[quote=@Teyao] I like option four as well, Undaya blessing grants waterbreathing so we should be able to sneak [i]under[/i] the river. We could also divide into two groups, a ranger, a bruiser and a mage for each, half sneaks into Vallheim and the other half move for reinforcements, Sil should be able to keep us communicated [/quote] If Clive can call for reinforcements on Daisy faster than anyone else, and he comes back to Second Chance by the evening before the sneaking begins, then I think having others with him would only slow him down for no real benefit. I could be missing something though. Waterbending could potentially work, especially if Clarissa or Lucy is able to tell the stationed defenders to be on the lookout for it. Then what we would have to mainly worry about are the Witch Queen's forces.