That blush… It sent Elijah’s heart beating. A blush of his own spread across his cheeks. Shit! He had not meant for his offer to be romantic. Unless that was embarrassment?? Oh gods. He did not want to embarrass this guy– Blood again. A lot of it. This time, Elijah was more prepared. Maybe it was his protective instincts. Maybe he was more of a caretaker than he realized. Maybe he was just really fucking gay. Whatever it was, Elijah reached into his gym bag and pulled out a spare washcloth. He kept a couple to wipe away sweat and often packed several… usually because he would forget to pack a fresh one every morning. Elijah brushed off Sorrel’s apologies, more focused on stopping the nosebleed. With surprisingly gentle hands for his size, he slipped his fingers under Sorrel’s chin and lifted it. His face scrunched, as he was very focused. He pressed the rag gently into the path of the blood and held it there until he thought the bleeding stopped or Sorrel took the rag away. [color=#9d9751]”Here… That should help. There’s no reason to waste a perfectly good shirt and get it all stained. And this will be softer. There’s no reason to be sorry.”[/color] Elijah had not realized how close he had become. How intimate the chin holding was. He was far more focused on making sure Sorrel was okay. [color=#9d9751]”Does it hurt at all? Is there any other way I can help?”[/color]