[quote=@amorphical] [@Baphomini] Question on magic: So are the magics in the opening post tiers? Like at level one [the magics tab] carnal is level one and what is capable at this basic level, then contingent(level 2), and finally celestial? So does this mean I need to select one at each level? I choose the abstract mind. As a type of telepath reading peoples thoughts as to their movements. Is this the correct interpretation? [/quote] As you'll see in the Zeroth post, the elements have been reworked to focus on the four elements of Soul, Shape, Fluid, and Breath-- or Fire, Earth, Water, and Air for better understanding --These elements then expand into their key notes, such as Shape being composed of Dense, the very essence of the earth itself, Root, the fact that all life is tied to the earth in one way or another, and Bloom, the idea that the earth is a giver of life, a provider that allows things to take form. From there, the core element of Shape is further observed to encompass a more abstract essence. Here we look at Shape's abstracts of Strength, Stability, and Compression. Through Strength, we gain the will to not just survive but thrive. Stability gives one the ability to keep their place in life. Compression acts as a control in conjunction with the Growth offered by Fluid, keeping things simple and straightforward rather than spiraling out of comprehension. You'll see, if you look back at my CS for Aleksei, I've altered the form just a bit. Rather than simply determining a primary and secondary magic from the original list, I chose a core focus element, and allowed for a minoring focus for the purpose of the applications I was searching for. [hider=Alek's Core Focus] [b]Core Focus:[/b] Soul; minoring in Shape [b]Applications:[/b] [indent]Aleksei wields the elemental forces of Soul and Shape with cunning mastery, cloaking his cruelty in false generosity. With a smile, he raises walls of earth to shelter the downtrodden, only to leave them trapped and abandoned. He conjures flames to warm the cold, letting them grow until they consume all in their path. Aleksei's gifts appear kind, but breed suffering. His power over fire and earth allows sinister creativity. With penetrating heat, Aleksei mimics the forging of diamonds, focusing scorching flames through dense minerals. Yet at any moment, he can turn this searing force upon his enemies, blinding them with blistering light. The very ground obeys Aleksei's whims, opening sinkholes and pits beneath the feet of those who displease him. Or he can compress soil and stone into nigh-impenetrable barriers, encaging any who dare defy him. Aleksei makes the earth's bounty an instrument of manipulation, commanding vines to constrict and roots to spread at this command. His fiery power mutates the natural world, breeding new species of flora to serve his wishes. With but a thought, Aleksei can generate hybrid plants or inflict potent effects upon the environment. In Aleksei's hands, the fundamental elements of Soul and Shape become tools of covert cruelty, masked by the guise of generosity. His imagination in combining them seems endless, as does the suffering he casually inflicts upon those foolish enough to trust his false benevolence. For behind Aleksei's kindly facade lurks only a desire for narcissistic gain, no matter the cost.[/indent] [/hider] As you can see, Alek's primary focus is Soul, or Fire, but he also works with Shape, or Earth, and with this, he has developed his own means of utilizing these elements through not just their core, but the notes and abstracts as well. With the Knights being in the position they were, they will have mastered their core elements to the Celestial level. The idea with this altered system is not to pick and choose elements from different levels, but rather, to interpret the core element in a way that works for you! Breath, with its abstract of Freedom could be interpreted in a way that allows for one to "free their mind" and utilize the note of "Drift" in order to enter the minds of others on a metaphysical plane, allowing them to access the thoughts of those around them. In conjecture, you could use the Pitch of Fluid along with Adaptivity to do the same. This is the idea behind this setup! The notion that the same non-elementally driven spell could be achieved just as likely through one core as another. Though, with your character's Key's weakness to water, and reliance on the wind, I would think Breath is a more fitting means of approaching the application than that Fluid, haha