[color=lightgray][h1][center][color=lightsteelblue]Cassius[/color] & [color=teal]Liliane[/color][/center][/h1] [center][h2][color=#B0C4DE]P[/color][color=#92B8CE]a[/color][color=#75ADBE]r[/color][color=#58A1AF]t[/color] [color=#1D8B8F]1[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [color=teal]“Cassius? … Sorry to wake you, but I need your help.”[/color] Closing the window and drawing the curtains closed, Cassius turned his attention towards the door. His intuition led him to believe that whatever Liliane needed from him most likely involved his sister Violet. As he made his way over, he reached to turn the knob but paused just before his hand made contact. He looked down at his body, registering that he wasn’t wearing nearly enough clothes to open that door. [color=lightsteelblue][i]Come on Cassius, you’re not a street dog anymore.[/i][/color] He thought to himself with a playful smirk. [color=lightsteelblue] [i]Gotta wear a shirt when greeting a fancy lady like Liliane.[/i][/color] Quickly grabbing one, he only began the process of buttoning it up as he finally reached for the knob and pulled the door open, his patented smirk still present on his face. [color=lightsteelblue]“Not a worry, Lady Damien. You didn’t wake me. I was up and simply enjoying the morning breeze.”[/color] Cassius stated kindly. [color=lightsteelblue] “Whatever you need, I’m your guy.”[/color] Liliane stood before him in a simple yet elegant navy blue gown. There wasn’t a hair out of place on her blonde head as she met his eyes without a blink. She held out an arm, revealing a black umbrella. [color=teal] “ Good morning sweetheart. It is a rather lovely morning, isn’t it?” [/color] She greeted him with a smile. [color=teal] “It is, however, forecasted to rain so you will need this regardless if you can spare me your time.” [/color] Cas finished buttoning his shirt as she spoke. Then, as the last button as secured, he ran his fingers through his messy hair before responding. He matched her warmth in both expression and in tone. [color=lightsteelblue] “Indeed…It’s rather lovely, actually.”[/color] He said, his thoughts turning back to the beautiful song that helped him overcome the panic of his nightmare. [color=lightsteelblue] “And if we’re to have rain, I’m certainly glad you came prepared.”[/color] Cassius took the umbrella with a thankful nod and hung it on the door handle behind him. [color=lightsteelblue] “I do not mean to delay your plans, milady, and I assure you I have all the time in the world to offer…but perhaps I shall take a moment to at the very least find my boots and throw on a jacket if we’re about to go on a grand adventure together. Is that alright?”[/color] [color=teal] “Of course, but please make haste. I am aware that you were informed of Violet’s disappearance and I know you have experience with this sort of dilemma…I hoped that you would not mind assisting.”[/color] She took a step to the side to give him time as he requested. [color=lightsteelblue] “I am indeed aware of the situation with Violet, and you’re correct…not only am I well versed with this kind of work, but this also isn’t the first time I’ve assisted in bringing dear little sister home from an ordeal such as this. Perhaps together, you and I can catch a lead and find her quickly.”[/color] He stated with reassurance in his voice. [color=lightsteelblue] “But of course, I won’t take long…I promise.” [/color] Cassius took but a moment to get ready before returning to Liliane, grabbing the umbrella off the door as he did so. [color=lightsteelblue] “So…shall we?’[/color] He asked, offering her his arm and a confident smile. She giggled and locked her arm with his. [color=teal] “So dashing!” [/color] Subsequently, Liliane led him downstairs and then picked up a small basket. Its contents were hidden beneath a cloth, however, the tantalizing aroma of fresh pastries wafted up from within. [color=teal] “ I had some breakfast packed for you. “[/color] After handing him the basket, she said, [color=teal] “I had received word that she was spotted in our gardens, but we made no discovery there. I believe she ventured off the estate grounds, and now we shall need to go make some inquiries.” [/color] Cas excitedly looked through the basket as Lily spoke about their first lead. He welcomed a biscuit into his mouth and took a generous bite, making sure to chew quickly so that he wouldn’t be responding with his mouth full. Nodding in agreement with her observation, he finally spoke. [color=lightsteelblue] “In that case, before we begin asking the locals…Would you mind telling me a little more about Violet? Is this type of thing something that happens often? Is there reason to believe that she might be in danger? And forgive me, but matters such as this often need a direct and full-pictured approach…So I hope you don’t mind me asking, but have you considered that she simply doesn’t want to be found?”[/color] [color=teal] “Oh I’m quite certain she does not.”[/color] Lily answered matter-of-factly, yet retained her soft tone nonetheless. [color=teal] “Especially if she ran away on her own accord and this isn’t some elaborate kidnapping.”[/color] She slid onto a stool gracefully and folded her gloved hands on the table. [color=teal] “I have quite the pickle on my hands when it comes to Violet, if you’ve ever so fancied the phrase and can understand… You may judge my choices, but I wish to have an honest relationship with you, Cassius, so I shall explain the situation at hand… But do understand, that you will need to keep this discussion within this household. What I am about to tell you could endanger your life just for knowing, is that understood? ”[/color] [color=lightsteelblue]“You don’t have to worry… Discretion has always been one of my areas of expertise.”