[color=#9d9751]”Eh.. Taco Bell is alright. Not my favorite, of course. But it’s alright…”[/color] In reality, it was just the first place he thought to go. Not that he’d complain about eating Taco Bell but… well, he could say goodbye to the calories he had allotted for dinner. And his gut. Man, he needed to get better at thinking on the fly. The silence was painful. He berated himself for saying that Sorrel could walk with him. That was supremely stupid in every regard. When Sorrel broke the silence, though, his shoulders visibly relaxed. Oh! Firefighting. He knew about firefighting. Of course he knew about fire fighting. [color=#ed6885][i]Oh… wow. This guy is really intelligent! It’s kind of impressive…[/i][/color] Elijah could not help but slow down and stare. His cheeks flushed a light sort of pink and he smiled that smile again. The one his coworker insisted looked scary. He could not help himself. Sorrel’s words fascinated him. Hell, it made him a little more grateful for the kind of work he did at the station. [color=#9d9751]”I’m uh… I’m actually a volunteer. I do…”[/color] [color=#ed6885][i]FUCK! Idiot! You put yourself into a corner!![/i][/color] [color=#9d9751]”Freelancing work to pay rent.”[/color] It wasn’t entirely a lie. [color=#9d9751]”That’s pretty cool actually. I never uh… Never really thought of firefighting outside’a the states.”[/color]