his father be so incredibly selfish? The King had waited so long to act that now he would throw away the life of his eldest son for a plan that Flynn had no faith in. His mind raced with schemes to remove himself from this madness and he blurted out the first thing that came to mind. Instead of a guaranteed death sentence, Flynn pleaded to be allowed to establish a new colony. He proposed assembling the wisest sages and using his own expertise to research the blight, believing that with adequate resources, they could find a cure. When both kingdoms initially denied this request, Flynn sweetened the deal by agreeing to the marriage and pledging to conceive a child with the princess. This compromise was met with approval. Almost immediately Flynn was forced to uproot his life and make the journey to Lunaris to marry his future Queen. [/sub][/cell][/row][/table] [hr][hr] [/hider][/center] [hr] [center][hider=Kira Rykker] [hr][hr] [CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240504/7ea89157aa7490b85c1faa2a61df7e74.png[/img][/CENTER] [hr][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/COWLjzW.jpg[/img][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/jAHwBnH.png[/img] [color=#807B84][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color] [sub][COLOR=DC561E]27 [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Blight-Born [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Research Subject & Herbalist [color=#807B84][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color] Kingdom: Lunaris; however, born in Aurelia [color=#807B84][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color] Magic Specialty: Fire & Psychic [color=#807B84][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color][/COLOR][/sub][/center] [hider=▼] [sup][indent][/indent] [COLOR=SILVER]✧ [B]Height –[/B][COLOR=DC561E] 5'5"[/COLOR] ✧ [b]Build –[/b][COLOR=DC561E] Lean/Slight hourglass shape[/COLOR] ✧ [b]Eye Color –[/b][COLOR=DC561E] Glowing Golden-Orange[/COLOR] ✧ [b]Hair Color –[/b][COLOR=DC561E] Red[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SUP][/hider] [/cell][cell][color=DC561E][b][sub]B I O G R A P H Y[/sub][/b][/COLOR] [sub]Originally born in the Kingdom of Aurelia, Kira came from a family of humble commoners who resided in a small village nestled near the border between Aurelia and Lunaris. The family, consisting of Kira's parents and her two sisters — one younger, one older — struggled to make ends meet at times, but their parents hid it well from their children. Kira's father, a dedicated blacksmith, provided for them through his tireless efforts at the forge, while her mother tended to the household and sold the various ironworks crafted by her husband. Despite his disappointment for not having a son to carry on his legacy, Kira's father treated his daughters with equal regard. He taught them the art of the sword and the skills of the forge, emphasizing the importance of preserving their family business as he himself came from a long line of highly valued blacksmiths. Kira enjoyed her time at the forge and even focused on improving her skill in fire magic in order to assist her father. Although they had occasional hardships, their family made a decent life for themselves, at least from what Kira can recall. At the age of 10, Kira, the wild middle child with an adventurous mind, made a decision to journey beyond the kingdom's borders alone. Despite the supposed peace between Aurelia and Lunaris, venturing across the border was known to be extremely dangerous - especially for commoners who would be unnoticed by the Royal Family. Lost in the mountainous forest, Kira encountered a patrol unit from Lunaris. Rather than guiding her back, they seized her and transported her all the way to their capital. Unbeknownst to Kira, her arrival in Lunaris fulfilled a hidden purpose. The King sought a child like her — hailing from Aurelia, imbued with the innate ability to expertly harness the sun's magic, yet still malleable enough to be shaped into a Lunarian and learn their ways. Upon her arrival in the capital, Kira was swiftly placed into a military training academy, where she was slowly stripped of her Aurelian identity. If she wanted to survive then she had to assimilate, and so she did. Kira adapted to the harsh realities of Lunarian life, both in terms of the challenging terrain and the unforgiving nature of their culture. Her Lunarian instructors were strict and often unforgiving, but she was met with great reward if she followed orders. Though memories of her carefree life in Aurelia often invaded her thoughts, Kira gradually abandoned her dreams in favor of excelling within the confines of her new reality. Success brought with it advancement in rank, granting her increased privileges and status. After enduring five years of relentless trials, Kira finally met the standards set by the King himself. Kira was then inducted into a select academy reserved exclusively for the kingdom's covert operations unit and elite assassins. Over the next five years, Kira immersed herself in the art of becoming an assassin; mastering skills in stealth, close combat, poisons, and