[hider=Emma Lawson] [hider=The Mundane] [center] [img]https://file.garden/ZKVp9NCxLBkb2R14/30MahouShoujo/2.png[/img] [h2]Name: Emma Lawson[/h2] [h2]Age: 32[/h2] [/center] [hr] [b]Personality[/b] In youth, Emma was a stickler-for-the-rule do-gooder who was not afraid to say her mind. She was that kid who would remind the teacher that they had homework or someone who would tell people that they’re the ones at fault for their own mess if she thinks so—of course, she is also quick to lend her help. Nevertheless, her rather ‘fiery’ personality makes her a bit hard to get along with and she can be rather awkward in social situations, she could typically converse socially well enough, however for more intimate settings such as romance, she could act harsher than she intended despite caring deep down. As she grew older, she mellowed out, both in her rule-stickler tendencies and her awkwardness in intimate relationships, partly due to maturing, partly due to the necessity for working as a personal assistant to a CEO of a start-up tech company, and partly for being a single mother. Nevertheless, her old tendencies tend to resurface when she’s passionate about something or is flustered. [b]Backstory[/b] Emma was born on her family’s farm in St. Lawrence County, New York. When she was 13, magical girls started to appear. Emma—who idolized her police officer Mother—became enamoured with the idea of being a magical girl who defends the helpless and is a hero of justice. About two years, later, however, monsters controlled by a villain ravaged St. Lawrence County, burning her family farm and leaving her as the sole survivor, being saved by a magical girl in the nick of time. Her entire family lived in the family farm, and so she was put in foster care in New York City. Far from being disillusioned by a reality check, however, Emma became even more determined to be a magical girl, now fuelled by the idea of exacting justice for her family on villains and monsters. As time passed and no mascot ever appeared before her, however, she went to therapy, gave up on the idea, graduated from High School and attended college through a scholarship. If she were to be honest with herself, letting go of the idea felt nice, as if a weight was lifted from her heart. Thinking back on it, dwelling on the idea of revenge was unhealthy and so, it was only logical that she would feel better once she gave up on it. While she was working part-time to help cover living costs as a college student, she ended up meeting an old acquaintance from high school who also worked in the same café. They never got along well in high school due to her being a straight-A honor student and him being a delinquent who didn’t even bother continuing his education in college, but opposites do attract and one thing leads to another and she ended up with a child by the time she was 23. It was out of wedlock and she had only graduated, but they decided to marry and keep the child. It was a rough patch at first, but they made it work. Unfortunately, while opposites attract, it doesn’t necessarily keep things together. About 4 years into the marriage, they went their separate way after one too many fights. They separated in cordial terms, still talked to each other, and pooled their money together to pay for tuition and whatnot, and especially since their daughter is still fond of both they met quite frequently, so it was not all bad. By the time Emma is 32, she actually feels her life is on the right track. She’s financially stable, working for a rising tech start-up making huge profits as a PA to the CEO, she made the divorced parent thing work with her ex by having a cordial relationship where their daughter often visits her dad, and she even reconnected with her foster family. Life is good, at least until what looks like an angel plushie appears before her and starts talking about making her a magical girl, claiming to be Faniel, the Archangel of Judgment. Of course, she rejected the offer. She had already given up on the idea—and she’s all the better for it—not to mention she’s an adult with other responsibilities now, heck, her daughter at 9 years old is closer to the age of typical magical girls than she is—not that she’d ever let her do that dangerous profession—the point is, Emma has no time nor desire to be a magical girl at this point. The self-proclaimed archangel was persistent, however, and decided to stick around Emma. Which—Emma had to admit—was a good thing, because that meant when a supernatural incident happened in her daughter’s elementary school, she was able to do something, accepting becoming a magical girl to protect her daughter. Emma keeps her identity a secret from her daughter, as she idolises magical girls enough and Emma doesn’t want her to get any ideas, but ever since, she moonlights as the Magical Girl Inquisitor at Faniel’s insistence. Emma acquiesced partly because she felt she was indebted to Faniel for giving her the power to protect her daughter and that now she has it, she might as well use it to help others, and perhaps…even a chance at a long-forgotten dream? [b]Other Details[/b] Emma currently lives in an apartment in Manhattan along with her 9-year-old daughter, Victoria Lawson. After the divorce, she gained custody of Victoria, but due to separating on amicable terms, Victoria often visits her dad, Richard Blake during weekends at his house in Brooklyn, which doubles as his café business on the first floor. Recently, Emma had been dropping Victoria off at Richard’s every weekend. Her former husband teased her about getting into the dating scene again just as how he is now dating a cute journalist a few years younger than the two, but the truth is she’s doing her magical girl business as Inquisitor. [/hider] [hider=The