[/color] He stated with confidence and panache. [color=lightsteelblue]“Plus, I’ve been working on a theory since the other night. I’m aware that she bears a curse, that much I can say with certainty. The real question is what flavor of curse are we dealing with here? I’d put a lot of father’s gold on it being vampirism, but that’s just a hunch.”[/color] Cassius continued to carry himself with a certain level of nonchalance, but his demeanor shifted slightly as he approached Lily and placed a hand on her shoulder for the sake of reassurance. [color=lightsteelblue] “I understand the danger that comes with such things… I’ve endured those very perils before. The more you tell me, the more I can help. So, I suggest you tell me everything.”[/color] She smiled at him, but this was a smile visibly more genuine, especially to Cassius. [color=teal] “You remind me of your father in the way that not many see of him.”[/color] The countess told him. [color=teal] “You have the same kindness and reassurance he bestows me and his girls… I’m sure he’s rather proud of the person you’ve become.”[/color] She let the words settle in his mind briefly but did not give him much time to respond just yet. [color=teal] “She is a vampire.[/color] Liliane confirmed calmly. [color=teal] “ Your father and Dr. John Williamson found her with an axe driven in her face the other night. She was presumed dead on the scene, however…”[/color] She drew off, choosing her next words carefully, [color=teal] “There is a rare phenomenon where someone may seem dead at first glance, their heart rate slow, their body still, however, they are still clinging to life. It’s a delicate state that may not have persisted much longer. I acted swiftly that night. Your father and I have a connection to mages that can assist at our request, but it was a significant favor to ask. Violet was barely clinging on and waiting until she perished could mean that we’d have to find someone willing to perform necromancy magic, a costly and dangerous task, especially for those without a natural affinity for dark magicae. Healing her was also out of the question I was told. “[/color] Her gaze lowered, [color=teal] “Losing Violet so young was not an option. I knew what it would do to your father, and sadly I feel that the events the last few days are very much damaging his psyche… Anyway, cursing her was our only option in her state, and the effects of such a curse are detrimental and even dangerous to those in her company. We must keep an eye on her and know where she is as much as possible, especially so until I can figure out a way to cure the curse…”[/color] Her voice then softened with sadness. [color=teal] “She resents me for the decision to save her, and she’s also changed a lot from the girl we raised.[/color] Cassius took in each and every word Liliane spoke, allowing the information to ruminate in his mind as he processed it all. Though his expression did not change, he vehemently disagreed with her decision... They should have just let her die. He had seen what such curses could do to a soul, and honestly…it would have been a mercy to let their Violet perish as she was instead of having to witness what Cas was certain she would become. However, he would not say as much. There was no good to come from condemnation in this moment. He had been asked to help find the poor girl, and that’s where his focus remained. Gathering his thoughts, however, he could not resist the urge to speak his mind on one matter. [color=lightsteelblue]”Listen…I do not judge you for your decision. But I do pity you, and I pity Violet. There will be consequences, they have already begun to manifest themselves…and these consequences aren’t simply going to go away. Not ever. For the rest of your lives, as long as she remains cursed like she is, the ramifications of the decision you made that night will follow you.”[/color] He gave her just enough time to let the smoke of his own words clear before he continued. [color=lightsteelblue] “With that understood, I do have a question. Why not just go to your mages for their scrying? Surely they could track her down with a spell?”[/color] Liliane met his eyes as he spoke, but simply only addressed the final question, [color=teal] “We did have the girls on our tracking globe for some time now, but as soon as the curse was enacted, she disappeared off it. We’d have to have the spell redone.”[/color] He nodded in understanding, but again he made his thoughts known. [color=lightsteelblue]”I suggest you do so quickly. Please do not mistake my suggestion as being pushy… I just have enough experience with this type of thing to know that it’s imperative if you want to continue keeping Violet, and those around her safe.”[/color] The thought that came afterward almost forced a subtle smirk to cross his lips, but he held it at bay. He was pondering the weight of Lily’s revelation, the breadth of danger that would certainly come their way, and found a funny sense of irony in the fact that even here…away from the war and turmoil of mercenary life, safety was nothing but a dream men like him could not have the luxury of living. [color=teal] “The request and globe were sent to the mages already. The process will be complete today, however, considering how she was found in the first place, we still must make haste.”[/color] She told him and rose from the seat. [color=teal] “The city guard relayed to me that they heard a rumor that she was sighted at a tavern, so The Tough Tavern will be our first location.”[/color] [color=lightsteelblue]”Then I see no reason to linger here any longer. I know the place… Allow me to lead the way.”[/color][/color]