Elijah chuckled. [color=#9d9751]”Noble’s a bit of a stretch. It gives me something to do with myself. Something useful.”[/color] He watched Sorrel’s mind working with a small smile. The man was adorable when he was thinking. Like a little sphynx cat plotting its evil little sphynx cat tricks– …That’s probably a weird thought to think of a total stranger. Someone he’s literally never met before. That is absolutely a weird thought to be thinking of a total stranger– Elijah’s smile fell a little when the DNCC was mentioned. They were, admittedly, not the best organization around, but they paid Elijah more than enough to get by. Something he was not exactly used to before he worked with them. That didn’t take away the little shot of guilt, though. The offer of volunteers sounded promising, but he highly doubted its effectiveness. Before he could stop himself, he was speaking. [color=#9d9751]”I think it’d work at first… But people in positions of power tend to corrupt eventually. Besides, you’d need enough people to volunteer for dangerous lines of work. Trust me, that’s hard enough as it is. Especially with heroes running around.”[/color] He paused, then shook his head. [color=#9d9751]”Maybe there’s a way it could work out alright. But you’d still need to pay people something. Or they won’t work with you.”[/color] Elijah really hoped that did not come off as rude. It was not his intention. He liked that idyllic reality, he just did not believe in it. Hell, he would not be working with the DNCC if it were not for the fact that they paid him, and paid him well. To be fair, though, there were plenty of heroes who did it for the fame. It was admittedly nice to be hailed as a protector.