“Byebye.” Sorrel was finally alone. Well. Not really— hulk-and-a-half over here was blocking the sun. “Man could’ve at least said thank you,” he mumbled, again, looking vaguely up at the tall man. He was planning on going to the park, anyways, to finish this stupid and overpriced meal he still held— he wasn’t about to inconvenience himself to the point of dragging a shitty plate of food through the sewers just so he could peacefully eat in a little house quite literally the size of two shipping containers. And… once again, he bumped into the fucking mobile granite slab of rock. Why the fuck was he so[i]big???[/i] Sorrel already knew he was essentially a stick, this just made everything feel a bit worse. He felt so [i]small—[/i] gods, why couldn’t he be alone? Why did the universe hate him so fucking much?? “… did’ya even get your food yet? Or did You lose your place in line running for goat guy?” And… Sorrel forced himself to stop there. He almost said ‘[i]do you want to join me at the park?[/i] Obviously he wouldn’t! Who’d like to join [i]him?[/i] Sorrel, of all people! Weird lanky guy who coughed up blood and didn’t know how social interaction worked. He almost could laugh at himself.