psychic magic. Hindered by distance from her homeland, her proficiency in fire magic waned, and while she became skilled in Lunarian Psychic magic, it could never match the strength of those born in Lunaris. Instead, she honed her prowess in combat, swiftly rising through the ranks to become the academy's top student. At the age of 20, Kira embarked on her first mission, executing it with precision. Mission after mission followed, each carried out with a cold efficiency that lacked any trace of sentimentality toward her execution of Aurelian spies. Through her skillful use of poisons to take out people without making a scene, Kira earned herself the nickname "Nightshade" among her peers in the kingdom. Having spent half her life in Lunaris, thoughts of her past life and family grew scarce. In her own mind, she had shed her former identity and embraced her new existence as a Lunarian. At 25, Kira received orders to abandon the comforts of her home in the capital and covertly insert herself into a remote village. Her mission: to infiltrate and dismantle a suspected network of Aurelian spies and military operatives rumored to be lurking there. Following orders, Kira assumed the identity of a wandering herbalist in search of settlement, seamlessly blending into the village. For a year, she meticulously identified Aurelian agents, dispatching intelligence back to the capital. However, the village's fortune took a dire turn when a blight ravaged their potato crops, the community's staple food source. Quickly the blight began to wipe out villagers in waves; even Kira could not escape the blight's fatal grasp. The transformation first began with coughing up blood and soon it filled her lungs, causing her to essentially drown. Kira lay dead in her small cabin home for a full day before she awoke as a changed creature. Her once blue eyes now glowed with a golden orange radiance, fangs had formed in her mouth, each of her senses were heightened and she had an insatiable thirst for blood. Leaving her cabin, Kira found that she was the only person in the village to make it out alive. A purple haze of blight had begun to seep from the ground, but Kira remained unaffected by it. When word had made it to the capital they had sent a scout down, but upon seeing the village covered in the blight, they did not dare commence a search for Kira and instead sent back word that she had certainly died in the tragedy. Kira did not return to the kingdom's capital on her own, knowing what they would think of her, and so she let them believe she was dead. Once again displaced, Kira knew she must assimilate to a new way of life. For another year she lived in the tainted village, sustaining herself on lost people or hunted animals, teetering on the brink of madness in her solitary existence. Yet, news of Dawnhaven, a sort of refuge for those afflicted by the blight, beckoned her. Leaving behind her village, Kira ventured to Dawnhaven, offering her herbalist knowledge and agreeing to be studied in the quest for a cure. Kira does not believe that there could ever be a cure for blight, and isn't sure if she necessarily wants to rid herself of her new abilities, but living around other people and having a new place to call home felt good again for the time being.[/sub] [color=DC561E][b][sub]B L I G H T - B O R N[/sub][/b][/COLOR] [sub]Kira has been lucky in that her appearance did not change greatly. Her once blue eyes have turned a golden-orange color and have a slight glow to them that can be seen in the dark. Her incisors have grown into incredibly sharp fangs; it does not take much for them to puncture skin. [COLOR=DC561E][b]Type:[/b][/color] "Classical" [COLOR=DC561E][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] Blinding speed and incredible strength, like all blight-born. Her unique abilities include all 5 senses being greatly enhanced, the ability to release venomous poison from her fangs, as well as imprinting herself on any victim that she does not kill by draining. If she imprints on someone they develop an extreme attachment to her, feeling a closeness to her like they never have before. They can share feelings and thoughts with each other without speaking. While not fully controlled by her, they are much more likely to do as she bids them to. [COLOR=DC561E][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] Sun, light magic, and sound that resonates at high frequencies. [/sub][/cell][/row][/table] [hr][hr] [/hider][/center] [hr] [center][hider=Eris Hightower] [hr][hr] [CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240522/49791553b35fa05b88864f9127dc2df9.png[/img][/CENTER] [hr][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RS2Hm7M.