[img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/b1/c1/e1/b1c1e141d4a3157a177ffeb93ec451e3.jpg[/img] [h2][color=00a651][b]Shou Iwata[/b][/color][/h2] Shou was weary of the tall man towering over him but he didn't show it. Showing fear when greeting his servant wasn't a good look. He pulled his hand back and scratched his head when he saw Berserker wouldn't take it. "[color=00a651]Yes...I am your master[/color]" Shou noticed Berserker looking around. Hopefully, he wasn't judging the place he was summoned in. He already naturally knew Berserker's name but decided an actual introduction was in store "[color=00a651]You're name is Hang Jebat right[/color]" Shou put his head up a bit "[color=00a651]I'm Shou Iwata from the Iwata clan and my wish for the holy grail is to free my brother from his illness what do you desire[/color]" He wasn't telling a lie he did want to free his brother from his illness if he regained his carefree lifestyle along the way who was to judge.