For your consideration- [hider=A Magical Girl/Woman] [center][img][/img][/center] [h3][b][color=BlueViolet]The Mundane[/color][/b][/h3] [color=BlueViolet][b]Name:[/b][/color] Violet Covington [color=BlueViolet][b]Age:[/b][/color] 30 [color=BlueViolet][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [hider=Violet] [img][/img] [/hider] [color=BlueViolet][b]Personality:[/b][/color] The very image of maturity and professionalism, Violet always presents a calm, cool, and refined demeanor. She is always perfectly poised, always in control of her emotions and actions, as is expected of the CEO of Covington Industries and heiress of the wealthy and respected Covington Family. Incredibly intelligent and calculating, she is deeply invested in forging a path to a prosperous future for her company, while also preparing for her future role as Head of the Covington Family, when her illustrious, yet ailing father, Thane Covington, finally passes. Incredibly logical, to the point of almost seeming emotionless, she has no time for games or other childish foolishness. She often comes across as coldly arrogant, aloof, and imperious, but she prefers to think of herself as simply confident in her own abilities and ever-mindful of the respect she should be afforded due to her high station, while being utterly unconcerned about the troubles of those beneath her. [color=BlueViolet][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] The daughter (and only child) of renowned magnate Thane Covington, from her earliest days, Violet was groomed to succeed her illustrious father as CEO of Covington Industries, a powerful, world-spanning corporation involved in a myriad of profitable ventures in nearly every economic sector. Although magical girls first appeared when she was only ten, already, her sole focus was on her studies and training. Home schooled by the best private tutors from the security of her family's penthouse atop Covington Tower, young Violet was thoroughly shielded from anything that other girls her age might have been interested in, or enamored with, magical girls foremost among them. As the heiress of the prestigious Covington Family, she had a sacred duty to uphold, and so there would be no time for games, stories, tv shows, friends, or childish frivolity in general. Completely devoted to her father and the future he had planned for her, Violet discarded any notion of a normal childhood without a hint of protest. Indeed, even from her earliest years, she seemed to disdain anything considered to be “immature”. Always in full control of her emotions and possessed of a brilliant intellect, Violet was soon attending important business meetings alongside her father, eagerly learning all he was able to teach her. The sight of the impeccably refined and composed girl never failed to unnerve CI’s board of directors or Thane Covington’s various high profile guests, the focused intensity of Violet’s gaze leaving no doubt that this was someone possessed of a competency far beyond their meager years. When the time came for Thane Covington to step down from his position as CEO due to failing health, it came as no surprise that it was Violet who succeeded him. Proving herself to be just as capable as her father, if not more so, she led the company to ever-greater heights, proudly exceeding everyone’s already lofty expectations. With no time for, or interest in, leisure or romance, Violet’s days are spent ensuring that Covington Industries remains in a dominant position in the world’s economic arena, dispassionately crushing or absorbing smaller concerns whenever they exhibit even the slightest hint of weakness. People, whether they are an intimidated aid, a factory worker struggling to provide a meager income for their family, or even an influential head of state or fellow captain of industry, are seen as nothing more than just another resource to be exploited and then discarded when their usefulness has been depleted. Her’s is a stern and cold existence, one that is merely an extension of a childhood utterly bereft of friends and joy. As then, subordinates and satisfaction have taken their place, and as she would tell any who might be bold enough to ask, she holds absolutely no regrets. Yet, such a claim would not entirely be true, for Violet Covington has a secret. Despite what all outwards appearances might have suggested, a part of Violet desperately longed for a normal childhood. In reality, she loved the thought of cute things, whimsical games, and having fun with friends. Most especially of all, she loved [i]magical girls.