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/r3gY5AU.jpg[/img][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/UOdMfF5.jpg[/img] [color=#807B84][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color] [sub][COLOR=B1E4FC]25 [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Human [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Lead Sage [color=#807B84][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color] Kingdom: Aurelia [color=#807B84][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color] Magic Specialty: Illusion, Fire, Healing, Light, Water & Air [color=#807B84][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color][/COLOR][/sub][/center] [hider=▼] [sup][indent][/indent] [COLOR=SILVER]✧ [B]Height –[/B][COLOR=B1E4FC] 5'3"[/COLOR] ✧ [b]Build –[/b][COLOR=B1E4FC] Slim[/COLOR] ✧ [b]Eye Color –[/b][COLOR=B1E4FC] Light Blue[/COLOR] ✧ [b]Hair Color –[/b][COLOR=B1E4FC] Brown[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SUP][/hider] [/cell][cell][color=B1E4FC][b][sub]B I O G R A P H Y[/sub][/b][/COLOR] [sub]Born under the prestigious name of Hightower, a noble lineage renowned throughout the land of Aurelia for their historically wise and skilled Sage's, Eris grew up under strict conditions. As a noblewoman, she was held to high standards from an early age and placed in the finest schools that gold could buy. Being the youngest of four children, Eris strove to meet the high expectations set by her elder siblings, each of whom had already surpassed their parents' lofty aspirations. While her elder siblings always seemed composed, regal, and befitting of the Hightower name, Eris, on the other hand, was scatterbrained, disorganized, clumsy, and at times socially awkward. Needless to say, she was the black sheep of the family. Although Eris seemed to struggle with her daily life, she was no less intellectual than the rest of her family. In fact, some would say she was one of the smartest members of the Hightower clan. From an early age, Eris developed a keen interest in her studies. Her social awkwardness left her with ample time to delve into her books, focusing on learning rather than making friends. As a child it quickly became evident that she had a natural aptitude for magic and alchemy. At only 14 years old, to her families surprise, Eris was the youngest Hightower to harness magic that is not native to Aurelia. Despite occasionally struggling to control her magic, likely due to her clumsy nature, she consistently rose to the top of every class she had been placed in. Proudly, at the age of 17, Eris was placed into a Sage apprenticeship where she would learn under the wisest of researchers and magic wielders that Aurelia had to offer. Eris' eldest brother was a Sage himself, having gone through the apprenticeship a decade before her, and had earned his place at the royal table of Aurelia. As an advisor to the King, he embodied the pinnacle of what every Hightower aspired to be. Eris sought to follow in his footsteps, though she lacked the charisma required to become a royal advisor. Still, she took pride in her accomplishments, and her parents could be proud of her, despite her quirks. Eris was generally content with her life of learning, solitude, and living in her brother's shadow. That was, until the blight was discovered. When rumors of the blight began to circulate, Eris was troubled by the Sage Academy's directive to ignore such matters. She felt deep down that these rumors were more than mere whispers and knew that action was necessary. Nevertheless, she obeyed their orders and refrained from researching or investigating the issue. When the blight was eventually confirmed, the Sages were still instructed to stand down; the King deemed it unworthy of their resources. As stories of villages in the far reaches of Aurelia suffering from the blight reached Eris, her concern grew by the day. She couldn't understand why her brother didn't press the issue further with the King, and her brother refused to discuss it. Upset, Eris decided to conduct own investigation. Mounting her horse, she journeyed to a small village in central Aurelia rumored to be afflicted by the blight. Upon arrival, she found the town deserted, shrouded in a purple haze seeping from the ground, with lifeless bodies strewn across the streets. What she saw horrified her. Unable to offer aid or explore the town without risking her own safety, Eris turned back and sought an audience with the King and her brother to report her findings. When she arrived back at the capital she demanded a meeting, but she was turned down multiple times, even by her own brother. Feeling defeated, Eris tried to speak about the issue to other sages and get the word out. There had to be someone out there who cared! Five years went by before people started to care. By then, Eris had resigned herself to the belief that stopping the blight was a futile endeavor without the proper resources. It wasn't until three more years had elapsed that she encountered someone who shared her concern: the Prince of Aurelia. Initially, the Prince approached her brother, urging him to join his efforts at Dawnhaven, but her brother rejected his offer. Eris, having now become the lead Sage at the academy, became the Prince's next target. Despite her family's pleas for her not to risk her life, she immediately accepted the Prince's invitation. With royalty on her side, Eris finally dared to hope for the world's salvation. The resources at the Prince's disposal might just hold the key to finding a cure. [/sub] [/cell][/row][/table] [hr][hr] [/hider][/center]