[center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Zapdos][@Jay009][@Dark Cloud][/center] With some swift discussion amongst themselves, Second Chance formulated a plan and put it into action. Clive left to double-back to the village of Cherrad, while the others skirted around to the Southside of the Valhiem, taking up a position in the hills between The Mazy Hillocks and Valhiem. With the South River on their left, the option was still open to go underwater to reach their destination or simply use the riverside. Adam's creation of bushes or riverweeds would help in either choice. Either way, Second Chance camped to rest, wait and watch until Clive returned, midnight restored their powers and and the 10 hour rest/sleep brought them back to reasonable fighting fitness. It would be a long and anxious 10 hours, but plenty of time to prepare for a successful inflitration into the beseiged city of Valhiem. [center][u][b]____________________________________________________________________________[/b][/u][/center] Clarissa's team all gasped as the Computer Amplifier started to light up and make noise. It was working? The Mysterious Cube - one brought to Valhiem by Second Chance - sat in the center of the machine, the intricate patterns engraved into were glowing with blue light. But then everyone deflated when the machine powered down. "How?!" an angry scientist exclaimed. "How is that still not enough power?!" "I don't know," another shook his head. "I think we just caused a Brown Out on Citadel Mountain." "At least The Cube and Computer were able to make a connection. That's something." - a more optimistic scientist in the bunch. Clarissa paced slowly back and forth with a finger on her chin. "They said that The Cube dropped from the chest of a Skeleton. I think we're looking at this from the wrong angle." She sighed as she stopped pacing and placed her hands on her hips. "Problem is; what is the right angle?" [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ykNy826.png[/img][/center]