[/i] From the moment she first saw Sugar Pink defeat a monster, Violet wanted to be just like her, wanted to be cute, girly, cheerful, and happy, a symbol of hope and joy to all who saw her. She never said any such thing, of course, never gave even the slightest hint that such thoughts even crossed her mind, but deep in the most hidden depths of her heart, Violet wanted it more than anything. Still, her duty to her family, and their company, could not be so easily set aside, and almost in affirmation of this, no mascot ever appeared before her. Being a magical girl was just a silly dream, a childish fantasy that had no place amongst the serious responsibilities of her adult life. And so it would have been, had not the most whimsical creature imaginable appeared before the CEO on the eve of her thirtieth birthday, telling her that she had been chosen to become the defender of sweet dreams, and to spread them to everyone in the world plagued by nightmares or despair. While reluctant at first, something deep within Violet compelled her to accept this “Sovereign of Sweet Dreams’” offer. From that moment, her life would change forever… [color=BlueViolet][b]Other Details:[/b][/color] Violet has a photographic memory. Violet’s mother died when she was less than a year old, yet, due to her photographic memory, she remembers every detail with perfect clarity, something that secretly causes her no small amount of emotional anguish. Violet’s favorite magical girl is Sugar Pink, and one of her secret childhood dreams was to one day meet her in person. Violet’s favorite pizza topping is nothing, because she hates pizza (what is wrong with this woman?). [hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [h3][b][color=DeepPink]The Magical[/color][/b][/h3] [color=DeepPink][b]Transformed Name:[/b][/color] Super Cute Pretty Pretty Magical Dream Princess~! (Magical Dream Princess~! for short, MDP~! for shorter) [color=DeepPink][b]Transformed Appearance:[/b][/color] [hider=MDP] [img][/img] [/hider] [color=DeepPink][b]Transformed Personality:[/b][/color] As [color=DeepPink]Super Cute Pretty Pretty Magical Dream Princess~![/color], Violet's personality changes completely. She becomes incredibly childish and staggeringly hyperactive, embodying the worst aspects of the physical and mental pre-teen her magical girl form changes her into, as if returning all the repressed aspects of her childhood and cranking them up to eleven. Her usual seriousness is replaced by a bubbly, carefree, and extraordinarily playful attitude. Indeed, the innocent and easily distracted girl Violet becomes is often far more focused on playing games (with civilians, other magical girls, and even monsters), or cheerfully chatting with animals and inanimate objects, than on actually fighting enemies. Going from being rigidly focused to having the worst case of ADHD imaginable, she finds it almost impossible to concentrate when she’s Magical Dream Princess~!, her thoughts a whirling kaleidoscope of cute images and prismatic colors, leaving her in a state of ditzy delirium. She almost never thinks before she speaks, and often forgets things mid-sentence. Her voice, normally a deep and mature tone, becomes the ultra high-pitched, cutesy, and girly embodiment of Kawaiiko “charm”. Unsurprisingly, Magical Dream Princess~! refers to herself in the third person, and employs an annoyingly babyish rhyming speech, interspersed with streams of sickeningly sweet giggles. She [color=DeepPink]“wuvs”[/color] making [color=DeepPink]“friendy wendies”[/color], giving them [color=DeepPink]“huggy wuggies”[/color], striking cute poses, performing silly dances, and singing cute songs she just thought up (and will probably forget a few seconds later). [color=DeepPink][b]General Powers/Theme:[/b][/color] Sweet Dreams~! This manifests as powers over dreams and conjuration of dream constructs as viewed through a lens of childish wonderment, whimsy, and cuteness. [color=DeepPink][b]Minor Powers/Attacks:[/b][/color] [color=DeepPink][u]Cutesy Carousel~![/u][/color] Not exactly an attack as such, since Magical Dream Princess~! is completely unaware she’s causing it to happen, at times, when she’s thinking/dreaming about a cute thing(or things) intensely enough, multiple small to medium sized iterations of said thing/things (butterflies, unicorns, smiley hearts, smiley stars, etc.) will appear around a new friend (monster) in a glittery, prismatic whirlwind and begin “tickling” and “playing with” (attacking) it, dealing a steady stream of light damage over a period of 30 seconds. [color=DeepPink][u]Dreamy Weamy Visit Wisit~![/u][/color] As someone charged with the defense and proliferation of sweet dreams (even if she doesn’t fully understand what those words mean while transformed), Magical Dream Princess~! is unsurprisingly able to enter the dreams of others in order to [color=DeepPink]“makey wakey meanie weanie nightmare wighmares go bye bye”[/color] and replace them with [color=DeepPink]“sweety weety dreamy weamies”[/color]. [color=DeepPink][u]Special Wecial Dreamy Weamy Friendy Wendies~![/u][/color] Magical Dream Princess~! can conjure several whimsical dream constructs to serve as additional friends and companions when “playing games” (fighting a battle). These can range from a rainicorn pegasus (for flying around on) and sparkly pink smiley face clouds (for catching her if she falls), to giant gummy bears (for [color=DeepPink]“huggy wuggies”[/color]) and anthropomorphic “clock cops” (for whenever someone needs a [color=DeepPink]“timey wimey outy wouty”[/color]). [color=DeepPink][b]Medium Powers/Attacks:[/b][/color] [color=DeepPink][u]Super Duper Sweety Weety Dreamy Weamies for Everybodywody~![/u][/color] Since one of Magical Dream Princess~!’s primary tasks is to bring sweet dreams to everyone, she can both cause others to fall into a dreamy slumber, as well as create physical manifestations