Magical] [center] [img]https://file.garden/ZKVp9NCxLBkb2R14/30MahouShoujo/RoofCropped.png[/img] [h2]Transformed Name: Inquisitor[/h2] [h2]General Powers/Theme: Paladin/Holy Knight[/h2] [/center] [hr] [b]Minor Powers/Attacks[/b] [u]Sacred Flame[/u] A versatile burst of white flames that Inquisitor can control freely. It can be shaped into a javelin to be used as projectile weapons, be made into a wall of flames that bar access, or even as a cloak that burns enemies who come in contact with it. [u]Sword of Heaven[/u] Inquisitor’s sword is enveloped with radiant holy light. Its sharpness is increased and the light bestows the holy element on the sword. Those harmed by the blade are marked, making them more vulnerable to holy elements. [u]Lay Hand[/u] Inquisitor can lay her hands on her allies and bestow blessings on them. Their injuries are healed and they will obtain the mental fortitude to stand up against evil. [b]Medium Powers/Attacks (2. Higher power moves)[/b] [u]Heaven’s Edict[/u] Invoking the authority of heavenly light, Inquisitor drives off a single entity aligned to evil be it mundane or supernatural and levies a sanction towards them. Those with weak willpower will immediately become frightened of Inquisitor and obey her command. Those with stronger willpower can resist, but may find themselves shaken and demoralised. [u]Divine Grace[/u] A halo manifests above Inquisitor’s head as a coalescence of her authority and power, permeating a holy aura within a 15-meter radius around her. Supernatural evildoers start to burn in her presence, while her allies find their injuries starting to heal and their strength rejuvenates. [b]Major Power/Attack (1. Signature move/finisher)[/b] [u]Wrath of Heaven[/u] Inquisitor is transfigured into the embodiment of heavenly authority. Her armour shifts into a vestment of pure Light, flowing cloth and radiant metal of sunlight. Garbed in this holy regalia, she may walk among things not of the light, and know that they are the ones at a disadvantage. During the initial transformation, a burst of light is released, dispelling evil magics and making it harder for evil supernatural powers to be activated. While on this form, both Inquisitor’s martial prowess and her holy magic are amplified, their efficacy against supernatural evildoers magnified. Inquisitor may also choose to manifest the holy power of the regalia as a 12-meter radius pillar of flame that descends from heaven, burning those she consider her enemies but harmless to those she does not intend to harm, wielding the power in this way ends the transfiguration immediately. The strength of this power is such that the moment the transfiguration ends, she reverts back into her mundane form and is unable to transform back until she recuperates. Furthermore, due to channelling the full might of heavenly light into a mortal vessel, if Inquisitor goes overboard in this form, it will take its toll on her body, possibly making her suffer a serious injury. [b]Transformation item[/b] A keychain in the shape of her sword, though without Faniel nearby, it is essentially a normal keychain with no supernatural property. [b]Magical weapon[/b] Heaven’s Edge, the sword bestowed upon Emma that also acts as her transformation item. In her mundane form, it takes the form of a keychain. In her transformed state, it takes the form of a holy longsword that shines radiantly. It can also be made into a sword form while Emma is in her mundane form as a partial transformation. It doesn’t shine nor give her the supernatural holy power and strength of her transformed state except for the skills of a swordsman but can be used as a mundane longsword for an emergency weapon. In this state, Heaven’s Edge is a normal longsword that can be made as sharp or dull as Emma needs from a dull non-lethal training sword to a sharp mundane blade. [b]Other details[/b] Inquisitor is a fused form of Emma and Faniel, with Faniel using Emma as her host for which to channel her holy power. In this transformed state, a pair of angel wings sprouted on her back and she wields the holy blade Heaven’s Edge while donning silver armour. As such, rather than being Emma or Faniel, Inquisitor is an amalgam being of the two. In mathematical terms, her personality can roughly be described as 70% Emma and 30% Faniel, with her physical appearance being a mix of the two. [/hider] [hider=The Mascot] [center] [img]https://file.garden/ZKVp9NCxLBkb2R14/30MahouShoujo/Chibi%20Form%20Fix.png[/img] [hider=True Form] [img]https://file.garden/ZKVp9NCxLBkb2R14/30MahouShoujo/Catharsis%20Fix%20With%20Flowers.png[/img] [/hider] [h2]Faniel[/h2] [/center] [hr] [b]Personality[/b] One of the four Archangels that represents God himself. The Face of God, Angel of Exorcism and Penance, The archangel seated upon the Throne of Judgment who has come to judge and punish evil, the guardian of the holy sword Heaven’s Edge…Or so the amnesiac angel claims. It’s hard to take her grandiose claims seriously when she looks like a plush toy and for all her boasts seems completely helpless on her own as she acts more like a spoiled trust fund kid than an archangel. Emma secretly wonders if this is what ‘chuunibyou’ that her ex sometimes mentioned regarding anime characters is like. [b]Other details[/b] Faniel claims to be an archangel sent from heaven to judge the world. However, due to the sinfulness of the world and the power of evil, she has lost all access to her true form and thus, her power. She therefore seeks Emma’s help—whom she claims to be compatible with her—to exert her power upon this world in a holy crusade. Of course, with her having little to no memory of her past, it is unknown how much of her claim is the truth. Faniel normally resides inside the sword Heaven’s Edge, though she often manifests herself as what looks like an angel plushie. [/hider] [/hider]