[h3][color=f6989d][i][b]Note to self: Consider not. Yeah. Consider not.[/b][/i][/color][/h3] [indent]Lilian was blown away by the sheer audacity of the green-haired man spouting off. The way he acted like he knew so much more than everyone around him really drove into Li. It was exactly that kind of behavior that he despised in guys like Josh and his boss and his fucking [i]landlady[/i]. They all put off that disgusting energy that they were [i]better[/i] than everyone. It was nauseating. Though not as nauseating as the guy [i]wiping his fucking blood on his sleeve.[/i] All things aside, Lilian wasn't judging the guy for having an obvious condition. No, definitely not. If the guy was sick, the guy was sick, and Lilian wasn't the type to look down on someone for something medical or out of their control. That didn't mean that he wasn't going to judge the guy for not using a damn handkerchief! His blood was absolutely boiling at how the guy talked to him, how the guy [i]straight up assumed[/i] to know so much about him in the little interaction they'd had. He was wrong. So dead wrong about so many things. Those anti-hero interviews were only possible off the record, and the interviewers who conducted them were often charged heavily for aiding and abetting a perceived criminal. Something Li wasn't too keen to deal with, knowing full well the company wouldn't cover the cost of the fine. Aside from that, the only reason there were far more anti-hero interviews than anything was simply because there were far more anti-heroes than, well, anything. Literally [i]anyone[/i] could be an anti-hero. All you needed was a crappy half-assed costume and the drive of absolute insanity to do something perceived as good and you were set to go. Over half the anti-heroes out there were college students, probably high on [i]something[/i], running around just for attention. If [i]any[/i] kind of interview could be classed as 'a dime a dozen' it was, without a doubt, the anti-hero interviews. Next to that, who the fuck did this guy think he was prying into Lilian's personal ability? So he survived a little radiation, big fucking whoop. That didn't mean that Gamma-Burn was harmless. It just meant the radiation wasn't as extreme where he was...or something like that. To be honest on that one, even Li wasn't so sure how he managed to get these shots of Gamma-Burn and King Stag without suffering serious afflictions, but...he just... chalked it up to the fact that things like that never seemed to bother him. As a kid the mothers of his peer group had hosted one of those stupid 'pox parties' where the parent of one kid hosts a party when said kid gets the chicken pox to allow for all the other kids in the social group to also catch it and 'get it over with'. Lilian was the only kid who didn't catch it, and in fact, never caught it at any point in his life. Though doctors would claim that was the shot. The point was, Li, as far as he knew, was just lucky. That wasn't what bothered the reporter though. What bothered him was the guy's assumption that he wanted nothing to do with the villain-- who for some reason these guys couldn't fucking name? What was up with that? You'd think that people would remember the name of the guy who killed Donald Trump during his second year in office! Even if the news tried to cover that up as an accident, the evidence was obvious. --The guy knew literally nothing about him, and here he was, making bold assumptions, and trying to just walk away? Li wasn't having it, he wasn't having it one bit. Storming out the door with the bag holding Josh's stupid shitty ten dollar burrito left on the ground, Lilian caught up to the green-haired guy, "You've got a lotta fucking [i]gull[/i] speaking all high and mighty on shit you know absolutely fucking nothing about," he spat, "Reporters like me deal with a lot more fucking background shit than you'll ever know. Just know that. And for the record? I would [i]kill[/i] for an interview with [i]Gamma-Burn[/i]. And that's not a fucking hyperbole. Unlike some villains out there, Gamma-Burn actually has a legit cause. A cause many people overlook as liberal scare tactics when, in actuality, it's a plea. A plea to fucking change and make a damn effort to save not just the earth, but life and those who live it as we know it. [i]Maybe[/i] if you actually paid attention to the shit you so eagerly bury your nose in, you wouldn't end up being the shit-faced baffoon you've made yourself out to be!"[/indent]