[h3][color=f6989d][i][b]Note to self: Invest in a Geiger counter...[/b][/i][/color][/h3] [indent]When Sorrel was through with his rebound in the...not...quite a debate, Lilian was left in silence. Even he had to admit this guy had gotten one over on him...but...he...wasn't quite ready to let that be apparent, so instead of shutting up and taking the fall like he should have done, he just snuffed and scoffed and rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Oh boy, haven't heard [i]that one[/i] before," he remarked on the insult, "No one has [i]ever[/i] thought to compare me to a [i]child[/i]. Bravo on that one, guy, truly, well-crafted insult, I applaud you," he unfolded his arms to give a sarcastic clap of his hands before giving another shake of his head and crossing his arms once more, "Look. You make good points. I'll give you that. But you obviously only think of this shit from an outsider's point of view. Sure. I can get a damn Geiger counter. Sure, I can wave that shit around until my arms get tired. It won't mean anything in the long run. For one thing, this is a city of over 250,000 people spanning across over 4,000 square miles, most of which is water--[i]which[/i], last I checked, kinda more or less completely separates Ground Zero from the rest of the city. Funny. For someone who plays off knowing so much about this shit, you seem to leave a lot of detail out in your judgment. Ground Zero is more secure than the fucking Pentagon. No one gets in. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure they'd have caught Gamma-Burn quite a few years ago. I doubt I could simply walk over there, ride a speed boat, and waltz on in. That place is a natural forest, and I don't very well see the residents being open about their involvement with a Grade-S villain, lest they too be apprehended by the DNCC and put through rigorous questioning to try and find the identity of said Grade-S villain and a means of getting into Ground Zero to finally apprehend him. So, all in all, dude, great ideas. [i]In theory[/i] but horrible if you actually expect them to be put to practice." He looked to the pockmarked man, and down to the bag the guy was holding, recognizing it as Josh's [i]stupid fucking lunch order[/i], and moved to snatch it away from the over-sized man. "Now, if you'll both excuse me, I have a lunch run to complete," he said, then promptly turned on his heel and walked away.[/indent]