Sorrel sighed softly, and decided to just shove his hands into the pockets of his oversized pants. “It’s just some idealistic thoughts, y’know… sometimes it feels like the whole world needs a reboot or somethin’. It’s not like I can do much, though, I’m just some living in it.” That was exactly why Gamma-Burn had to exist. That was why his extremism kept going, why toppling the corrupt over and giving it to the people to rebuild was so important. He already knew the flaws of volunteer work— the most power-hungry people would be the ones raising their hands first. It frankly disgusted Sorrel, thinking about every cockroach he had to stomp out for the betterment of society. Of course, he also couldn’t mention that in a conversation with a total stranger. There were a lot of people who agreed with Gamma-Burn, but a there were also a lot of people who decidedly [i]did not.[/i] Sorrel didn’t want to sour his interaction with this cute, giant stranger… wait, did he just think Cricket was cute?! He just knew this guy for a few minutes! It… was true, though— the man had a nice face, and a nice smile. Sorrel could see that blasted bell sign pop up as they both rounded a corner. He really was going there, huh? God, why did he do this to himself? Why was he so stupid?? What would he even get there? He had no stomach for their food, and no stomach for food in general. He already felt nauseous before even walking up to the stupid fast food place.