of their dreams in reality, literally making their dreams come true. [color=DeepPink][u]Super Duper Nappy Wappy Timey Wimey Bonky Wonky~![/u][/color] Sometimes, Magical Dream Princess~!’s new friends get a little [color=DeepPink]“cranky wanky”[/color], and thus need to take a [color=DeepPink]“little wittle nappy wappy”[/color]. To accomplish this, she employs her massive pink mallet to bop them over the head, sending them off to slumber land amidst a halo of cute orbiting stars. And glitter (pretty much everything she does generates copious amounts of glitter). [color=DeepPink][b]Major Power/Attack:[/b][/color] [color=DeepPink][u]Super Duper Extra Wextra Biggy Wiggy Delugey Welugey of Cutie Wutiness~![/u][/color] When Magical Dream Princess~!’s playtime is seriously threatened by meanie weanie bully wullies, she pulls out all the proverbial stops and uses her giant hammer to smash through the walls of reality and send a cascade of cute dream creatures pouring out of the sweet dream dimension upon a prismatic tide of dream energy to swiftly overwhelm any adversaries in their path. [color=DeepPink][b]Transformation Incantation:[/b][/color] Violet does not employ any sort of item to transform into Magical Dream Princess~!, but rather makes use of an incantation/speech, which, upon its conclusion, finds the cold and mature CEO fully transformed into her cheerful and childish alter ego. It goes a little something like this- [color=DeepPink]“Hearts, Candy, Sparkles, and Balloons~! Teehee~! Sunshine, Glitter, Unicorns, and Rainbows~! Taaa daaa~! Magical Girl Super Cute Pretty Pretty Magical Dream Princess is heresie~! (giggle!)”[/color] [color=DeepPink][b]Magical Weapon:[/b][/color] The Super Duper Pretty Witty Pinky Winky Pounder Wounder~! Magical Dream Princess~!’s magical weapon takes the form of a comically enormous, bright pink, glitter-covered hammer. Over quadruple the size of its wielder, it would seem that Magical Dream Princess~!’s magic is the only thing allowing her to even pick up her weapon, let alone bounce around with it, lift it over her head, and swing it with such incredible force. That said, nothing struck by the Pounder Wounder will actually be hurt by it, unless they are a monster (and even then, only minimally), but rather knocked unconscious and sent to [color=DeepPink]“dreamy weamy landy wandy”[/color]. [color=DeepPink][b]Other Details:[/b][/color] When she’s transformed, it's almost impossible to get Violet to take anything seriously. She just wants to have fun, make friends and have fun with said friends as she bounces around on her whimsical, magic-fueled sugar rush. Thus, the best way to have her do what you want is to trick her into thinking it’s actually a super fun game of some sort. As a corollary to this, due to being so painfully innocent and naive, Magical Dream Princess~! will believe anything anyone tells her, for good or ill. Once she realizes someone has lied to her (no small feat), they will be declared a [color=DeepPink]“meanie weanie head”[/color] (or, in extreme cases, a [color=DeepPink]“super duper meanie weanie head”[/color]), and will no longer be trusted (at least until she completely forgets the whole encounter ever happened, resetting things back to square one). It should also be noted that Magical Dream Princess~! is often unaware that she is even responsible for the effects of her own magic. For instance, she could be thinking about pretty butterflies, and the next instant, a mystical swarm of them would form around a monster. However, not only would she have no idea that she created them, but she would think the prismatic blasts of energy they would shoot at the monster were nothing more than elements of a pretty light show, with the monster’s roars of anger and pain being mistaken for laughter or singing, and its pained writhing being viewed as happy dancing. If it hasn’t been made painfully obvious by this point, Violet’s photographic memory becomes more like that of a goldfish’s whenever she becomes Magical Dream Princess~!. Magical Dream Princess~! [i]wuvs[/i] pizza and her favorite topping is peppermint frosting. [hr] [h3][b][color=LightPink]The Mascot[/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=LightPink]Name:[/color][/b] The Sovereign of Sweet Dreams [b][color=LightPink]Appearance:[/color][/b] [hider=The Sovereign] [img][/img] [/hider] The Sovereign of Sweet Dreams manifests itself to Violet as a colorful mixture of whimsical creatures and objects, almost as though it was a Lisa Frank catalogue come to life. Sometimes it is a unicorn rainbow with butterfly wings. At other times, it might resemble a cupcake with cat ears and a tail. Regardless, it is always something sickeningly cute. [b][color=LightPink]Personality:[/color][/b] Fun-loving and carefree, the Sovereign of Sweet Dreams is a whimsical being of sweetness and giggles that is rather single-minded in its pursuit of eternally increasing the quantity and strength of intelligent beings’ sweet dreams. [b][color=LightPink]Other Details:[/color][/b] Not much is known about the Sovereign of Sweet Dreams. It claims to have no knowledge of its past. It has simply existed, and will continue to exist, as long as people continue to have sweet dreams. [/hider]