Think I'm gonna rework Neuf's personality a bit. It got a little more obnoxious than I'd originally intended. It's still gonna love bacon though. As for names for her magic form, I came up with a few while lying in bed last night. Lemme know if any of ya good folks like any of 'em in particular; - Prism Nova/Nova Prism - Star Prism/Prism Star - Iris Jewel/Jewel Iris (Iris being a greek name that means 'rainbow') - Diamond Heart - Azure Sparkle (On account of light blue hair when transformed and that gems... sparkle... Yes, I know her hair isn't actually azure-colored but "Powder Blue" doesn't have the same ring) - Fluorspar - Crystal Song - Lapis Lazuli (Suggested name) ... No, I'm not good at coming up with names. Kthx.