Well, at least whatever this stranger had was not contagious. Elijah still felt bad leaving this man by himself when he looked like he could just crumple at any moment, but it would be rude to keep insisting. Besides, Elijah had his own things to do. Namely, he needed to eat, then get back to the station. One never knew when there would be a new call. There were idiots with ovens and microwaves all over the city. The offer for a meal caused Elijah to pause. That was awfully nice of this guy who he had just met and who had just gone on a tirade about villains a second ago. In honesty, he wanted to accept the offer. The last time Elijah had had a home cooked meal was… well, to be honest, he did not know. Everything he ate was shitty instant meals, restaurant food, or whatever people brought in at the station. It felt all too strange to accept something so nice right away, though. Maybe later– Was it weird to think about a later with this stranger? Probably. [color=#9d9751]”Heh… thanks for offering to cook, but I don’t really have time to go anywhere. That’s a big reason why I want to avoid that line. I might go find a fast food place, though. If you’d really like, you’re welcome to join me. I’m not the greatest conversationalist, though.”[/color] Elijah chuckled awkwardly. Man… that was probably weird. This guy was probably just trying to be polite. He should really stop and skitter on out of here. The guy already told him to take a shower. He probably did not actually want to be around Elijah if he was stinky and had bugs on him. [color=#9d9751]”I’m Elijah, by the way. Nice to uh… meet you?”[/color] Fuck. That was not in fact stopping and skittering out of here.