[quote=@Xaltwind] Let me rephrase: I couldn't find somehting that would fit. Given my personal preferences of things that're on the risque side when it comes to attire, I found plenty of things I [i]could've[/i] used, but given that I'm trying to stay [i]tasteful[/i] and not make anythinng that would feel or look out of place, it's a lot tougher than usual. As for what I'm looking for specifically, that's not easy to pin down. [/quote] I do not think we mind fanservice. It's part of the genre convention anyway. For example, no one here minds your profile picture, and personally, I have used faceclaims with even [i]more[/i] revealing outfits than your current avatar and I'm still here, not banned, not even warned. Hope it helps, unless I'm misunderstanding something.