[center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/allura-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240329/5c9df19c2df03d177851c8eb85c9606e.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/APBPtSU.png[/img] [center] [sub][url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d2/04/1c/d2041c377dabfcd8cd686c1f50c244bc.jpg][i][sub][color=D99036] dress ♛ [/color][/sub][/i][/url][/sub][sub][url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e2/a3/da/e2a3da4c240305da46e53544a7443871.jpg][i][sub][color=D99036] hair ♛ [/color][/sub][/i][/url][/sub][sub][/sub] [/center] [sub][color=d9910b]P R I M I T U S C H U R C H , M O R N I N G[/color][/sub] [sub][color=gray]I n t e r a c t i o n s : [@princess][@Potter][@SilverPaw] M e n t i o n s :[/color][/sub] [/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/d9Hutm7.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][color=gray] [color=904342]“Marhaba,”[/color] Nahir greeted Farim with somewhat genuine warmth, her smile lighting up her features. [color=904342]“Of course, we can catch up; I’d love to hear of your own exploits as well.”[/color] Her eyes briefly flickered to Anastasia as she respectfully bowed her head to the princess, a small gesture of acknowledgment before they settled into their seats. [color=428f90]“Always, Shehzade,”[/color] Ece replied, her cheeks flushing slightly as she bowed her head and followed Nahir to their places. Nahir nodded politely to Count Calbert and Count Monet as they passed, offering them a friendly smile before turning her attention back to Anastasia. [color=E77298]“Oh, wow! Nahir! You look stunning! And so do you, Ece. You're so cute. Please come sit with me,” [/color] [color=904342]"Thank you, Princess; you look stunning yourself. That color suits you perfectly."[/color] Nahir smiled warmly at Anastasia as she settled into her seat beside her. [color=904342]"This is my first time here at the church, and it looks quite lovely."[/color] Her gaze drifted to the very large portrait of King Edin in the middle, the only element that detracted from the overall grandeur of the church. And quite a big sore eye now standing a lot closer to it.[color=904342]"The few times I've visited, I couldn't attend any church services, so I'm excited to see your religious ceremony.."[/color] [i]Clink. Clink. Clink. [/i] The sound of heels against marble echoes around the grand church. Nahir turned her head slightly to catch a glimpse of a woman making her way directly toward them, a newcomer to their growing group. Beside her, Ece recognized the subtle shift and straightened in her seat, poised and prepared for whatever might transpire. [color=#FFDAB9]“Princess Anastasia, Count Damien, and dare I say, the Shehzadi and Shahzade?... May I sit with your Highnesses, please? Also, my name is Kira - Kira Lockhart.” [/color] As expected, the woman approached with a confidence that teetered between arrogance and foolishness. Ece rose from her seat and positioned herself slightly between the group of royals and the stranger. Nahir observed her closely, intrigued by something beneath the surface of Kira Lockhart's outward demeanor. The accent sounded familiar, but she couldn’t quite place where she had heard it before. However, before she could comment, Prince Wulfric made his entrance. As Prince Wulfric arrived, Nahir greeted him warmly, bowing her head. [color=904342]“Prince Wulfric,”[/color] she acknowledged. Ece followed suit with a nod of her own. Wulfric then continued to greet the other royals and nobles before turning to look at their new and unwelcome acquaintance. Nahir did a once over her, silently judging her attire before smirking up at Kira. [color=904342]"Why don’t you sit behind us? Ah, the pew is full. Two rows down sounds good does it not? Ece here will join you,"[/color] she suggested, her tone polite but firm. It was clear that Wulfric would not allow Kira to sit with them, but Nahir saw no harm in her sitting nearby. [color=904342]"We can talk after the service, which I think will start soon."[/color] She hoped Kira would take the following minutes to reflect on her approach and adjust her demeanor accordingly. Ece motioned for Kira to go ahead of her, a tight smile on her lips. [/color][/indent][/indent]